Festspiel Orchester Gottingen Song List
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 9: D'ogni crudel martir (2) [Live]
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Anna Dennis, Christopher Lowrey, Thomas Cooley, Franziscka Gottwald & Owen Willetts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 9: D'ogni crudel martir (1) [Live]
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Anna Dennis & Christopher Lowrey
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 9: Sposa, figlio (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Christopher Lowrey
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 9: Mio caro, caro bene (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Anna Dennis
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 9: Se amici siete (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Christopher Lowrey & Thomas Cooley
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 8: Vivi, tiranno (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Christopher Lowrey
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 7: Che miro? (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Anna Dennis, Christopher Lowrey, Thomas Cooley & Julien Van Mellaerts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 6: Pastorello d'un povero armento (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Thomas Cooley
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 6: Fatto inferno (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Thomas Cooley
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 4: Ahi, perché giusto ciel (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Anna Dennis
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 4: Non temere (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Anna Dennis & Franziska Gottwald
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 3: Chi di voi fu più infedele (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Christopher Lowrey & Owen Willetts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 2: Tra sospetti (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Thomas Cooley
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 2: O falso è Bertarido (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Thomas Cooley & Julien Van Mellaerts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 1: Quanto più fiera (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Franziska Gottwald
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 1: Con opra giusta (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Franziska Gottwald
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 1: Un zeffiro spirò (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Owen Willetts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act III Scene 1: Del german nel periglio (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Franziska Gottwald & Owen Willetts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 7: Io t'abbraccio, e più che morte (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Anna Dennis & Christopher Lowrey
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 7: Non ti bastò, consorte (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Anna Dennis & Christopher Lowrey
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 7: Tuo drudo è mio rivale (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Thomas Cooley
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 7: Ah, sì! Ecco lo sposo (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Anna Dennis, Christopher Lowrey & Thomas Cooley
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 6: Ritorna, o caro (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Anna Dennis
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 5: Scacciata dal suo nido (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Christopher Lowrey
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 5: Ah no, che non m'inganna (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Christopher Lowrey, Franziska Gottwald & Owen Willetts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 5: Con rauco mormorio (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Christopher Lowrey & Franziska Gottwald
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 4: Fra tempeste funeste (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Owen Willetts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 4: Sì, sì, fellon (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Owen Willetts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 4: Tirannia gli diede il regno (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Julien Van Mellaerts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 4: Massime così indegne (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Julien Van Mellaerts & Owen Willetts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 4: Prigioniera ho l'alma in pena (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Thomas Cooley
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 4: Unulfo, Garibaldo, in questo seno (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Thomas Cooley, Julien Van Mellaerts & Owen Willetts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 3: Spietati, io vi giurai (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Anna Dennis
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 3: Rodelinda, è pur ver? (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Anna Dennis, Thomas Cooley, Julien Van Mellaerts & Owen Willetts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 2: De' miei scherni (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Franziska Gottwald
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act II Scene 1: Già perdesti, o signora (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Anna Dennis, Julien Van Mellaerts & Owen Willetts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 11: Confusa si miri (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Christopher Lowrey
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 11: Sì, l'infida consorte (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Christopher Lowrey
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 10: Sono i colpi della sorte (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Owen Willetts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 10: Unulfo, oh Dio! (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Christopher Lowrey & Owen Willetts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 9: Se per te giungo a godere (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Thomas Cooley
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 9: E ben, duca, poss'io (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Thomas Cooley & Julien Van Mellaerts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 8: Morrai, sì (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Anna Dennis
