I'M ADDICTED TO STACKS 🥴 Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks MAYBE THIS WAS TOO MUCH... 💀💀💀 Thebausffs MY NEW KILL RECORD! Thebausffs 11K HEALTH RIOOOOOOOT!! Thebausffs Rammus but I'm a literal CANNONBALL that nukes your whole team (FULL AP RAMMUS) Zwag Xerath ROCK SOLID! Naayil 11K HEALTH WHAAAT?! NEW RECORD! Thebausffs I HAVE BEEN INVITED TO CHAMPIONS QUEUE! Thebausffs 600CS at 30 MINUTES? *UNBEATABLE NEW STRATEGY* Midbeast GOODBYE, YOU WILL BE MISSED 😭😭 Thebausffs JHIN TOP RETURNS! Thebausffs MY BEST RAMMUS GAME EVER! *1300 ARMOR* Thebausffs I Hit 1000 Stacks on Lethality Nasus and this happened... (Q = 1 SHOT) Zwagmo I TANKED 300K MITIGATED DAMAGE! WORLD RECORD?? Thebausffs CAEDREL JUST BLAST CONED IT!!! - NNO Grand Finals vs PIGS Los Ratones MY MOST INTENSE GAME OF ALL TIME! 110K DAMAGE 😱😱 Thebausffs Thebausffs Plays League Of Legends: master 130 lp start (Twitch Stream) League of Legends Moments I DESTROOOOOYED THEM!! SUMMER RUMBLE DAY 1 & 2 Thebausffs This Math Teacher Outplayed The Pros For 6-Figures! ♠️ PokerStars PokerStars When the #1 Shen gets tired of losing... *28.0 KDA CARRY* xPetu I FOUND MY BEST FRIEND TYLER1! (I don't think I'm his best friend tho) Thebausffs