Seth Apter - Friday Feature Artist Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Friday Feature Artist - Wen Redmond Fibre Arts Take Two Friday Feature Artist - Toni Hartill Fibre Arts Take Two Creativeworld 2020 - Seth Apter Demo at PaperArtsy booth - monoprinting with gel plate scrapcosy Tara Axford - Friday Feature Artist Fibre Arts Take Two Seth Apter: Mixed Media Show + Tell Seth Apter S4, Ep 35: A Visit with Seth Apter (LIVE with Annie) Video Tutorials from Lorna Crane - Friday Feature Artist Fibre Arts Take Two Friday Feature Artist - Lissa Hunter Fibre Arts Take Two Friday Feature Artist - Debbie Lyddon Fibre Arts Take Two Josef Albers: The Magic of Color | ART+COLOR David Zwirner Sarah Grace Dye - Friday Feature Artist Fibre Arts Take Two Friday Feature Artist - Sandra Meech Fibre Arts Take Two Friday Feature Artist - Abby Monroe Fibre Arts Take Two An industrial look collage on Make It Artsy with Seth Apter (112-2) ksproductionstv Brian Eno on What Art Does Faber Books Friday Feature Artist - Lydia Needle Fibre Arts Take Two Seth Apter Demo: Chalk Acrylics & Dye Sprays on the Gel Plate Seth Apter Friday Feature Artist - Christine Chester Fibre Arts Take Two Seth Apter Rubber Stamps + Journal Prompt Cards Robyn McClendon (Robyn's Rare Birds)