IT WILL END, BUT HOW WILL IT END? SERMON BY DR REI KESIS DURING THE FINALIST SABBATH Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Sermon: Is the Pressure Increasing or Decreasing? – Prof. Rei Kesis Lavington SDA Church "Bible on Prayer" Pr. Rei Kesis l Newlife SDA Church, Nairobi | Mar 4, 2023 2CBN TV If you can't be Single, you can't be Anything - Pr. Rei Kesis Newlife SDA Church Nairobi You Are Not Your Own | Pr. Rei Kesis Victory S.D.A Church Kisumu Are Your Bones Rotting? - Prof. Rei Kesis Rei Kesis Sermon: Can You Address This Shortage? – Pr. Rei Kesis | Lavington SDA Worship Experience Lavington SDA Church Are You Useful? - Prof Rei Kesis Rei Kesis PR REI KESIS: GOD SEES IN US WHAT OTHERS CAN'T SEE! Get The Point Therefore ~ Dr Rei Kesis April 11 Divine Sermon Baraton TV Rei Kesis Why I Don’t Worry When Things Don’t Work Myron Golden Are we Focused or You are Distracting? by Dr. Rei Kesis | 10 Days of Prayer 2019 Day 8| Baraton TV Hope Channel Baraton