Mixing Dubbing with Davie McPhail Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Tying the McPhail Caddis Emerger/Dry by Davie McPhail Davie McPhail Dyeing some feathers with Davie McPhail Davie McPhail Tying a Jig Head Shrimp (Gammarus) with Davie McPhail Davie McPhail Cutting and Blending your own Dubbing with Davie McPhail Davie McPhail Looking at Hen Necks/Capes with Davie McPhail Davie McPhail Squirrel Dubbing Mix Oholi's flies How I Remove the Fine Herl from the Peacock Eye Feather.. Davie McPhail Tying the Killer Shrimp Muddler by Davie McPhail Davie McPhail Tying a Sugarlump Emerger with Davie McPhail. Davie McPhail Stripping Peacock Quills tightlinevideo How to tie Baitfish flies with Dubbing Silver Scales - Fishing with Chris Tips on how I store my Salmon Tube Flies.. Davie McPhail Queen of Waters - Wet Fly - Ray Bergman recipe Fly Anorak - Adam Blending Your Own Dubbing, Holsinger's Fly Shop Holsinger's Fly Shop How I Learnt to Whip Finish a Fly with Davie McPhail Davie McPhail Amazing inventions of 60 year old plumber! Endless free water energy idea from PVC pipes and cement Tips Unknown A Quick look at my Tying Room and the Way I store my Materials with Davie McPhail Davie McPhail Dubbing #5 - Blending Perfect Stonefly Nymph Dubbing Chris Mihulka - NW Fishing Stuff Hare's Ear Suspender Buzzer New HD Video 2020 David Downie - Fly Fishing and Fly Tying Tying an Executioner Spey Style Variant by Davie McPhail Davie McPhail