又是忙碌的一天,炒盤野生小河魚下酒下飯,配上一碗折耳根吃美了record my rural life Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks 今天扯了很多小葱,做个又香又辣的小葱炒猪肝 Today, stir fry pork liver with scallions 欧妹呀 摘了很多藿麻和野菜,配上臘肉火鍋,直接把藿麻叶當飯吃真厲害Today had delicious wild vegetable hotpot 欧妹呀 Light rain eat cold ear folds, crispy and refreshing 市民朱小雨 上山挖了一堆野蔥和野菜,再煮一大碗面,配上油菜花大口嗦面過癮record my rural life 欧妹呀 湖南長沙逛早市喝早茶,8元肉絲粉3元雙包按,哪個香? 丹牛食 It’s just too much to eat, and the rain is flying today, the rice is not enough to eat. 市民朱小雨 แกงหน่อไม้ เห็ดบดอ่อนซดฮ้อน แกล้มปิ้งปลาขาวอาหารบ้านๆ แซ่บๆ สุดยอดหลาย Hagna Channel 種了很多黃瓜和豆角,再掐堆白菜花來炒肉,幹體力活要吃兩大碗飯record my rural life 欧妹呀 鵝毛大雪不停落,歐妹4斤肥腸做火鍋,大蔥白菜煮一起吃得真過癮record my rural life 欧妹呀 今天挖了很多野蔥,配上菜苔做個爆辣火鍋,把蔥當飯吃到飽record my rural life 欧妹呀 今天掐了很多蒿菜,再做個蘿蔔燉豬蹄,配上整根辣椒大口吃肉過癮record my rural life 欧妹呀 Harvest mosquito nets, eggplants, and choy sum to bring to the market to sell Khương Thị Hoài Pick up trash in Norway, exaggerated waste, tons of bread fruits and vegetables to pick up in sacks! Yooupi食途 Wuhan, China, tens of thousands of people have breakfast together, a huge market/4k 虎三走世界 今天欧妹摘了很多蔬菜,做个美味的腊肉火锅直接吃个够 I picked a lot of vegetables and made a bacon hotpot 欧妹呀 進山摘了很多蕨菜,刺嫩芽和野生香菇,用臘肉一起炒又香又下飯We have wild vegetables and bacon today 欧妹呀 Heungsam signature soup!! Pork backbone stew with chicken, beef!! - Mukbang eating show 흥삼이네 Heungsam's Family 3kg chili, second brother makes ”chili fried meat” 鐵鍋視頻 ลาบปลาโจกแจ่วเพี้ย พริกหน่วยลูกโดด ผักกาดหิ่นของคู่กันแซ่บๆ สุดยอดคัก Hagna Channel 今天歐妹挖了很多野菜,再做個酸湯火鍋,配一盤牛肉把野菜吃到飽Eat wild vegetable beef hot pot today 欧妹呀