Eitan Cornfield Song List
Srul Irving Glick Documentary: It Started a Series of Events
Eric Friesen, Stefan Glick, Paula Glick, Eitan Cornfield, Norman Glick, Frank Rasky, Srul Irving Glick & Peter Tiefenbach
Srul Irving Glick Documentary: Let Me Ask You a Personal Question
Paula Glick, Eitan Cornfield, Norman Glick, Frank Rasky, Srul Irving Glick, Peter Tiefenbach, Stefan Glick & Eric Friesen
Srul Irving Glick Documentary: I Want You to Know That I've Had a Laboratory
Paula Glick, Eitan Cornfield, Norman Glick, Frank Rasky, Srul Irving Glick, Peter Tiefenbach, Stefan Glick & Eric Friesen
Srul Irving Glick Documentary: You Get an Idea
Eric Friesen, Paula Glick, Eitan Cornfield, Norman Glick, Frank Rasky, Srul Irving Glick, Peter Tiefenbach & Stefan Glick
Srul Irving Glick Documentary: The Idea of Music Being an Expression of Your Soul
Stefan Glick, Eric Friesen, Paula Glick, Eitan Cornfield, Norman Glick, Frank Rasky, Srul Irving Glick & Peter Tiefenbach
Srul Irving Glick Documentary: After He Came Back from Paris
Paula Glick, Eitan Cornfield, Norman Glick, Frank Rasky, Srul Irving Glick, Peter Tiefenbach, Stefan Glick & Eric Friesen
Srul Irving Glick Documentary: Weinzweig Was a Very Tough Guy for Him
Stefan Glick, Eric Friesen, Paula Glick, Eitan Cornfield, Norman Glick, Frank Rasky, Srul Irving Glick & Peter Tiefenbach
Srul Irving Glick Documentary: I Felt Irresistibly Drawn Towards Music
Stefan Glick, Paula Glick, Eitan Cornfield, Norman Glick, Frank Rasky, Srul Irving Glick, Peter Tiefenbach & Eric Friesen
Srul Irving Glick Documentary: My Father Was a Cantor
Paula Glick, Eitan Cornfield, Norman Glick, Frank Rasky, Srul Irving Glick, Peter Tiefenbach, Stefan Glick & Eric Friesen
Srul Irving Glick Documentary: Beginning
Paula Glick, Eitan Cornfield, Norman Glick, Frank Rasky, Srul Irving Glick, Peter Tiefenbach, Stefan Glick & Eric Friesen
Somers Documentary Produced By Eitan Cornfield: I'd Looked a Lot of the Works
Barbara Chilcott, Sremos, Victor Feldbrill, Norma Beecroft, Eitan Cornfield, Robert Cram, Anonymous, Harry Somers, John Weinzweig & Irene Bird
Somers Documentary Produced By Eitan Cornfield: Such a Vast Tableau
Harry Somers, John Weinzweig, Irene Bird, Barbara Chilcott, Sremos, Victor Feldbrill, Norma Beecroft, Eitan Cornfield, Robert Cram & Anonymous
Somers Documentary Produced By Eitan Cornfield: It Wasn't the First Time I Met Him, It Was the Second Time
John Weinzweig, Irene Bird, Eitan Cornfield, Robert Cram, Anonymous, Barbara Chilcott, Sremos, Victor Feldbrill, Norma Beecroft & Harry Somers
Somers Documentary Produced By Eitan Cornfield: I Don't Think It Was So Much Being a Ladies' Man
Irene Bird, Norma Beecroft, Eitan Cornfield, Robert Cram, Anonymous, Harry Somers, John Weinzweig, Barbara Chilcott, Sremos & Victor Feldbrill
Somers Documentary Produced By Eitan Cornfield: My First Attraction to Harry Was His Music
Anonymous, Harry Somers, John Weinzweig, Irene Bird, Barbara Chilcott, Sremos, Victor Feldbrill, Norma Beecroft, Eitan Cornfield & Robert Cram
Somers Documentary Produced By Eitan Cornfield: I'd Always Prided Myself On My Calligraphy
Barbara Chilcott, Sremos, Victor Feldbrill, Norma Beecroft, Eitan Cornfield, Robert Cram, Anonymous, Harry Somers, John Weinzweig & Irene Bird
Somers Documentary Produced By Eitan Cornfield: Space … and Clarity … His Music Is Never Cluttered
