Jonathan Blow on the Herd Mentality in the Industry Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Social media damages your brain and sabotages your potential (Jonathan Blow) Blow Fan Jonathan Blow on the Design of Jai Jonathan Blow Clips The Problem with Online Communities Blow Fan Windows is a trash fire but it's still the best we have (Jonathan Blow) Blow Fan Jonathan Blow on Deep Work: The Shape of a Problem Doesn't Start Anywhere On Doubt Jonathan Blow on work-life balance and working hard Blow Fan What did people think of my game demo? (Developing 5) Game Maker's Toolkit Game devs are drowning in complicated proprietary systems (Jonathan Blow) Blow Fan Web Jobs Shrinkage and Layoffs - Jonathan Blow gamedev cuts Techniques for dealing with lack of motivation, malaise, depression Jonathan Blow Jonathan Blow on Replacing C++ Jonathan Blow Clips Preventing the Collapse of Civilization / Jonathan Blow (Thekla, Inc) DevGAMM Jon Blow on how they were able to tell if The Witness copy was pirated Michał Gumny Jonathan Blow on Refactoring Anton Swifton The most important talk on programming by Jonathan Blow Not Sure Jonathan Blow on the religion of virtual methods Blow Fan Too People lack the capacity to know what's good (Jonathan Blow) Blow Fan Jonathan Blow on how an operating system should work Anton Swifton Jonathan Blow on unit testing and TDD Jeru Sanders Jonathan Blow on Drivers Anton Swifton