EP. 14 WIND Against CURRENT | Our First Experience Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks EP. 15 The Chesapeake Bay is WILD | 35 Knot GUSTS! Sailing Seawind We Must Leave NOW (not safe here anymore) EP. 109 Sailing Seawind This is the end for us (not clickbait) EP. 123 Sailing Seawind Overwhelmed and Defeated: Mistake Buying This Boat? 😫⛵️ Expedition Drenched Retirement Cruising on our Nordhavn47-Episode 1 MV Escapade At BREAKING POINT After 8000 Miles Sailed (Why Didn't We Replace This Sooner? ) // Teulu Tribe Teulu Tribe Sailing Couple Tragic Accident At Sea - Lady K Sailing Ep 306 Lady K Sailing We messed up...Hidden DANGERS Under the WATER EP. 107 Sailing Seawind FASTEST SAIL EVER on Ruby Rose 2! | Catamaran Sailing in Greece Sailing Ruby Rose LIFE UPDATE ⛵️I have A LOT to tell you EP. 122 Sailing Seawind FIXING our Shaft Seal LEAK and Checking out the Deltaville Maritime Museum Scho and Jo It's Our LAST Sail 😱 (and everything is breaking) EP. 121 Sailing Seawind Sailing My Home from Deltaville to Solomon's Island on the Chesapeake Bay! Bret and Marisa The SHOCKINGLY Comfortable Million Dollar Sailboat From Moody Practical Sailor Buddy Boat Life with Teulu Tribe ⛵️ EP. 117 Sailing Seawind IF I DON'T COME BACK.. A Solo Boat Camping Adventure.. Chris Bamman 14 Years On A Self Sufficient Sailboat (How It’s Possible) ⛵️ Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 441 Sailing SV Delos Plans Shattered. What do we do now? Sailing La Vagabonde Ingenious Construction Workers That Are at Another Level UNSORTED Flying our BIGGEST Sail for the FIRST TIME! EP. 105 Sailing Seawind