Irene Bird, Harry Somers, John Weinzweig, Sremos, Victor Feldbrill, Norma Beecroft, Eitan Cornfield, Robert Cram, Anonymous & Barbara Chilcott
Somers Documentary Produced By Eitan Cornfield: John Would Argue With Me
Irene Bird, Barbara Chilcott, Sremos, Victor Feldbrill, Norma Beecroft, Eitan Cornfield, Robert Cram, Anonymous, Harry Somers & John Weinzweig
Somers Documentary Produced By Eitan Cornfield: They Say That If You Can Remember
Barbara Chilcott, Sremos, Victor Feldbrill, Norma Beecroft, Eitan Cornfield, Robert Cram, Anonymous, Harry Somers, John Weinzweig & Irene Bird
Somers Documentary Produced By Eitan Cornfield: He Had a Natural Gift, a Natural Ability for Sound
Anonymous, Harry Somers, John Weinzweig, Barbara Chilcott, Sremos, Victor Feldbrill, Norma Beecroft, Eitan Cornfield, Robert Cram & Irene Bird
Somers Documentary Produced By Eitan Cornfield: Beginning
Barbara Chilcott, Sremos, Victor Feldbrill, Norma Beecroft, Eitan Cornfield, Robert Cram, Anonymous, Harry Somers, John Weinzweig & Irene Bird
Southam Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: There's Something So Pure About Her Music
Mary Gardiner, Eve Egoyan, Ann Southam, Christina Petrowska-Quilico, Patricia Beatty, Eitan Cornfield & Rachel Browne
Southam Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: I'm Happiest Composing for People I Know
Ann Southam, Eitan Cornfield, Rachel Browne, Mary Gardiner, Eve Egoyan, Christina Petrowska-Quilico & Patricia Beatty
Southam Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: One Time I Was Out in Banff …
Christina Petrowska-Quilico, Patricia Beatty, Eitan Cornfield, Rachel Browne, Mary Gardiner, Eve Egoyan & Ann Southam
Southam Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: It Was a Long Time Before I Became Interested …
Mary Gardiner, Eve Egoyan, Ann Southam, Rachel Browne, Christina Petrowska-Quilico, Patricia Beatty & Eitan Cornfield
Southam Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: I Love Playing the Rivers
Rachel Browne, Mary Gardiner, Eve Egoyan, Ann Southam, Christina Petrowska-Quilico, Patricia Beatty & Eitan Cornfield
Southam Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: Actually, I've Had This Piano for a Long Time
Christina Petrowska-Quilico, Eitan Cornfield, Patricia Beatty, Ann Southam, Eve Egoyan, Rachel Browne & Mary Gardiner
Southam Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: Instead of Starting With the Music …
Rachel Browne, Mary Gardiner, Eve Egoyan, Ann Southam, Christina Petrowska-Quilico, Patricia Beatty & Eitan Cornfield
Southam Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: Ann Southam Had a Brief, Unhappy Stint At University
Eve Egoyan, Ann Southam, Christina Petrowska-Quilico, Patricia Beatty, Eitan Cornfield, Rachel Browne & Mary Gardiner
Southam Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: The Sound … I See It
Ann Southam, Eitan Cornfield, Rachel Browne, Mary Gardiner, Eve Egoyan, Christina Petrowska-Quilico & Patricia Beatty
Southam Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: In 1966 Ann Southam Was Studying …
Christina Petrowska-Quilico, Patricia Beatty, Eitan Cornfield, Rachel Browne, Mary Gardiner, Eve Egoyan & Ann Southam
Southam Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: Beginning (Glass Houses No. 5)
Christina Petrowska-Quilico, Patricia Beatty, Eitan Cornfield, Mary Gardiner, Rachel Browne, Eve Egoyan & Ann Southam
Turner Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Why Did You Stop Composing?
