Warsaw Boys Choir Song List
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 1: No. 13, Et surgens omnis (Live)
Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Kent Nagano, Lucas Meachem, Matthew Rose, Slawomir Holland, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacane
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 1: No. 12, Miserere mei, Deus (Live)
Kent Nagano, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacanek
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 1: No. 10, Et viri, qui tenebant illum (Live)
Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Kent Nagano, Lucas Meachem, Slawomir Holland, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacanek
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 1: No. 8, Comprehendentes autem (Live)
Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Kent Nagano, Sarah Wegener, Matthew Rose, Slawomir Holland, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacanek
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 1: No. 7, Ut quid, Domine (Live)
Kent Nagano, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacanek
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 1: No. 6, Ierusalem, Ierusalem (Live)
Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Kent Nagano, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacanek
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 1: No. 5, Adhuc eo loquente (Live)
Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Kent Nagano, Lucas Meachem, Slawomir Holland, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacanek
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 1: No. 4, Domine, quis habitabit (Live)
Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Kent Nagano, Sarah Wegener, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus & Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 1: No. 3, Deus meus (Live)
Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Kent Nagano, Lucas Meachem, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacanek
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 1: No. 1, O crux ave, spes unica (Live)
Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Kent Nagano, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacanek
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 2: No. 27, In pulverem mortis... In te, Domine, speravi (Live)
Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Kent Nagano, Sarah Wegener, Lucas Meachem, Matthew Rose, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Teresa Majka-Pacan & Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 2: No. 25, Erat autem fere hora sexta (Live)
Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Kent Nagano, Lucas Meachem, Slawomir Holland, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacan
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 2: No. 24, Stabat mater (Live)
Kent Nagano, Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacan
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 2: No. 22, Unus autem de his (Live)
Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Kent Nagano, Lucas Meachem, Matthew Rose, Slawomir Holland, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacan
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 2: No. 21, Et stabat populus (Live)
Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Kent Nagano, Slawomir Holland, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacan
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 2: No. 20, In pulverem mortis (Live)
Kent Nagano, Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacane
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 2: No. 19, Iesus autem dicebat (Live)
Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Kent Nagano, Lucas Meachem, Slawomir Holland, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacane
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 2: No. 18, Crux fidelis (Live)
Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Kent Nagano, Sarah Wegener, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacane
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 2: No. 16, Popule meus (Live)
Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Kent Nagano, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacane
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 2: No. 14, Et in pulverem mortis (Live)
Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Kent Nagano, Warsaw Boys Choir, Kraków Philharmonic Chorus, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz & Teresa Majka-Pacane
Scenen aus Goethes Faust, WoO 3: Part III: VII. Fausts Verklarung: Alles Vergangliche ist nur ein Gleichnis (Chorus Mysticus)
Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Warsaw Boys Choir, Antoni Wit, Anna Lubańska, Daniel Kirch, Andrew Gangestad, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Jaakko Kortekangas, Iwona Hossa, Christiane Libor & Ewa Marciniec
Scenen aus Goethes Faust, WoO 3: Part III: VII. Fausts Verklarung: Dir, der Unberuhrbaren (Doctor Marianus, Choir, Busserinnen, Magna Peccatrix, Mulier Samaritana, Maria Aegyptiaca, Una Poenitentium, Selige Knaben, Gretchen, Mater Gloriosa)
Jaakko Kortekangas, Iwona Hossa, Daniel Kirch, Andrew Gangestad, Warsaw Boys Choir, Antoni Wit, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Anna Lubańska, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Ewa Marciniec & Christiane Libor
