地球の歴史と未来を見た木内鶴彦さん臨死体験とは?!(深堀) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Talk with Tsuruhiko Kiuchi, who has had three near-death experiences! Naokiman 2nd Channel Japan is the next civilization... What is Gaia theory? (deep dive) Naokiman 2nd Channel What is the truth about Fátima's third prophecy? (deep-dive) Naokiman 2nd Channel What is the identity of consciousness, the greatest mystery of mankind? Naokiman Show Who is Mitsuro Sato, a man who knows the unknown world?! Naokiman 2nd Channel What a warning from the Jomon people to the people of today! Naokiman Show Who is Bob Lazar, the man who worked at Area 51! Naokiman 2nd Channel What is the origin of Japan and the future of the earth as told by the head of the Hata clan? Naokiman 2nd Channel What is the truth about aliens told by a priest? Naokiman 2nd Channel Who is the woman who accessed the Akashic Records?! Naokiman 2nd Channel ちょいガチ言語学ラジオ「意味論」#375 ゆる言語学ラジオ What is Aboriginal who has memories of human origins?! Naokiman 2nd Channel Why don't humans ever go back to the moon?! Naokiman Show What a terrible world a nuclear war would bring! Naokiman Show Crazy urban legends of Japan! Naokiman Show 【◯体冷蔵保存、世界的DJの◯…】ナオキマンさんと不可解な◯や怪事件、◯人の値段などについて話したら想像以上に闇が深かった 丸山ゴンザレスの裏社会ジャーニー What is the “truth of this world”, as told by a professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo!? Naokiman 2nd Channel 人間が“死後”どうなるのかについてお話しします シークエンスはやともチャンネル〜1人で見えるもん。〜 Featuring the latest urban legends about July 5, 2025! Naokiman Show Who is the man who deciphered Japan's most powerful prophetic book, “Hitsuki-Shinji”?! Naokiman 2nd Channel