If she saves these shots, her rank is Champ | #5 Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks These tips will help her get to Champ | #6 CBell People STILL Think They Deserve a Higher Rank.. CBell Rocket League Players vs The Rank They Think They Deserve (Attackers Only) CBell I did a Kuxir Pinch with every car in Rocket League: Which car is the fastest? amustycow Pro Vs Hacker in Rocket League... Who's better? Striped Meet The #1 Ranked Rumble Player in Rocket League! (he’s INSANE) Mr-Napkin This Toxic Diamond said he Deserves Champ 2 CBell What ZERO mechanics looks like in Champ CBell I think it’s time I got to Supersonic Legend.. | #1 CBell 2 SSLs vs 3 of Every Rank (but they can cheat) Striped Scoring a Goal for Every Letter of the Alphabet Thanovic Victim - Animator vs. Animation 11 Alan Becker This Diamond should be Grand Champ CBell An UNRANKED player with a pro coach 1 day vs 1 week vs 1 month SunlessKhan The Most Un-Mechanical SSL of ALL TIME JamaicanCoconut Rocket League Players vs The Rank They Think They Deserve Part 3v3 CBell How I Achieved What Less Than 0.5% EVER Have Tuff car. amustycow How ANYONE Can Get Champ in 30 Days... ROCKET LEAGUE **Beginners Start Here** SpookyLuke "My teammates are holding me back" CBell