MOST INSANE KILLS of 2022!!! - Call of the Wild Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Top 10 MOST INSANE ALBINOS (Past Year) in Call of the Wild!!! LadyLegendXO Level 8 PLAYER Shoots FIRST DIAMOND in TENSE HUNT!!! - Call of the Wild LadyLegendXO Hunting 3 DIFFERENT Great Ones BACK TO BACK TO BACK On 3 Different Maps! Call of the wild Scarecrow I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft PRISON! *maximum security* PrestonPlayz MOST INSANE KILLS of 2023!!! - Call of the Wild LadyLegendXO The Most UNBELIEVABLE HUNT in EMERALD COAST!!! - Call of the Wild Group Hunt LadyLegendXO The SUPER RARE I Don't Get to Keep!!! - Call of the Wild LadyLegendXO WHAT A YEAR! My Best Trophies & Reactions of 2022! Best of 2022 Montage | Call of the Wild KC Planet SUPER RARE at Level 19 on CRAZIEST GUIDED HUNT Ever!!! - Call of the Wild LadyLegendXO This is the BIGGEST animal I've EVER hunted.. | theHunter: Call of the Wild Rooster Yukon Delivers a SUPER RARE MOOSE on a GUIDED HUNT!!! - Call of the Wild LadyLegendXO Hunting a MAX LEVEL buffalo with a BOW (ᴵ'ᵐ ˢᶜᵃʳᵉᵈ) | theHunter: Call of the Wild Rooster CRAZY RARES Were EVERYWHERE in Yukon!!! - Call of the Wild LadyLegendXO World's Most Dangerous Trap! MrBeast DID I JUST SHOOT a SUPER RARE?!?! - Call of the Wild in Hirschfelden LadyLegendXO We Attempted The 60 Minute Great One Challenge... Call of the wild Scarecrow TOP 10 EASIEST DIAMONDS & HOW TO HUNT THEM in Call of the Wild 2025!!! LadyLegendXO DO THIS to Spawn the GREAT ONE PHEASANT!!! - Call of the Wild LadyLegendXO TREETOP TROPHIES: Treestand-Only Challenge! | theHunter: Call of the Wild - Layton Lakes Rooster 300+ MAX WEIGHT DIAMOND ALBINO MOOSE & I am in SHOCK!!! - Call of the Wild LadyLegendXO