Never say "If" writing a Bash script! (Exit codes & logical operators) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Spring Cleaning your Home! (~/, That is...) Luke Smith BASH scripting will change your life NetworkChuck Become a bash scripting pro - full course CODE IS EVERYTHING Let's Write A Script! | How To Create BASH Scripts In Linux Joe Collins (EzeeLinux) Using `sed` and Regular Expressions (Unix/Linux command line) Luke Smith Bash Scripting Tutorial for Beginners Regular Expressions (Regex): All the Basics Luke Smith Bash Scripting for Beginners: Complete Guide to Getting Started - If Statements (Part 5) Learn Linux TV A Beginner's Introduction to BASH Shell Scripting Joe Collins (EzeeLinux) Terminal vs. Bash vs. Command line vs. Prompt Luke Smith Andrew Kelley Practical Data Oriented Design (DoD) ChimiChanga Bash and the Terminal for Absolute Noobs Luke Smith I'm 57. If you're in your 20's please watch this. Mark Tilbury Creating Your Own Programming Language - Computerphile Computerphile Shell Scripting Tutorial Derek Banas ðĐâðŧ Python for Beginners Tutorial Kevin Stratvert Beginner's Guide to the Bash Terminal Joe Collins (EzeeLinux) Introduction to Advanced Bash Usage - James Pannacciulli @ OSCON 2014 James Pannacciulli Become a shell wizard in ~12 mins CODE IS EVERYTHING Bash Scripting - Variables, Arrays, If-Then-Else DistroTube