2010-10 张勇在稻盛和夫经营哲学论坛讲演 Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Matt Abrahams: "How to Make Your Communication Memorable" Stanford Graduate School of Business Conducting Effective Negotiations Stanford Graduate School of Business 2008-12 财富故事会,海底捞的另类卖火锅 王很帅 2005 段永平在北京大学总裁班现场演讲 王很帅 Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques Stanford Graduate School of Business 稻盛和夫自傳|用心感受稻盛和夫的成功之道——原來成功如稻盛和夫者,也和普通的你我一樣經歷挫折、飽受磨難,只要敢於夢想、勇於改變,人人皆可為稻盛和夫《稻盛和夫自传》每天听本书 听世界 听世界 Presidenta Boluarte participa del lanzamiento de campaña "Fortaleciendo el capital humano juvenil" TVPerú Noticias Beautiful Piano Music, Vol. 1 | Relaxing Music for Focus, Sleep & Relaxation by Peder B. Helland Soothing Relaxation 【财新时间】张勇:希望海底捞永远在“婴儿期” 财新网 Caixin News 2020-04 罗永浩独家对话一加手机CEO刘作虎 王很帅 2006-07 段永平接受《资本人物》蒋欣然采访 王很帅 2010-12 海底捞创始人张勇:如何克服连锁餐饮的弊端 王很帅 稻盛和夫:《干法》【字幕版有声书】 fairy Jason