Radiant Aim (Seriously) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Stop communicating while hunting duels Woohoojin I Watched 29 CS2 Aim Videos to Create the Ultimate Aim Guide WilsonCS2 A Duelist Main Will Know The Answer Woohoojin This student faced a professional player Woohoojin Why Your VALORANT Aim Sucks (and how to fix it) OffBrandOW Your Idea of Crosshair Placement Is Wrong royalG Ranked 14 Radiant insisted I Coached Them..... Woohoojin He clapped me in ranked and made me review the footage Woohoojin How Tenz deals with BAD teammates Woohoojin The most Timid Aim Demon EVER Woohoojin Why you're not Consistent Woohoojin How Radiants Win Duels With Positioning Woohoojin These 46 minutes cover EVERY Valorant mechanic (No BS) Konpeki WARMING UP IN FACEIT 4000 ELO jLcs2 The Main Thing that Keeps Players Hardstuck Woohoojin Why 96% of Players Have Suboptimal Aim kazebuchi Stop losing rounds slowly while staring at smokes Woohoojin Stop Watching your team Die Woohoojin