Let's talk about EVIL RACES Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Removing Default Alignments from "Monstrous Races" SupergeekMike Mistakes TO AVOID When Writing Characters Scrit The Most UNDERRATED Character Archetype in Fiction Scrit The Female Dating Strategy Shoe0nHead The Decline of Storytelling in Media Scrit Snow White is AWFUL - The FOULEST of Them All Nerdrotic Let's Talk About Self Inserts Scrit Production Hell - Alien 3 The Critical Drinker Why is it Hard to Be Evil in Video Games? Strictly Mediocre Europe's Undeciphered Prehistoric Tablets - Enigmatic Artefacts Stefan Milo Top 10 Most POWERFUL Races in Dungeons & Dragons 5E DnD Shorts EAST VS WEST, which one makes better comics? Scrit This High School Turned Into a Fascist Regime in 5 Days Eniqma Galadriel: The Psychopathic Genocidal Demon Beast Despot of Antrim The Problem with Humans in Fantasy Worlds Skallagrim Why you SUCK at writing: Black People Scrit Why Evil Races in Fantasy TTRPGs are Good TRILL Nah, da Vinci Was Literally A Lunatic goblish re: Extra Credits Are Bad Game Commentary JLongbone Trope Talk: Pure Evil Overly Sarcastic Productions