Reacting to YOUR guitar solos! Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks 12 Year Guitar Journey | Age 9 - 21 Sophie Burrell THESE GUITAR PRODIGIES WILL BLOW YOUR MIND! Sophie Burrell Michael Che & Colin Jost Telling WOMEN JOKES For 30 MINUTES Straight! MICHAEL & COLIN The Genius Of RUSH's "Tom Sawyer" (Neil Peart) Drumeo WHO IS HE!?! First Time Reaction to Van Halen - "Eruption" StaceyRPG What Makes This Song Great? "More Than a Feeling" BOSTON Rick Beato Construction Worker on Piano STUNS EVERYBODY (Best of All Time) Zach Evans - Beginner Piano Lessons ОРЕШКИН: "Дальше хуже": как Путин сходит с ума, что они делят с Трампом, КОГДА ЭТО КОНЧИТСЯ? И Грянул Грэм BILL NELSON | "ADVENTURES IN A YORKSHIRE LANDSCAPE" (reaction) Sight After Dark Top 3 Pink Floyd Solos | Guitar Cover by Sophie Burrell Sophie Burrell What Makes This Song Great? "Comfortably Numb" Pink Floyd Rick Beato I Give Her a Guitar and This Guitarist Shocks The Crowd DØVYDAS TOP 20 ROCK ANTHEMS OF ALL TIME Rick Beato Pink Floyd - On the Turning Away FIRST TIME HEARING! VOCAL REACTION Sing with Emma today The Captain Meets Sophie Burrell Andertons Music Co Steve Jordan Hears Incubus For The First Time Drumeo TheDooo's Best of Omegle (RIP OMEGLE) TheDooo Reacting to Buckethead For The FIRST TIME! || Who Is This Guy?!? Seton Hill Studios ENTER SANDMAN - Metallica | Guitar Cover by Sophie Burrell Sophie Burrell First Time Hearing | 3 Generation Reaction | Nightwish | Ghost Love Score Kathy, Lulu & Donna: Three Generation Reactions