The Modes Ranked by Brightness Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks A Song That Actually Uses Locrian David Bennett Piano 1 Beatles song, 7 modes David Bennett Piano How to Use the LYDIAN Mode 8-bit Music Theory Why Does Music Only Use 12 Different Notes? David Bennett Piano The Most Satisfying Chord Progression in Pop History Paul Davids Making the LOCRIAN scale sound GOOD? (ft. Paul Davids, Ben Levin, Nahre Sol and Samurai Guitarist) Adam Neely 17 ways to play a chord progression David Bennett Piano What would Oasis sound like in each of the 7 modes? David Bennett Piano Songs that use the Lydian mode David Bennett Piano Bohemian Rhapsody in 9 different scales David Bennett Piano Notation Must Die: The Battle For How We Read Music Tantacrul Tik Tok and dissonance do not mix Adam Neely Songs that use the Phrygian mode David Bennett Piano 18 Rhythms you should know David Bennett Piano Demonstrating All 7 Modes in Parallel [MODAL MUSIC THEORY] Signals Music Studio EVERY Time Signature EXPLAINED (using Nintendo Music) Cadence Hira These songs have the same chords... let's swap them! David Bennett Piano What Are Cush Chords? Open Studio Are you TONE DEAF or MUSICALLY GIFTED? (A FUN test for non-musicians) Pardon my Piano music theory is easy. NoMad