Scenen aus Goethes Faust, WoO 3: Part III: VII. Fausts Verklarung: Hier ist die Aussicht frei (Doctor Marianus)
Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Anna Lubańska, Andrew Gangestad, Warsaw Boys Choir, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Daniel Kirch, Ewa Marciniec, Antoni Wit, Jaakko Kortekangas, Christiane Libor & Iwona Hossa
Scenen aus Goethes Faust, WoO 3: Part III: VII. Fausts Verklarung: Gerettet ist das edle Glied (Engel, Selige Knaben, Choir)
Ewa Marciniec, Warsaw Boys Choir, Daniel Kirch, Christiane Libor, Antoni Wit, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Jaakko Kortekangas, Iwona Hossa, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Anna Lubańska & Andrew Gangestad
Scenen aus Goethes Faust, WoO 3: Part III: VII. Fausts Verklarung: Wie Felsenabgrund mir zu Fussen (Pater Profundus, Pater Seraphicus, Selige Knaben)
Ewa Marciniec, Iwona Hossa, Jaakko Kortekangas, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Christiane Libor, Daniel Kirch, Warsaw Boys Choir, Antoni Wit, Anna Lubańska, Andrew Gangestad & Warsaw Philharmonic Choir
Scenen aus Goethes Faust, WoO 3: Part III: VII. Fausts Verklarung: Ewiger Wonnebrand (Pater Ecstaticus)
Jaakko Kortekangas, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Iwona Hossa, Christiane Libor, Ewa Marciniec, Warsaw Boys Choir, Antoni Wit, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Anna Lubańska, Daniel Kirch & Andrew Gangestad
Scenen aus Goethes Faust, WoO 3: Part III: VII. Fausts Verklarung: Waldung, sie schwankt heran (Choir)
Ewa Marciniec, Christiane Libor, Jaakko Kortekangas, Iwona Hossa, Anna Lubańska, Andrew Gangestad, Warsaw Boys Choir, Daniel Kirch, Antoni Wit, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra & Warsaw Philharmonic Choir
Scenen aus Goethes Faust, WoO 3: Part II: VI. Fausts Tod (Mephistopheles, Lemuren, Faust, Choir)
Warsaw Boys Choir, Anna Lubańska, Daniel Kirch, Andrew Gangestad, Jaakko Kortekangas, Ewa Marciniec, Iwona Hossa, Christiane Libor, Antoni Wit, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir & Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra
Scenen aus Goethes Faust, WoO 3: Part II: V. Mitternacht (Mangel, Schuld, Sorge, Not, Faust)
Jaakko Kortekangas, Antoni Wit, Iwona Hossa, Christiane Libor, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Anna Lubańska, Andrew Gangestad, Ewa Marciniec, Warsaw Boys Choir, Daniel Kirch & Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra
Scenen aus Goethes Faust, WoO 3: Part II: IV. Sonnenaufgang (Ariel, Choir, Faust)
Anna Lubańska, Andrew Gangestad, Ewa Marciniec, Warsaw Boys Choir, Daniel Kirch, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Antoni Wit, Iwona Hossa, Jaakko Kortekangas & Christiane Libor
Scenen aus Goethes Faust, WoO 3: Part I: III. Szene im Dom (Boser Geist, Gretchen, Choir)
Iwona Hossa, Jaakko Kortekangas, Ewa Marciniec, Christiane Libor, Antoni Wit, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Warsaw Boys Choir, Anna Lubańska, Daniel Kirch, Andrew Gangestad & Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra
Scenen aus Goethes Faust, WoO 3: Part I: II. Gretchen vor dem Bild der Mater Dolorosa (Gretchen)
Jaakko Kortekangas, Antoni Wit, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Christiane Libor, Iwona Hossa, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Anna Lubańska, Andrew Gangestad, Warsaw Boys Choir, Daniel Kirch & Ewa Marciniec
Scenen aus Goethes Faust, WoO 3: Part I: I. Szene im Garten (Faust, Gretchen, Mephistopheles, Marthe)
Warsaw Boys Choir, Antoni Wit, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Daniel Kirch, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Christiane Libor, Ewa Marciniec, Jaakko Kortekangas, Iwona Hossa, Anna Lubańska & Andrew Gangestad
Scenen aus Goethes Faust, WoO 3: Ouverture
Antoni Wit, Iwona Hossa, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Anna Lubańska, Andrew Gangestad, Ewa Marciniec, Warsaw Boys Choir, Daniel Kirch, Jaakko Kortekangas, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir & Christiane Libor
Credo: Credo in unum Deum
Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Iwona Hossa, Aga Mikolaj, Rafal Bartminski, Remigiusz Lukomski, Antoni Wit, Ewa Wolak, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra & Warsaw Boys Choir
Symphony No. 8 in E-Flat Major "Symphony of a Thousand": I. Veni, Creator Spiritus
Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Polish Radio Choir, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University Choir, Warsaw Boys Choir, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra & Antoni Wit
Symphony No. 8 in E-Flat Major "Symphony of a Thousand": II. Final Scene from Faust. Alles Vergängliche ist nur ein Gleichnis (Excerpt)
Izabella Klosinska, Jadwiga Rappe, Piotr Nowacki, Barbara Kubiak, Marta Boberska, Ewa Marciniec, Timothy Bentch, Wojtek Drabowicz, Polish Radio Choir, Warsaw Boys Choir, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University Choir, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra & Antoni Wit
St. Luke Passion, Pt. 2: in pulverem mortis - in te, Domine, speravi
Warsaw Boys Choir, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir & Antoni Wit