Sermon - John 6:22-40 - Bob Wade Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Sermon - John 7:1-24 - Bob Wade Highlands Church Sermon - John 1:29-34 - Thomas Slager Highlands Church "The Bread of Life (The Everlasting Life Diet)" John 6:25-59; Pastor Jason Fritz Illuminate Community Church When Bread Is Not Enough | John 6 | Gary Hamrick Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA The Bread of Life | John 6:25-40 Citylight Omaha Sermon - John 8:31-38 - Bob Wade Highlands Church Bread for All: Bread for Life - sermon on John 6:24-35 Jo Anne Taylor Sermon - John 15:1-17 - Thomas Slager Highlands Church "From Death to Life" - Who is Jesus? - John 1:6-18; Pastor Jason Fritz Illuminate Community Church "Created to Work" - Genesis 1:28-31 - Thomas Slager Highlands Church The Vinedresser (John 15) Iglesia Bíblica Calvario The Sermon | Jesus Is the Bread of Life | Sermon on John 6:22–59 Open the Bible PRAYER PRAISE AND WORSHIP SONGS Eternal Praise and Worship Sermon - John 1:19-28 - Bob Wade Highlands Church Opposed by Sign Seekers - John 6:22-46 David Guzik Do NOT Begin to PRAY without doing this First: C.S. Lewis Messages Eternal Truths Jesus Came Not to Give Bread, But to Be Bread Desiring God Why We Lose Our Peace – Dr. Charles Stanley In Touch Ministries Bread of Heaven | Rev David Gore | John 6:51-58 Ultimo Uniting Church - Sunday Talks Sermon - Daniel 4 - Thomas Slager Highlands Church