Jean Watson Song List
Die Walküre, Act III: Hier bin ich, Vater. Gebiete die Strafe! (Live)
Astrid Varnay, Hans Hotter, Jean Watson, Judith Pierce, Noreen Berry, Joan Carlyle, Una Hale, Margreta Elkins, Lauris Elms, Marjorie Thomas, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Franz Konwitschny
Die Walküre, Act III: Wo ist Brünnhild', wo die Verbrecherin? (Live)
Hans Hotter, Jean Watson, Judith Pierce, Noreen Berry, Joan Carlyle, Una Hale, Margreta Elkins, Lauris Elms, Marjorie Thomas, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Franz Konwitschny
Die Walküre, Act III: Fort denn eile, nach Osten gewandt! (Live)
Astrid Varnay, Amy Shuard, Hans Hotter, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Franz Konwitschny, Jean Watson, Judith Pierce, Noreen Berry, Joan Carlyle, Una Hale, Margreta Elkins, Lauris Elms & Marjorie Thomas
Die Walküre, Act III: Nicht sehre dich Sorge um mich (Live)
Astrid Varnay, Amy Shuard, Jean Watson, Judith Pierce, Noreen Berry, Joan Carlyle, Una Hale, Margreta Elkins, Lauris Elms, Marjorie Thomas, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Franz Konwitschny
Die Walküre, Act III: Schützt mich und helft in höchster Not! (Live)
Astrid Varnay, Jean Watson, Judith Pierce, Noreen Berry, Joan Carlyle, Una Hale, Margreta Elkins, Lauris Elms, Marjorie Thomas, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Franz Konwitschny
Die Walküre, Act III: Zu Ortlindes Stute stell' deinen Hengst (Live)
Jean Watson, Judith Pierce, Noreen Berry, Joan Carlyle, Una Hale, Margreta Elkins, Lauris Elms, Marjorie Thomas, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Franz Konwitschny
Die Walküre, Act III: Hojotoho! Hojotoho! (Live)
Jean Watson, Judith Pierce, Noreen Berry, Joan Carlyle, Una Hale, Margreta Elkins, Lauris Elms, Marjorie Thomas, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Franz Konwitschny
Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Ella e pura: in braccio a morte (Riccardo)
Paolo Silveri, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Alda Noni, Jan Wallace, Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Mirto Picchi, Jean Watson, Harvey Alan, Ljuba Welitsch & Francis Loring
Un ballo in maschera: Act III: E tu ricevi il mio! (Renato)
Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Francis Loring, Paolo Silveri, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Jan Wallace, Ljuba Welitsch, Mirto Picchi, Alda Noni, Harvey Alan & Jean Watson
Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Ah! Perche qui! Fuggite! (Amelia, Riccardo)
Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Mirto Picchi, Alda Noni, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Jan Wallace, Harvey Alan, Vittorio Gui, Jean Watson, Francis Loring & Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra
Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Saper vorreste di che si veste (Oscar)
Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Jean Watson, Francis Loring, Harvey Alan, Paolo Silveri, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Alda Noni, Jan Wallace, Mirto Picchi & Ljuba Welitsch
Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Fervono amori e danze (Chorus)
Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Jan Wallace, Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Mirto Picchi, Francis Loring, Alda Noni, Jean Watson & Harvey Alan
Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Forse la soglia attinse (Riccardo)
Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Jean Watson, Jan Wallace, Harvey Alan, Vittorio Gui, Mirto Picchi, Alda Noni, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra & Francis Loring
Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Il messaggio entri! (Renato)
Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Jean Watson, Francis Loring, Paolo Silveri, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Alda Noni, Ljuba Welitsch, Vittorio Gui, Mirto Picchi, Harvey Alan & Jan Wallace
Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Qual e dunque l'eletto? (Renato)
Paolo Silveri, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Mirto Picchi, Alda Noni, Francis Loring, Ljuba Welitsch, Jean Watson, Jan Wallace, Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra & Harvey Alan
Un ballo in maschera: Act III: D'una grazia vi supplico (Renato)
Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Mirto Picchi, Jean Watson, Harvey Alan, Paolo Silveri, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Alda Noni, Francis Loring, Jan Wallace & Ljuba Welitsch
Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Dunque l'onta di tutti sol una (Renato, Samuel, Tom)
Mirto Picchi, Jean Watson, Jan Wallace, Harvey Alan, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Alda Noni, Francis Loring, Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Vittorio Gui & Glyndebourne Festival Chorus
Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Siam soli. Udite (Renato)
Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Vittorio Gui, Jean Watson, Jan Wallace, Harvey Alan, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Mirto Picchi, Alda Noni, Francis Loring & Glyndebourne Festival Chorus
Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Eri tu che macchiavi quell'anima (Renato)
Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Mirto Picchi, Francis Loring, Harvey Alan, Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Alda Noni, Jean Watson & Jan Wallace
Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Alzati! La tuo figlio (Renato)
Alda Noni, Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Francis Loring, Jan Wallace, Mirto Picchi, Jean Watson & Harvey Alan
Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Morro, ma prima in grazia (Amelia)
Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Alda Noni, Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Jean Watson, Jan Wallace, Harvey Alan, Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Francis Loring & Mirto Picchi
Un ballo in maschera: Act III: A tal colpa e nulla il pianto (Renato, Amelia)
Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Alda Noni, Francis Loring, Jan Wallace, Jean Watson, Harvey Alan & Mirto Picchi
Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Ve'se di notte (Samuel, Tom, Chorus)
Paolo Silveri, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Vittorio Gui, Alda Noni, Jean Watson, Francis Loring, Jan Wallace, Harvey Alan, Ljuba Welitsch, Mirto Picchi & Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra
Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Seguitemi (Renato, Amelia)
Paolo Silveri, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Mirto Picchi, Jan Wallace, Ljuba Welitsch, Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Alda Noni, Jean Watson, Francis Loring & Harvey Alan
Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Odi tu come fremono cupi (Amelia, Renato)
Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Alda Noni, Jean Watson, Francis Loring, Harvey Alan, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Mirto Picchi, Paolo Silveri & Jan Wallace
Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Amico, gelosa t'affido una cura (Riccardo, Renato)
Paolo Silveri, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Alda Noni, Francis Loring, Jean Watson, Jan Wallace, Ljuba Welitsch, Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Mirto Picchi & Harvey Alan
Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Ahime, s'appressa alcun (Amelia, Riccardo, Renato)
Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Mirto Picchi, Harvey Alan, Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Alda Noni, Francis Loring, Jean Watson & Jan Wallace
Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Non sai tu che se l'anima mia (Riccardo, Amelia)
Vittorio Gui, Mirto Picchi, Jan Wallace, Harvey Alan, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Alda Noni, Francis Loring, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Jean Watson & Paolo Silveri
Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Teco io sto! (Riccardo, Amelia)
Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Mirto Picchi, Jean Watson, Harvey Alan, Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Francis Loring, Alda Noni & Jan Wallace
Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Ma dall'arido stelo divulsa (Amelia)
Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Alda Noni, Jean Watson, Harvey Alan, Francis Loring, Jan Wallace & Mirto Picchi
Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Ecco l'orrido campo (Amelia)
Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Jean Watson, Jan Wallace, Harvey Alan, Vittorio Gui, Alda Noni, Mirto Picchi, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra & Francis Loring
Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Prelude
Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Mirto Picchi, Harvey Alan, Alda Noni, Jean Watson, Francis Loring & Jan Wallace
Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Finisci il vaticinio (Riccardo, Ulrica, Samuel, Tom)
Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Mirto Picchi, Jan Wallace, Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Vittorio Gui, Alda Noni, Francis Loring, Jean Watson & Harvey Alan
Un ballo in maschera: Act I: E scherzo od e follia (Riccardo)
Ljuba Welitsch, Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Jean Watson, Francis Loring, Harvey Alan, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Alda Noni, Paolo Silveri, Mirto Picchi & Jan Wallace
Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Di tu, se fedele (Riccardo)
Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Francis Loring, Vittorio Gui, Mirto Picchi, Jean Watson, Harvey Alan, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Jan Wallace & Alda Noni
Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Che v'agita cosi? (Ulrica)
Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Jean Watson, Francis Loring, Harvey Alan, Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Alda Noni, Mirto Picchi & Jan Wallace
Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Su, fatemi largo (Silvano, Ulrica)
Paolo Silveri, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Mirto Picchi, Alda Noni, Jean Watson, Francis Loring, Harvey Alan, Ljuba Welitsch & Jan Wallace
Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Zitti … l'incanto non dessi turbare (Chorus)
Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Mirto Picchi, Jean Watson, Harvey Alan, Paolo Silveri, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Alda Noni, Francis Loring, Jan Wallace & Ljuba Welitsch
Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Ogni cura si doni al diletto (Riccardo)
Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Mirto Picchi, Alda Noni, Francis Loring, Jean Watson, Jan Wallace, Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra & Harvey Alan
Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Volta la terrea (Oscar)
Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Vittorio Gui, Jean Watson, Francis Loring, Harvey Alan, Mirto Picchi, Alda Noni, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra & Jan Wallace
Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Il primo giudice (Oscar, Riccardo)
Vittorio Gui, Jean Watson, Jan Wallace, Harvey Alan, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Mirto Picchi, Alda Noni, Francis Loring, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus & Paolo Silveri
Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Alla vita che t'arride (Renato)
Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Francis Loring, Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Mirto Picchi, Jean Watson, Harvey Alan, Jan Wallace & Alda Noni
Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Il cenno mio di la con essi attendi (Riccardo)
Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Mirto Picchi, Jean Watson, Francis Loring, Harvey Alan, Paolo Silveri, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Alda Noni, Jan Wallace & Ljuba Welitsch
Un ballo in maschera: Act I: La rivedro nell'estasi (Riccardo)
Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Mirto Picchi, Francis Loring, Harvey Alan, Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Alda Noni, Jean Watson & Jan Wallace
Un ballo in maschera: Act I: S'avanza il principe (Oscar, Riccardo)
Jean Watson, Jan Wallace, Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Mirto Picchi, Alda Noni, Paolo Silveri, Harvey Alan, Ljuba Welitsch, Francis Loring & Glyndebourne Festival Chorus
Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Posa in pace (Chorus)
Vittorio Gui, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Alda Noni, Paolo Silveri, Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Jan Wallace, Mirto Picchi, Francis Loring, Jean Watson & Harvey Alan
Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Prelude
Ljuba Welitsch, Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra, Mirto Picchi, Jan Wallace, Paolo Silveri, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Vittorio Gui, Alda Noni, Francis Loring, Jean Watson & Harvey Alan
Peter Grimes, Op. 33: Now the Great Bear and Pleiades
Sir Peter Pears, Marion Studholme, Iris Kells, Raymond Nilsson, James Pease, Jean Watson, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Benjamin Britten
Peter Grimes, Act Three: XI. to Those Who Pass the Borough.
Benjamin Britten, Chorus & Orchestra of the Royal Opera, Covent Garden, Jean Watson, Owen Brannigan & Raymond Nilsson
Peter Grimes, Act Three: VI. Mr. Swallow! I Want the Lawyer Swallow!
Benjamin Britten, David Kelly, Jean Watson, Lauris Elms, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Owen Brannigan
Peter Grimes, Act Two: XI. from the Gutter
Benjamin Britten, Claire Watson, Iris Kells, Jean Watson, Marion Studholme & Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden
Peter Grimes, Act Two: VIII. We Planned That Their Lives
Benjamin Britten, Chorus & Orchestra of the Royal Opera, Covent Garden, Claire Watson, David Kelly, Geraint Evans, Iris Kells, James Pease, Jean Watson, John Lanigan, Lauris Elms, Marion Studholme, Owen Brannigan & Raymond Nilsson
Peter Grimes, Act Two: VII. People!...I Willl Speak!
Benjamin Britten, Chorus & Orchestra of the Royal Opera, Covent Garden, Claire Watson, James Pease, Jean Watson, John Lanigan & Raymond Nilsson
Peter Grimes, Act Two: VI. What Is It?
Benjamin Britten, Chorus & Orchestra of the Royal Opera, Covent Garden, Geraint Evans, Iris Kells, James Pease, Jean Watson, John Lanigan, Lauris Elms, Marion Studholme, Owen Brannigan & Raymond Nilsson
Peter Grimes, Act Two: V. Fool to Let It Come to This
Benjamin Britten, Chorus & Orchestra of the Royal Opera, Covent Garden, Geraint Evans, James Pease, Jean Watson, Lauris Elms & Raymond Nilsson
Peter Grimes, Act One: XIV. The Bridge Is Down, We Half Swam Over
Benjamin Britten, Chorus & Orchestra of the Royal Opera, Covent Garden, Claire Watson, Geraint Evans, Iris Kells, James Pease, Jean Watson, Marion Studholme, Raymond Nilsson & Sir Peter Pears
Peter Grimes, Act One: XIII. Old Joe Has Gone Fishing
Benjamin Britten, Chorus & Orchestra of the Royal Opera, Covent Garden, Geraint Evans, Jean Watson & Sir Peter Pears
Peter Grimes, Act One: XII. Now the Great Bear and Pleiades
Benjamin Britten, Chorus & Orchestra of the Royal Opera, Covent Garden, Iris Kells, James Pease, Jean Watson, Marion Studholme, Raymond Nilsson & Sir Peter Pears
Peter Grimes, Act One: XI. Have You Heard?
