Recreating This Ladle From LOTR: Rings of Power... Is It Legit? Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Blacksmith Reacts to Forging Scenes in the LOTR: Rings of Power! Alec Steele Making a 50lb GIANT Warhammer! Alec Steele Transforming Metal into Art: Crafting a Sword Masterpiece That Works I made a precision gearbox - with NO GEARS. Not An Engineer This Should Be Impossible... Alec Steele Blacksmithing - Making a Hori Hori - Spade,Knife and Saw!? Torbjörn Åhman I Might Have Invented Something New... Inheritance Machining I Built A Legendary Longsword (Sold $65,000) Kyle Royer Can a Novice Blacksmith Forge a Hammer Without My Help? Alec Steele I competed against 70 knife makers in a build-off… Alec Steele Making a Stainless Steel Folding Rope Knife! Part 1 Alec Steele The Worst Warp on a Blade I’ve Ever Had…Not Good! Alec Steele How Japanese Masters Turn Sand Into Swords Veritasium I Built A $24,000 Dagger: 3 Months Work Kyle Royer HUGE Magnet VS Copper Sphere - Defying Gravity- Will a Neodymium Magnet Float Inside? Robinson Foundry 1000 Year Old Tree Blacktail Studio Men Fully Restore the BIGGEST GUN TANK IN THE WORLD | FV4005 Start to Finish @MrHewes Quantum Tech HD I built the BEST AIR ENGINE (New Rotary Design) Integza Restoring This 1800s Saw Makers Anvil! Alec Steele Making an $8000 Damascus Katana Jesse Hu