Malzahar but my voidlings clear the jungle for me (IT ACTUALLY WORKS?) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks MASTER YI BUT I HAVE DOUBLE ULT WITH HEXPLATE! (R = MAX ATTACK SPEED) Zwagmo The absolute BEST Gwen game you will ever witness... (31 KILLS, 1000 AP PENTAKILL) Zwag Xerath I DROPPED 33 KILLS WITH ATOMIC BOMB AMUMU! (PRESS R = 10,000 AOE DAMAGE) TC Zwag This guy thought I was trolling with Blitzcrank top... so I had to teach him a lesson TC Zwag He is just too SLIPPERY | Kha'Zix Jungle RatKing League of Legends | Malphite vs Cho ' Gath | Pablo Wielki1 WTF? VOLIBEAR ULT HAS A 250% AD RATIO, SO I WENT FULL LETHALITY AND ONE SHOT EVERYONE Zwag Xerath WE PLAYED DOUBLE ASSASSINS IN THE BOT LANE! (NOBODY SURVIVES) Zwagmo Ashe but my Ultimate is UPGRADED! (NUCLEAR ARROWS) Zwagmo Fiddlesticks but I jump scare this poor Yasuo the entire game (HE DIES 13 TIMES LOL!) TC Zwag Teemo but I have UPGRADED Darts (BLEED + POISON) Zwagmo Rammus but I'm a literal CANNONBALL that nukes your whole team (FULL AP RAMMUS) Zwag Xerath This Warwick hack gives you UNLIMITED health and mana... (YOU LITERALLY CAN'T DIE) TC Zwag This lifesteal Olaf build might be a little unfair... (LEGIT NEVER DIE) Zwag Xerath DARIUS BUT MY PASSIVE ONE SHOTS YOU FROM FULL HEALTH! (PENTAKILL WITH BLEEDS) TC Zwag Nasus but my Q has no cooldown so I break the stack record (1000 STACKS AT 23 MINUTES) Zwag Xerath shroom city Chaz McBride The most TOXIC bot lane in League of Legends... (NEVER ENDING SNARE CHAIN) TC Zwag They Kept Fighting Each Other (Renata Glasc Top Lane) | League of Legends Jsquared13 4 Hours of Zwag making enemies rage (TRASH TALKERS GET OWNED!) Zwagmo