52. The Coming of the Son of Man (Mark 13:24-31) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks 54. The Final Passover (Mark 14:12-26) Bruce Gore 10. The Preterist Approach to Revelation Bruce Gore Coming in the Clouds (Mark 13:24-27) Grace to You The Destruction of Jerusalem: The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul Ligonier Ministries The Coming of the Son of Man (Archived) Alistair Begg The Prophecy of Failure (Mark 14:27-31) Grace to You 36. Nero and Imperial Persecution of Christians Bruce Gore What Will The Second Coming Look Like?: The Mark Series pt 54 (13:24-27) Mike Winger 2. Letters to the Seven Churches Bruce Gore 4. The Historicist Approach to Revelation Bruce Gore 51. The Olivet Discourse (part 2: Mark 13:9-23) Bruce Gore Transfiguration (Mark 9:2–12) — A Sermon by R.C. Sproul Ligonier Ministries From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians, Part One (full documentary) | FRONTLINE FRONTLINE PBS | Official 37. The Fall of Jerusalem and the Apocalypse Bruce Gore 1. Historical Setting of the Book of Revelation Bruce Gore The Dark World of Megachurches James Jani What is Heaven like? David Jeremiah 3. The Apocalypse in the Third and Fourth Centuries Bruce Gore The Second Coming: Wrath and Rescue Desiring God Why Jesus Was NOT A Failed Apocalyptic Prophet Mike Winger