These fan-favorite Yu-Gi-Oh decks... are MISERABLE TO PLAY AGAINST! Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks DON'T FORGET THESE UNDERDOG YU-GI-OH DECKS! MBT Yu-Gi-Oh! ...he's back. MBT Yu-Gi-Oh! THESE AMAZING YU-GI-OH! CARDS... were actually terrible. MBT Yu-Gi-Oh! Magic Player Doesn't Understand Yu-Gi-Oh! Draw Cards! ft. @covertgoblue Cimoooooooo FIRE KINGS COOKING WITH GASamina - Pay to Play YuGiOh 13 willy_west_side TABLE 500! 1.4 MILLION ATTACK, REVERSE FTK'S AND OTHER JANK COMBOS IN YU-GI-OH! Farfa The Greatest Upset in Yu-Gi-Oh History Garret \ BEWARE THESE YU-GI-OH RED FLAGS! MBT Yu-Gi-Oh! WE WERE COMPLETELY WRONG ABOUT THESE RETRO YU-GI-OH! FORMATS! MBT Yu-Gi-Oh! THESE AMAZING YU-GI-OH! CARDS... have NEVER seen play. MBT Yu-Gi-Oh! Commander Mold Breakers with Jacob Bertrand | Shuffle Up & Play 66 | Magic: The Gathering Gameplay Tolarian Community College THESE ARE THE MOST POWERFUL YU-GI-OH CARDS EVER PRINTED! (Except...) MBT Yu-Gi-Oh! THAT'S JUST EMBARRASSING!! Yu-Gi-Oh Character Roulette! Dzeeff Magic Player FAILS to Understand Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards! ft.@covertgoblue Cimoooooooo ENDURING YOUR YU-GI-OH! OPINIONS MBT Yu-Gi-Oh! What If Yu-Gi-Oh! Had NO BAN LIST??? COOKED Tournament! | Last Card Standing SEASON 2!!! Farfa THESE TERRIBLE YU-GI-OH CARDS... were BROKEN in Duel Links. MBT Yu-Gi-Oh! We Play YOUR Decks! | Game Knights 75 | Magic: The Gathering EDH Commander Gameplay The Command Zone The Problem With Yugioh Master Duel Ruxin34 THESE EXPENSIVE YU-GI-OH CARDS... are completely worthless. MBT Yu-Gi-Oh!