Reducing dead spots and wolf tones on your Hofner bass - my approach and simple solution Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Find strings that fit your short scale bass - Demo and options for 30”, 28.6” and Hofner Jonathan Wong 458 Music Podcast 111 - How to solve the problem of dead spots and wolf tones or notes Crimson Custom Guitars Hofner Club Bass Guitar Gets Sorted Out Dave's World of Fun Stuff Dealing with Dead Spots Combinator / Sean Fairchild Hofner Ignition Club Bass - What Does it Sound Like? Deadbeat Studios Modify Your Chinese Hofner to Sound Like The Beatles - Galeazzo Frudua The Beatles Vocal Harmony How to correctly position the bridge on your Hofner Violin Bass Devil & Sons Guitars Ian - Chasing the Sound for "I'll Always Be the One Who Makes You Cry" Eric Hutchinson Hofner Ignition Club Bass's awesome! Johnny Fiacconi Hofner Club Bass vs. Epiphone Rumblekat bass: Can the Rumblekat be an affordable alternative? Jonathan Wong 458 Music How Hofner German Basses are made, an inside look at the building of a Hofner bass rocknrollvintage Hofner 500/1 Bass Dead String. Bridge to Body Fitting. Aka…the dead E string. Backbeat Vintage Which HOFNER BASS do you prefer? (Ignition & Contemporary Models) EllenPlaysBass Hofner Club bass guitar review...hmmm! Michael's Guitar Reviews Hofner Club Bass (Contemporary Series) - Demonstration of sounds Jonathan Wong 458 Music Make your bass play like a DREAM! (5 basic steps) StewMac Hofner Ignition Club Bass | SHORTIES The Bass Channel Are YOU Causing Dead Strings On Your Bass Guitar? Guitar Guts How Paul McCartney's Bass Was Found | The History of his Hofner Bass Vinyl Rewind