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 8: Baci inutili e vani (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Anna Dennis, Christopher Lowrey, Julien Van Mellaerts & Owen Willetts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 7: Ombre, piante, urne funeste (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Anna Dennis, Christopher Lowrey & Owen Willetts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 6: Ma giunge Unulfo (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Christopher Lowrey & Owen Willetts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 6: Dove sei, amato bene? (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Christopher Lowrey
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 6: Pompe vane di morte (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Christopher Lowrey
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 5: Di Cupido impiego i vanni (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Julien Van Mellaerts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 5: Eduige, t'inganni (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Julien Van Mellaerts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 4: Lo farò (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Franziska Gottwald
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 4: E tu dici d'amarmi? (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Franziska Gottwald & Julien Van Mellaerts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 3: Io già t'amai (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Thomas Cooley
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 2: Duca, vedesti mai (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Thomas Cooley, Franziska Gottwald & Julien Van Mellaerts
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 1: L'empio rigor del fato (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Anna Dennis
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 1: Regina? (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings, Anna Dennis & Thomas Cooley
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19, Act I Scene 1: Ho perduto il caro sposo (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Anna Dennis
Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19: Ouverture - Menuet (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283 "Dettingen": XV. O Lord, in Thee Have I Trusted (Live)
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283 "Dettingen": XIV. Vouchsafe, O Lord (Live)
Cody Quattlebaum, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283 "Dettingen": XIII. Day by Day We Magnify Thee (Live)
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283 "Dettingen": XII. Make Them to Be Number'd (Live)
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283 "Dettingen": XI. We Therefore Pray Thee (Live)
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283 "Dettingen": X. Symphony (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283 "Dettingen": IX. Thou Sittest at the Right Hand of God (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283 "Dettingen": VIII. When Thou Hadst Overcome the Sharpness of Death (Live)
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283 "Dettingen": VII. When Thou Tookest upon Thee (Live)
Cody Quattlebaum, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283 "Dettingen": VI. Thou Art the King of Glory (Live)
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Cody Quattlebaum
Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283 "Dettingen": V. The Glorious Company of the Apostels (Live)
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283 "Dettingen": IV. To Thee Cherubim and Seraphim (Live)
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283 "Dettingen": III. To Thee All Angels Cry Aloud (Live)
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283 "Dettingen": II. All the Earth Doth Worship Thee (Live)
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
Te Deum in D Major, HWV 283 "Dettingen": I. We Praise Thee, O God (Live)
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 24, Virtue Will Place Thee in That Blest Abode (Live)
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 23, Lead, Goddess, Lead the Way! (Live)
Diana Moore, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 22, The Sounds Breathe Fire (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Diana Moore
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 21, Arise! Mount the Steep Ascent (Live)
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 20, Mount, Mount the Steep Ascent (Live)
Rachel Kelly, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 19, Mount, Mount the Steep Ascent (Live)
Rachel Kelly, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 18, Where Shall I Go? (Live)
Diana Moore, Fflur Wyn, Rachel Kelly, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 17, Oh! Whither, Reason, Dost Thou Fly? (Live)
Diana Moore, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 16, Enjoy the Sweet Elysian Grove (Live)
Nathan Haller, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 15, Yet, Can I Hear That Dulcet Lay (Live)
Diana Moore, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 14, Short Is My Way, Fair, Easy, Smooth and Plain (Live)
Fflur Wyn, Diana Moore, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 13, Turn Thee, Youth, to Joy and Love (Live)
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Fflur Wyn
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 12, Hearst Thou, What Dangers Then Thou Must Engage? (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Fflur Wyn
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 11, So Shalt Thou Gain Immortal Praise (Live)
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Rachel Kelly
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 10, in Peace, in War (Live)
Rachel Kelly, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 9, Go, Assert Thy Heav'nly Race (Live)
Rachel Kelly, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 8, Rise, Youth! Exalt Thyself and Me (Live)
Rachel Kelly, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 7, This Manly Youth's Exalted Mind (Live)
Rachel Kelly, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 6, Away, Mistaken Wretch, Away! (Live)
Rachel Kelly, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 5, While for Thy Arms That Beauty Glows (Live)
Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Fflur Wyn
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 4, There the Brisk Sparkling Nectar Drain (Live)
Fflur Wyn, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 3, Come, Blooming Boy (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & Fflur Wyn
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 2, See Hercules! How Smiles Yon Myrtle Plain (Live)
Fflur Wyn, Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 1, Sinfonia (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen & Laurence Cummings
Saul, HWV 53: No. 86, Gird on Thy Sword, Thou Man of Might (Live)
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen, Laurence Cummings & NDR Chor