Jim Hiscott, Sara Turner, Alden Turner, Patrick Carrabre, Robert Turner, Eitan Cornfield, Bramwell Tovey & George Zukerman
Turner Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: I Wrote a Few Works Inspired By the Prairie
Sara Turner, Alden Turner, Patrick Carrabre, Robert Turner, Eitan Cornfield, Bramwell Tovey, George Zukerman & Jim Hiscott
Turner Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: He Used a Lot of Styles
George Zukerman, Jim Hiscott, Sara Turner, Alden Turner, Patrick Carrabre, Robert Turner, Eitan Cornfield & Bramwell Tovey
Turner Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: By the Time the British Conductor, Bramwell Tovey
Sara Turner, Alden Turner, Patrick Carrabre, Robert Turner, Eitan Cornfield, Bramwell Tovey, George Zukerman & Jim Hiscott
Turner Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Without Any Room for Discussion
Sara Turner, Alden Turner, Patrick Carrabre, Robert Turner, Eitan Cornfield, Bramwell Tovey, George Zukerman & Jim Hiscott
Turner Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Despite the Limited Time He Had
George Zukerman, Jim Hiscott, Robert Turner, Eitan Cornfield, Bramwell Tovey, Sara Turner, Alden Turner & Patrick Carrabre
Turner Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Turner Produced a Number of Significant Works
Eitan Cornfield, Bramwell Tovey, George Zukerman, Jim Hiscott, Sara Turner, Alden Turner, Patrick Carrabre & Robert Turner
Turner Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Every Month I Would Write Out a Program
Sara Turner, Alden Turner, Patrick Carrabre, Robert Turner, Eitan Cornfield, Bramwell Tovey, George Zukerman & Jim Hiscott
Turner Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Robert Turner Was 13 or 14 When He Began to Write
Robert Turner, Eitan Cornfield, Bramwell Tovey, George Zukerman, Jim Hiscott, Sara Turner, Alden Turner & Patrick Carrabre
Turner Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Opening
Alden Turner, Patrick Carrabre, Robert Turner, Eitan Cornfield, Bramwell Tovey, George Zukerman, Jim Hiscott & Sara Turner
Anhalt Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: From the Late 50s Right Up to the Late 70s
Glen Fast, Glenn Gould, Harry Somers, Istvan Anhalt, Robin Elliot, Beate Anhalt, Alan Gillmore, Eitan Cornfield, William Benjamin & Gordon Smith
Anhalt Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: Glenn Paid Me the Homage of Being Interested in My Music
Eitan Cornfield, William Benjamin, Gordon Smith, Beate Anhalt, Alan Gillmore, Glen Fast, Glenn Gould, Harry Somers, Istvan Anhalt & Robin Elliot
Anhalt Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: He Starts Reading. He Gets an Idea and Goes to the Library
Gordon Smith, Alan Gillmore, Eitan Cornfield, William Benjamin, Glen Fast, Glenn Gould, Harry Somers, Istvan Anhalt, Robin Elliot & Beate Anhalt
Anhalt Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: Where Did All This Take Place?
Gordon Smith, Glen Fast, Glenn Gould, Harry Somers, Istvan Anhalt, Robin Elliot, Beate Anhalt, Alan Gillmore, Eitan Cornfield & William Benjamin
Anhalt Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: I Wanted to Represent This Process of Destruction
Glen Fast, Glenn Gould, Harry Somers, Istvan Anhalt, Robin Elliot, Beate Anhalt, Alan Gillmore, Eitan Cornfield, William Benjamin & Gordon Smith
Anhalt Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: Our Move to Ontario
Glen Fast, Glenn Gould, Harry Somers, Istvan Anhalt, Robin Elliot, Beate Anhalt, Alan Gillmore, Eitan Cornfield, William Benjamin & Gordon Smith
Anhalt Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: After Living in Kingston for Over 30 Years
Beate Anhalt, Alan Gillmore, Eitan Cornfield, William Benjamin, Gordon Smith, Glen Fast, Glenn Gould, Harry Somers, Istvan Anhalt & Robin Elliot
Anhalt Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: I Admired Kodaly As a Composer, Teacher and Scientist
Glen Fast, Glenn Gould, Harry Somers, Istvan Anhalt, Robin Elliot, Beate Anhalt, Alan Gillmore, Eitan Cornfield, William Benjamin & Gordon Smith
Anhalt Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: The Weight of History Is What He's Concerned With
