What If the Sith Empire Returned During the Clone Wars (Part 2) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks What If the Sith Empire Returned During the Clone Wars (Part 3) Pente Patrol Star Wars What If the Sith Empire Returned During the Clone Wars (Part 23) Pente Patrol Star Wars What If the Sith Empire Returned During the Clone Wars (FULL Season 1) Pente Patrol Star Wars What If The Clone Troopers RESISTED AGAINST Order 66 The Star Wars Galaxy What if Revan Awakened During The Phantom Menace & Found Anakin Darth Theorist What If Luke Time Traveled & EXPOSED Order 66 to The Jedi Council Jedi & Lords What If The Blackwing Virus Escaped During the Clone Wars Pente Patrol Star Wars What If the Clone Army TOOK OVER the Republic During the Clone War Pente Patrol Star Wars What if Anakin Skywalker Fell IN LOVE With Asajj Ventress? Fantasy Folklore What If The Death Star Was Built DURING The Clone Wars The Star Wars Galaxy What If the Sith Empire Returned During the Clone Wars Pente Patrol Star Wars What if Darth Vader Regenerated his Body & Discarded The Suit Jedi & Lords What If the Sith Empire Returned During the Clone Wars (Full Season 2) Pente Patrol Star Wars What If The Jedi DELETED ORDER 66 During Revenge Of The Sith The Star Wars Galaxy What if Mace Windu Executed Order 65 after Palpatine Revealed Himself Darth Theorist Coruscant has Fallen: What Happened When the Sith Empire Won it all - Sith History #10 Geetsly's What if Yoda FOUND Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine Fantasy Folklore What if The Father From Mortis DIDN'T Erase Anakin's Memories Darth Theorist GojiCenter’s Hybrid Ultima Imperatrix - The Complete Dossier Goji Center Omega-Level Powerhouses in Star Wars: The Strongest Characters Ranked [Legends + Canon] Vader's Fortress 2