Back to that rocks and fish again Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Mixed bag: Two different days, two different rocks Can's Pacific Fishing I catch massive Salmons at Jump Rock, Great Ocean Road Can's Pacific Fishing 10 Police Chases You Wouldn't Believe if Not Filmed Most Dangerous In Search of Top Water Giants Briggsy Sport Fishing Massive Salmon Haul - Surf Coast Victoria The Fish Whisperer I caught Pinkys , salmon on the rock, and cooked Can's Pacific Fishing Landbased Snapper from the Beach and Rocks | Everything You Need to Know Compleat Angler Nedlands Icy cold weather, perfect session on the rocks Can's Pacific Fishing The Shallows Are Overflowing with Monster Dusky Flathead! Fishing With Josh The Mighty Motu Kahawai Session [ Catch and Cook ] Muddy Feet I catch Pinkyes, he catches Gummy Shark at the Point Lillias Can's Pacific Fishing I caught on the pier cooked on the rocks Can's Pacific Fishing Beach Fishing BASICS That I Practice - Catch Dinner in ONE HOUR! Roger Osborne Fishing Shallow Water - BIG Baits And BIG Kingfish Lee Rayner's Fishing Edge Jump Rock washed by freak wave I walk to Lorne Pier Can's Pacific Fishing WILD Tasmanian Fishing Adventure | East Coast Australian salmon CoastfishTV I bagged out on that rocks in 30 minutes Can's Pacific Fishing I went to that rock after years Can's Pacific Fishing Western Port Land Based Snapper Outdoor Adventures with Jarrod Day FISHING NEW GROUNDS SALTAHOLIC