Glen Fast, Glenn Gould, Harry Somers, Istvan Anhalt, Robin Elliot, Beate Anhalt, Alan Gillmore, Eitan Cornfield, William Benjamin & Gordon Smith
Anhalt Documentary Produced and Prepared By Eitan Cornfield: Opening
Glen Fast, Glenn Gould, Harry Somers, Istvan Anhalt, Robin Elliot, Beate Anhalt, Alan Gillmore, Eitan Cornfield, William Benjamin & Gordon Smith
Beecroft Documentary: Norma Beecroft's Catalogue Isn't Large
John Weinzweig, Norma Beecroft, Robert Aitken, Harry Somers, Harry Freedman, Mary Morrison, David Jaeger, Helen Weinzweig, Eitan Cornfield, Gordon Burwash & Stuart Beecroft
Beecroft Documentary: In 1975 Norma Beecroft Went Back
Gordon Burwash, Stuart Beecroft, Harry Freedman, Mary Morrison, David Jaeger, Helen Weinzweig, Eitan Cornfield, John Weinzweig, Norma Beecroft, Robert Aitken & Harry Somers
Beecroft Documentary: Norma Beecroft Kept Abreast of the Technology
John Weinzweig, Norma Beecroft, Robert Aitken, Harry Somers, Harry Freedman, Mary Morrison, David Jaeger, Helen Weinzweig, Eitan Cornfield, Gordon Burwash & Stuart Beecroft
Beecroft Documentary: When I Was in Italy
Stuart Beecroft, John Weinzweig, Gordon Burwash, Norma Beecroft, Robert Aitken, Harry Somers, Harry Freedman, Mary Morrison, David Jaeger, Helen Weinzweig & Eitan Cornfield
Beecroft Documentary: This Was a Whole New World
John Weinzweig, Norma Beecroft, Robert Aitken, Harry Somers, Harry Freedman, Mary Morrison, David Jaeger, Helen Weinzweig, Eitan Cornfield, Gordon Burwash & Stuart Beecroft
Beecroft Documentary: Her Most Successful Piece
Gordon Burwash, Helen Weinzweig, Eitan Cornfield, John Weinzweig, Norma Beecroft, Robert Aitken, Harry Somers, Harry Freedman, Mary Morrison, David Jaeger & Stuart Beecroft
Beecroft Documentary: She Was the First Woman Composer
John Weinzweig, Norma Beecroft, Robert Aitken, Harry Somers, Gordon Burwash, Stuart Beecroft, Harry Freedman, Mary Morrison, David Jaeger, Helen Weinzweig & Eitan Cornfield
Beecroft Documentary: I Adored Norma, I Just Loved Her
John Weinzweig, Norma Beecroft, Robert Aitken, Harry Somers, Harry Freedman, Mary Morrison, David Jaeger, Helen Weinzweig, Eitan Cornfield, Gordon Burwash & Stuart Beecroft
Beecroft Documentary: He Was a Ham Radio Operator
John Weinzweig, Norma Beecroft, Robert Aitken, Harry Somers, Harry Freedman, Mary Morrison, David Jaeger, Helen Weinzweig, Eitan Cornfield, Gordon Burwash & Stuart Beecroft
Beecroft Documentary: Opening
John Weinzweig, Norma Beecroft, Robert Aitken, Harry Somers, Harry Freedman, Mary Morrison, David Jaeger, Helen Weinzweig, Eitan Cornfield, Gordon Burwash & Stuart Beecroft
Kenins Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: I Am Sorry to Say…
George Kenins, Eitan Cornfield, Gundar Kenins-King, Andy Kenins, Tālivaldis Ķeniņš, John Beckwith, Edgars Kariks, Peteris Plakidis, Arthur Ozolins & Ingrida Zemzare
Kenins Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: He Stayed in Canada…
Arthur Ozolins, Andy Kenins, Edgars Kariks, Peteris Plakidis, Tālivaldis Ķeniņš, John Beckwith, Ingrida Zemzare, George Kenins, Eitan Cornfield & Gundar Kenins-King
Kenins Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: What Tali Had Was Craft.
Tālivaldis Ķeniņš, John Beckwith, Ingrida Zemzare, George Kenins, Eitan Cornfield, Gundar Kenins-King, Andy Kenins, Edgars Kariks, Peteris Plakidis & Arthur Ozolins
Kenins Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: For Kenins' Younger Son, Andy…
Tālivaldis Ķeniņš, John Beckwith, Ingrida Zemzare, George Kenins, Eitan Cornfield, Gundar Kenins-King, Andy Kenins, Edgars Kariks, Peteris Plakidis & Arthur Ozolins
Kenins Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: I Think That I Am Trying…
Peteris Plakidis, Arthur Ozolins, Tālivaldis Ķeniņš, John Beckwith, Ingrida Zemzare, George Kenins, Eitan Cornfield, Gundar Kenins-King, Andy Kenins & Edgars Kariks
Kenins Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: One of the Things I Recognized…
Tālivaldis Ķeniņš, John Beckwith, Ingrida Zemzare, George Kenins, Eitan Cornfield, Gundar Kenins-King, Andy Kenins, Edgars Kariks, Peteris Plakidis & Arthur Ozolins
Kenins Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: My Parents Were Ardent Latvian Nationalists.
