Solina Strings controlled by the DB-01. But why? Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks DB-01 sound design from bleedin' obvious to drum phase offset Richard DeHove Behringer SOLINA or VC340 Vocoder? Analogue String Machines Compared! Wine&Synths The Sounds of Distant Futures Past // Behringer Solina Strings Starsky Carr Behringer Solina Analog Synthesizer: An Ensemble of Historic Sound Reborn Sweetwater Ambient Afternoon with JU-06a, Magneto, Monsoon & Bigsky S E C O N D • S U N Let's Talk About String Synths (with the Behringer Solina) Haze Anderson Beethoven's 7th Symphony mvt 2 loop 432Hz Mind Matters Behringer SOLINA Strings: Getting Creative! Wine&Synths The "slot machine" method of random writing with the DB-01 Richard DeHove How to Use the Behringer Solina to Process Your Synths and Drum Machines Ian Dixon Behringer Pro 800 : du jamais-vu à ce prix ! Monte le Son Behringer SOLINA String Ensemble REVIEW Wine&Synths Nightverb: First day noodlings (no talk) Richard DeHove Cinematic Alpha Cinepads Volume 2 for Soundbox Cinematic Alpha Solina String Ensemble Wolf The Cub Introducing Behringer SOLINA STRING-ENSEMBLE Behringer C E L E S T I A L H A R B I N G E R - Dark Ambient Drone w/ Behringer Crave, Edge, & Pro-1 Amethyst Nightmare Behringer Solina 3rdStoreyChemist AMBIENT - Tuesday Night Production Jam 12/10/24 - Making Ambient in Live 12 Forever Repeating Behringer Solina String-Ensemble - Unlimited Polyphony Synth Strings! Andertons Synths, Keys and Tech