Primrose Schools Song List
Dog Rhyme Medley: When Dogs Get up in the Morning / Leg over Leg / Walter, Walter Wag Tail / Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone? / Bow Wow Wow
Primrose Schools
Nursery Rhyme Medley: Doctor Foster / Mouse, Mousie / Slowly, Slowly Creeps the Garden Snail / There Was a Little Turtle
Primrose Schools
Nursery Rhyme Medley: Open, Shut Them / Ten Eggs / Here Are Baby's Fingers / Pussycat, Pussycat / Pease Porridge Hot
Primrose Schools
Nursery Rhyme Medley: The First Little Pig / To Market, To Market / Bluebird, Bluebird / Row, Row, Row Your Boat / This Little Piggy
Primrose Schools