抱卵中に大急ぎで用事を済ませるニワトリ🐓Hen incubating eggs Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks A mother hen with her mouth open while incubating eggs Mikako 自然農と自給暮らし Mama hen that resumed laying has changed Mikako 自然農と自給暮らし Four years after growing peaches from seed, I harvested a lot of sweet peaches のりんご Self-sufficient life. Chicken laid her first egg🦃 Mikako 自然農と自給暮らし 動画編集してる暇無いから総集編でお茶を濁す(ヒヨコ8~9月) ある農夫のヒヨコ育成記録 From Tree to Table: Persimmon Harvest, Drying & Pie Recipe Kənd Həyatı 【前編】卵、温め始めました!生後9ヶ月のにわとり ひよことにわとり🐣 Chick & chicken What I didn't know about chickens Mikako 自然農と自給暮らし When I woke up in the morning, lots of chicks had been born🐣 Mikako 自然農と自給暮らし We made a chicken coop like this【Living with chickens】 Mikako 自然農と自給暮らし A pampered rooster who wants to have his beak cleaned Mikako 自然農と自給暮らし Result of warming 10 fertilized eggs [Living with chickens] 🐣 Mikako 自然農と自給暮らし Would the mother hen be offended if I put the chick on my hand? Mikako 自然農と自給暮らし Reactions of chicks outside the hut for the first time in their lives Mikako 自然農と自給暮らし Mother hen teaching chickens how to eat grass Mikako 自然農と自給暮らし How to grow cantaloupe from store-bought cantaloupe using a small amount of soil のりんご This is what happens when I put a chick in my palm🐥 Mikako 自然農と自給暮らし 地下にできたオオスズメバチの巣をせん滅する おーちゃんねる Catch a BIG fish in such a narrow waterway! マルコス 釣り名人への道 / Marucos Fishing Amazing skill ! 500 Pound Giant bluefin tuna cutting Master, Luxurious sashimi Cate Food Travel 凱特食旅