Benjamin Britten, Chorus & Orchestra of the Royal Opera, Covent Garden, Geraint Evans, James Pease, Jean Watson & Lauris Elms
Peter Grimes, Act One: IX: Past Time to Close!
Benjamin Britten, Iris Kells, James Pease, Jean Watson, Lauris Elms, Marion Studholme, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Raymond Nilsson
Peter Grimes, Act One: II. Hi! Give Us a Hand
Benjamin Britten, Geraint Evans, James Pease, Jean Watson, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Raymond Nilsson & Sir Peter Pears
Peter Grimes, Act One: I. Oh, Hang At Open Doors
Benjamin Britten, Chorus & Orchestra of the Royal Opera, Covent Garden, Geraint Evans, Iris Kells, James Pease, Jean Watson, John Lanigan, Lauris Elms, Marion Studholme, Owen Brannigan & Raymond Nilsson
Peter Grimes, Op. 33: "To Those Who Pass the Borough"
Benjamin Britten, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Owen Brannigan, Jean Watson, Raymond Nilsson & Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden
Peter Grimes, Op. 33, Act III: "To Those Who Pass The Borough"
Owen Brannigan, Benjamin Britten, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Jean Watson, Raymond Nilsson & Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden
Peter Grimes, Op. 33, Act III: "Mr. Swallow!"
Lauris Elms, Benjamin Britten, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Jean Watson, Owen Brannigan & David Kelly
Peter Grimes, Op. 33, Act II: "From the Gutter"
Marion Studholme, Benjamin Britten, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Iris Kells, Jean Watson & Claire Watson
Peter Grimes, Op. 33, Act II: "What Is It?"
Jean Watson, Benjamin Britten, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Raymond Nilsson, Geraint Evans, Owen Brannigan, Marion Studholme, Iris Kells, John Lanigan, Lauris Elms, James Pease & Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden
Peter Grimes, Op. 33, Act II: "We Planned That Their Lives"
Claire Watson, Benjamin Britten, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, John Lanigan, Lauris Elms, Raymond Nilsson, Geraint Evans, Owen Brannigan, Marion Studholme, Iris Kells, Jean Watson, James Pease, David Kelly & Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden
Peter Grimes, Op. 33, Act II: "Fool To Let It Come To This!"
Benjamin Britten, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Jean Watson, Geraint Evans, Raymond Nilsson, Lauris Elms & James Pease
Peter Grimes, Op. 33, Act II: "People!.No! I Will Speak!"
Benjamin Britten, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Raymond Nilsson, James Pease, John Lanigan, Jean Watson, Claire Watson & Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden
Peter Grimes, Op. 33, Act I: "Past Time To Close!"
Benjamin Britten, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Jean Watson, Lauris Elms, James Pease, Raymond Nilsson, Marion Studholme & Iris Kells
Peter Grimes, Op. 33, Act I: "Now the Great Bear and Pleiades"
Sir Peter Pears, Benjamin Britten, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Marion Studholme, Iris Kells, Raymond Nilsson, James Pease, Jean Watson & Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden
Peter Grimes, Op. 33, Act I: "The Bridge Is Down, We Half Swam Over"
David Kelly, Benjamin Britten, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Geraint Evans, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Claire Watson, Raymond Nilsson, Jean Watson, Marion Studholme, Iris Kells & Sir Peter Pears
Peter Grimes, Op. 33, Act I: "Hi! Give Us a Hand"
Sir Peter Pears, Benjamin Britten, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Raymond Nilsson, James Pease, Jean Watson, Geraint Evans & David Kelly
Peter Grimes, Op. 33, Act I: "Have You Heard?"
Geraint Evans, Benjamin Britten, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Jean Watson, Lauris Elms, James Pease & Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden