everything about color (literally) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks I Redesigned the ENTIRE YouTube UI from Scratch Juxtopposed The Amazing Math behind Colors! Kuvina Saydaki What is PLUS times PLUS? 2swap How Brands Use Design & Marketing to Control Your Mind Design Theory I Designed Your Goofiest UI Ideas Juxtopposed The Philosophy of Color Duncan Clarke I Redesigned the ENTIRE Instagram UI… But is that enough? Juxtopposed Why Does Water Level Music Sound WET? Cadence Hira The Most Misunderstood Concept in Physics Veritasium Your Colors Suck (it's not your fault) Acerola Why Some Designs Are Impossible to Improve: Quintessence Design Theory Why Your Brain Blinds You For 2 Hours Every Day Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell How are holograms possible? 3Blue1Brown How Minecraft Was Made neo I tried Blurring things in Quirky ways Juxtopposed I Redesigned the ENTIRE Steam UI from Scratch Juxtopposed I Redesigned the ENTIRE Spotify UI from Scratch Juxtopposed How Imaginary Numbers Were Invented Veritasium Color Spaces: Explained from the Ground Up - Video Tech Explained Video Tech Explained when the director happens to be an expert in colour theory Archer Green