Malzahar but my voidlings clear the jungle for me (IT ACTUALLY WORKS?) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks THESE REWORKED TANK ITEMS JUST BROKE CHO'GATH FOREVER! (RIOT MESSED UP BADLY) TC Zwag MASTER YI BUT I HAVE DOUBLE ULT WITH HEXPLATE! (R = MAX ATTACK SPEED) Zwagmo Malzahar but my R drains 100% of your HP instantly (MAX DAMAGE) Zwagmo I AM ON A MISSION TO BECOME RANK 1 MALZAHAR - S14 Malzahar MID Gameplay Guide Prophet Malzahar League of Legends EP-718 (Renata Glasc Top) Zelus Insanitas 50 ULTRA SATISFYING MOMENTS IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS Protatomonster So I think Shaco Support might be broken... (SO MANY ONE SHOTS) Zwagmo Nasus but my Q has no cooldown so I break the stack record (1000 STACKS AT 23 MINUTES) Zwag Xerath This Teemo trash talks me for playing Heimer jungle... so I had to shut him up TC Zwag I DROPPED 33 KILLS WITH ATOMIC BOMB AMUMU! (PRESS R = 10,000 AOE DAMAGE) TC Zwag Nasus but my Q heals my entire health bar (250% LIFESTEAL BUILD) TC Zwag He is just too SLIPPERY | Kha'Zix Jungle RatKing League of Legends but I make my opponents ragequit Zwagmo I played the Most ANNOYING Teemo build in League of Legends... #9 Zwagmo Fiddlesticks but I jump scare this poor Yasuo the entire game (HE DIES 13 TIMES LOL!) TC Zwag When collector Morgana gets a PENTAKILL with one ability (MY BURNS EXECUTE YOU) Zwag Xerath I beat this smurf Vayne so bad she has a mental breakdown (ONE SHOT HER ON REPEAT) Zwag Xerath The most TOXIC bot lane in League of Legends... (NEVER ENDING SNARE CHAIN) TC Zwag Morgana but my pools are HOT TUBS that apply 5 burns at once... (1138 AP, PENTABURN!) Zwag Xerath 17 Minutes of INSTANT GG Pentakills... Protatomonster