Edgars Kariks, Peteris Plakidis, Arthur Ozolins, Tālivaldis Ķeniņš, John Beckwith, Ingrida Zemzare, George Kenins, Eitan Cornfield, Gundar Kenins-King & Andy Kenins
Kenins Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: He Certainly Has French Elements of Messiaen.
Tālivaldis Ķeniņš, John Beckwith, Ingrida Zemzare, George Kenins, Eitan Cornfield, Gundar Kenins-King, Andy Kenins, Edgars Kariks, Peteris Plakidis & Arthur Ozolins
Kenins Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: I Was Very Lucky.
Ingrida Zemzare, George Kenins, Eitan Cornfield, Gundar Kenins-King, Andy Kenins, Edgars Kariks, Peteris Plakidis, Arthur Ozolins, Tālivaldis Ķeniņš & John Beckwith
Kenins Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: He Uses Latvian Folk Music…
Tālivaldis Ķeniņš, John Beckwith, Ingrida Zemzare, George Kenins, Eitan Cornfield, Gundar Kenins-King, Andy Kenins, Edgars Kariks, Peteris Plakidis & Arthur Ozolins
Kenins Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Beginning
Tālivaldis Ķeniņš, John Beckwith, Ingrida Zemzare, George Kenins, Eitan Cornfield, Gundar Kenins-King, Andy Kenins, Edgars Kariks, Peteris Plakidis & Arthur Ozolins
Pentland Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: How Do You See Your Music As Having Changed?
Eitan Cornfield & Barbara Pentland
Pentland Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: She Had a Lot of Modern Concerns
Eitan Cornfield & Barbara Pentland
Pentland Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: We Had a Wonderful Time Together
Eitan Cornfield & Barbara Pentland
Pentland Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: She Had Marked All the Examination Papers
Eitan Cornfield & Barbara Pentland
Pentland Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: I Really Got Into It When I Went to the Macdowell Colony
Eitan Cornfield & Barbara Pentland
Pentland Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: I Started the Music Department in '46
Barbara Pentland & Eitan Cornfield
Pentland Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Pentland Had a Rather Romantic Notion
Eitan Cornfield & Barbara Pentland
Pentland Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: When Pentland Returned to Winnipeg in 1939
Eitan Cornfield & Barbara Pentland
Pentland Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: She Was Born in Winnipeg On January 02, 1912
Eitan Cornfield & Barbara Pentland
Pentland Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Beginning
Barbara Pentland & Eitan Cornfield
Beckwith Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Listening to Works Like Harp of David
John Beckwith & Eitan Cornfield
Beckwith Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Susan Sontag Said Nostlagia Is a Meager Emotion
John Beckwith & Eitan Cornfield
Beckwith Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: As a Composer Who Came of Age in the 1960S
John Beckwith & Eitan Cornfield
Beckwith Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: He Likes to Have Consistency and Routine
John Beckwith & Eitan Cornfield
Beckwith Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: He's Been a Mentor and a Great Friend
John Beckwith & Eitan Cornfield
Beckwith Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Unlikely As It Might Sound Today
John Beckwith & Eitan Cornfield
Beckwith Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Throughout John Beckwith's Childhood
John Beckwith & Eitan Cornfield
Beckwith Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Farewell to Nova Scotia
Eitan Cornfield & John Beckwith
Beckwith Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Beginning
John Beckwith & Eitan Cornfield
Tremblay Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: For Me It Is an Adventure…
Eitan Cornfield & Gilles Tremblay
Tremblay Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Les Pierres Crieront… It's a Quotation from Luke…
Eitan Cornfield & Gilles Tremblay
Tremblay Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Sometimes in the Spiritual Evolution…
Eitan Cornfield & Gilles Tremblay
Tremblay Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: I Had Met My Wife Before I Went to Paris…
Eitan Cornfield & Gilles Tremblay
Tremblay Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: Messiaen Was Not a Composer Who Wanted to Express Himself…
Eitan Cornfield & Gilles Tremblay
Tremblay Documentary Produced and Presented By Eitan Cornfield: When I First Heard Varese, I Was Just Fascinated…
Eitan Cornfield & Gilles Tremblay