外国人観光客が、舞妓さんにも、花火と提灯のだらりの帯にも感激!京都祇園。Foreign tourists are impressed by the loose obi of maiko! Kyoto
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The smiles of the geisha and maiko are lovely! Foreign tourists are soothed! Gion, Kyoto, Japan.
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【通常版/祇園/舞妓】スゴイ人気😲❗外国人観光客も📷片手にじっと出待ちして…😺宮川町🍁年始の挨拶回り🎌🎍たくさんの美しい舞妓さんや芸妓さん達に出会いました🎵😊 12pm 2024 KYOTO No67
Foreign tourists are delighted to meet a maiko, saying it feels like a dream. Gion, Kyoto, Japan
Foreign tourists are deeply moved by Maiko! Hanamikoji in Gion, Kyoto, Japan is full of cute maiko!
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【通常版/祇園/舞妓】外国人観光客もアッと見とれる京美人😲❗祇園甲部🍁年末恒例の「事始め」🎌🎍😺沢山の美しい舞妓さんと芸妓さんたちに出会いました🎵😊 at 10 am 2023 KYOTO No.61
Hanamikoji is abuzz with Hassaku maiko! Foreign tourists are surprised! in Gion, Kyoto, Japan.
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Foreign tourists are delighted to meet a maiko, saying it feels like a dream. Gion, Kyoto, Japan.
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Suddenly, a maiko appears and a foreign tourist stops talking to her for a moment.Kyoto, Japan.
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