Ashe but I shoot a never ending barrage of burning arrows (MOST ANNOYING BUILD EVER) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks AP Yorick- Enemy of the state Country Travis Die Sorgen der Kleinen - League of Legends #007 CounterCookies I CREATED THE MOTHER OF ALL SERAPHINE ULTS! (900+ AP WOMBO COMBOS) TC Zwag THE ABSOLUTE BEST ILLAOI GAME YOU WILL EVER WITNESS! (LEGIT 1V5 THEIR TEAM) TC Zwag This Full AP Malphite video will 100% NEVER be topped... (37 KILLS AND 0 DEATHS) TC Zwag KAYLE BUT MY AUTOS LITERALLY GLITCH THE GAME (2.50 ATTACK SPEED, 2 PENTAKILLS) TC Zwag THIS PERMASLOW ASHE BUILD TURNS THE ENEMIES INTO ICE! (NOBODY CAN MOVE LOL) TC Zwag Bard but I have a Meep Machine Gun that nukes your whole team... (THIS IS HILARIOUS) Zwag Xerath This guy didn't respect my full AP Nautilus mid... so I taught him a valuable lesson TC Zwag This Twisted Fate gold hack gets you DOUBLE everyone in the game... (THIS IS GENIUS) Zwag Xerath When Senna stacks on-hit items her gun becomes a Plasma Rifle... (1 AUTO = 1 KILL) Zwag Xerath League of Legends but I only play Ashe (THE MOVIE) Zwagmo We played the LONGEST Range bot lane in existence... (THE JHIN WAS RAGING LOL!) TC Zwag The absolute most ANNOYING champion in League of Legends (THIS IS PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE) Zwag Xerath I Hit 1000 Stacks on Lethality Nasus and this happened... (Q = 1 SHOT) Zwagmo The absolute BEST Gwen game you will ever witness... (31 KILLS, 1000 AP PENTAKILL) Zwag Xerath When collector Morgana gets a PENTAKILL with one ability (MY BURNS EXECUTE YOU) Zwag Xerath SION BUT I TANK OVER 250,000 DAMAGE WITH THIS BUSTED BUILD! Zwagmo When Singed hits 1200 AP you do NOT want to chase him... (NUCLEAR POISON TRAIL) Zwag Xerath The most TOXIC bot lane in League of Legends... (NEVER ENDING SNARE CHAIN) TC Zwag