22. Firing the AIM-54 Phoenix in Anger Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks 23. Claws Out: F-14 Tomcats over Afghanistan post 9/11 Fighter Pilot Podcast 24. The F-14 Tomcat in Operation Iraqi Freedom Fighter Pilot Podcast 3. The AWG-9 Radar and AIM-54 Phoenix Missile Fighter Pilot Podcast What it's like to Lead the Blue Angels (ep. 190) Fighter Pilot Podcast Monster Plane: Uncovering the Antonov AN-255 (Full Episode) | Superstructures: Engineering Marvels National Geographic 15. The US Air Force F-15 Pilot who Flew the F-14 Fighter Pilot Podcast When a B-17 Tail Fell With a Gunner Inside Yarnhub 17. Keeping 'em Flying: Tomcat Technicians Fighter Pilot Podcast 16. Tomcats over Kosovo Fighter Pilot Podcast 19. The Tomcat and 'Top Gun' (the movie) Fighter Pilot Podcast Flying the F-22 Raptor Demo (ep. 197) Fighter Pilot Podcast How to Land an F-35B on the Boat (ep. 199) Fighter Pilot Podcast 11. F-14D Combat Systems Fighter Pilot Podcast Robin Olds: The Total Fighter Pilot Package Ward Carroll Leading—and Filming!—the Blue Angels (ep. 191) Fighter Pilot Podcast 25. Retiring the F-14 Tomcat Fighter Pilot Podcast Horrors of the Vietnam Air War 50+ Years Later (ep. 192) Fighter Pilot Podcast Secrets of the F-14 Pilot Who Inspired TOP GUN Ward Carroll 26. The End of the F-14 Tomcast (Season 1) Fighter Pilot Podcast Supersonic Jets & Aircraft Carriers: How Naval Aviation Changed Warfare | Angle Of Attack | Spark Spark