Richard III processes through Leicester ahead of his reburial - University of Leicester Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Richard III begins his final journey - University of Leicester University of Leicester News Centre 3. Richard III Society: Leicester Conference - Grey Friars Dig: 'Looking for Richard III project' Richard III Society Richard III: The Burial of the King - History Documentary Banijay History Author Sue Townsend's Funeral in Leicester Pukaarnews Richard III lying in repose - University of Leicester University of Leicester News Centre Richard III Leaving the University of Leicester - FULL CEREMONY University of Leicester King in the Car Park: Richard III skeleton authentic Channel 4 News Richard III - Injuries to the Remains University of Leicester Benedict Cumberbatch reads the poem 'Richard' at the Richard III reburial service | Channel 4 Channel 4 Entertainment Richard III Press Conference in Full University of Leicester King Richard III Cortege Makes its Way Across Leicestershire Pukaarnews Ryan Lian and Juin Teh moved to tears 廖永谊和郑六月为何一起哭了!?#justswipelah Entertainment - Mediacorp They made a MOVIE about the discovery of Richard III's remains!!! Vlogging Through History The reinterment of Richard III - University of Leicester University of Leicester News Centre Richard III: The parking lot king Maclean's King Richard III burial highlights CBC News Opening the Medieval Stone Coffin Found at the Richard III Burial Site University of Leicester Leicester glows to mark the reinterment of Richard III University of Leicester News Centre Historic Moment as Queen’s Grandchildren Mount Vigil Around Her Coffin The Royal Family Channel The Moment Archaeologist Mathew Morris Found Richard III's Remains University of Leicester