Rank 1 AHRI IS BACK! Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Ahri Hard Carries Only For My Team To Do This... LegitKorea One Shot Ahri is BEST AHRI LegitKorea AHRI vs YASUO How to "ALWAYS" Win - (Gameplay Guide) LegitKorea RIOT BROUGHT BACK ONE SHOT AHRI!! LegitKorea The Satisfaction of Beating Mel Every Game (Ahri vs Mel) LegitKorea MOST NOTORIOUS BOOSTED PLAYER(Buttabrain) WON ME $500.. | Humzh humzhlol The enemy team thought I was trolling with AD Sona... and then I got a pentakill TC Zwag We Talked to The Most Delusional League Player... Azzapp LoL [ DOPA ] Day 19 - UNRANK to #1 CHALLENGER " CN SUPER SERVER " Libra CN LOL Ahri just got a huge buff to her Charm and it changes everything (ONE CHARM = ONE KILL) Zwag Xerath How to ALWAYS WIN AHRI VS Lux LegitKorea This Level 1 Tech Changes Ahri Forever LegitKorea Why Ahri is so EASY to Climb with! - Ahri Guide by Skill-Capped Hector Skill-Capped Live Guides CHALLENGER AATROX PLAYER GETS PLACED IN IRON? Naayil The absolute BEST Alistar game you'll ever witness... (41 KILLS IN 25 MINUTES) TC Zwag Rank 1 Ahri Swears Symbiotic Boots Are OP! LegitKorea This Electrocute Buff Is TOO Strong On Ahri LegitKorea He Couldn't BELIEVE I Was The Better Ahri (ft. Shiphtur) LegitKorea The 2x World Champion Tries Set 14 for the First Time! Dishsoap The WORST Ahri Matchup Is Literal Hell (Ahri vs Fizz) LegitKorea