Robert Bowman Song List
Falstaff / Act 2: Siam pentiti e contriti...Reverenza
Robert Bowman, Michael Langdon, Fernando Corena, Regina Resnik, The New Symphony Orchestra & Edward Downes
Tosca, Act III: "Presto, su! Mario!" (Tosca, Spoletta, Sciarrone, Chorus) [Live]
Carlo Felice Cillario, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Denis Wicks, Maria Callas, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Robert Bowman
Tosca, Act II: "Chi è là" (Scarpia, Spoletta, Tosca) [Live]
Carlo Felice Cillario, Maria Callas, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Robert Bowman & Tito Gobbi
Tosca, Act II: "Orsù, Tosca, parlate" (Scarpia, Tosca, Cavaradossi, Spoletta, Sciarrone) [Live]
Carlo Felice Cillario, Denis Wicks, Maria Callas, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Renato Cioni, Robert Bowman & Tito Gobbi
Tosca, Act II: "Ov'è Angelotti?" (Scarpia, Cavaradossi, Spoletta, Tosca) [Live]
Carlo Felice Cillario, Maria Callas, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Renato Cioni, Robert Bowman & Tito Gobbi
Tosca, Act II: "Ch'io lo trassi in arresto" (Spoletta, Scarpia, Chorus, Cavaradossi, Tosca) [Live]
Carlo Felice Cillario, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Maria Callas, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Renato Cioni, Robert Bowman & Tito Gobbi
Tosca, Act II: "O galantuomo, com'ando la caccia?" (Scarpia, Spoletta) [Live]
Carlo Felice Cillario, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Robert Bowman & Tito Gobbi
Tosca, Act II: "Ha più forte" (Scarpia, Sciarrone, Spoletta) [Live]
Carlo Felice Cillario, Denis Wicks, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Robert Bowman & Tito Gobbi
Tosca, Act I: "Tre sbirri, una carrozza" (Scarpia, Spoletta, Chorus) [Live]
Carlo Felice Cillario, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Robert Bowman & Tito Gobbi
Tosca, Act I: "Un tal baccano in chiesa!" (Scarpia, Sagrestano, Spoletta) [Live]
Carlo Felice Cillario, Eric Garrett, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Robert Bowman & Tito Gobbi
Lucia di Lammermoor: Cruda funesta smania - La pietade in suo favore
John Shaw, Robert Bowman, Joseph Rouleau, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Tullio Serafin
La sonnambula, Act I: Io più di tutti, o Amina
David Kelly, Dame Joan Sutherland, Jeannette Sinclair, Noreen Barry, Robert Bowman, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Tullio Serafin
Lucia di Lammermoor, Act II: Sconsigliato! in queste porte chi ti guida?
John Shaw, Dame Joan Sutherland, Joao Gibin, Joseph Rouleau, Margreta Elkins, Kenneth MacDonald, Robert Bowman, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Tullio Serafin
Lucia di Lammermoor, Act II: T'allontana, sciagurato
John Shaw, Dame Joan Sutherland, Joao Gibin, Joseph Rouleau, Margreta Elkins, Kenneth MacDonald, Robert Bowman, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Tullio Serafin
Lucia di Lammermoor, Act II: Chi mi frena in tal momento
John Shaw, Dame Joan Sutherland, Joao Gibin, Joseph Rouleau, Kenneth MacDonald, Robert Bowman, Margreta Elkins, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Tullio Serafin
Lucia di Lammermoor, Act II: Per te d'immenso giubilo
Kenneth MacDonald, John Shaw, Robert Bowman, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Tullio Serafin
Lucia di Lammermoor, Act II: Lucia fra poco a te verrà
Robert Bowman, John Shaw, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Tullio Serafin
Lucia di Lammermoor, Act I: Il tuo dubbio e omai certezza
Robert Bowman, John Shaw, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Tullio Serafin
Lucia di Lammermoor, Act I: Cruda, funesta smania
John Shaw, Robert Bowman, Joseph Rouleau, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Tullio Serafin
Lucia di Lammermoor, Act I: Tu sei turbato!
Robert Bowman, John Shaw, Joseph Rouleau, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Tullio Serafin
Lucia di Lammermoor, Act I: Percorrete le spiagge vicine
Robert Bowman, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Tullio Serafin
Lucia di Lammermoor, Act II: Ardon gl’incensi. (Live)
Dame Joan Sutherland, Robert Bowman, Joseph Rouleau, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Tullio Serafin
Lucia di Lammermoor, Act I Il contratto nuziale: Lucia fra poco a te verrà (Live)
Robert Bowman, John Shaw, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Tullio Serafin
Lucia di Lammermoor, Pt. I La partenza: Il tuo dubbio è ormai certezza (Live)
Robert Bowman, John Shaw, Joseph Rouleau, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Tullio Serafin
Lucia di Lammermoor, Pt. I La partenza: Cruda. funesta smania (Live)
John Shaw, Robert Bowman, Joseph Rouleau, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Tullio Serafin
Lucia di Lammermoor, Pt. I La partenza: Tu sei turbato! (Live)
Robert Bowman, John Shaw, Joseph Rouleau, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Tullio Serafin
Lucia di Lammermoor, Pt. I La partenza: Percorrete le spiagge vicine (Live)
Robert Bowman, Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Tullio Serafin
Bruderlein und schwesterlein… Du und Du, Walzer, aus "Die Fledermaus"
Anneliese Rothenberger, Robert Bowman, Patricia Clark, Charles Gerhardt & The New Symphony Orchestra Of London
Im Feuerstrom der Reben, aus "Die Fledermaus"
Anneliese Rothenberger, Robert Bowman, Patricia Clark, Charles Gerhardt & The New Symphony Orchestra Of London
Herr Chevalier, ich grüsse Sie, aus "Die Fledermaus"
Anneliese Rothenberger, Robert Bowman, Patricia Clark, Charles Gerhardt & The New Symphony Orchestra Of London
Tosca, S. 69, IGP 17, Act III: "Com'è lunga l'attesa" (Tosca, Sciarrone, Spoletta)
Dennis Wicks, Carlo Felice Cillario, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Maria Callas & Robert Bowman
Tosca, S. 69, IGP 17, Act II: "Vedi, le man giunte io stendo a te!" (Tosca, Scarpia, Spoletta)
Tito Gobbi, Carlo Felice Cillario, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Maria Callas & Robert Bowman
Tosca, S. 69, IGP 17, Act II: "Tosca è un buon falco!" (Scarpia, Sciarrone, Spoletta, Coro)
Tito Gobbi, Dennis Wicks, Royal Opera House Chorus, Carlo Felice Cillario, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Robert Bowman
Tosca, S.69, IGP 17, Act I: "Tre sbirri... una carrozza" (Scarpia, Spoletta, Coro)
Tito Gobbi, Royal Opera House Chorus, Carlo Felice Cillario, Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Robert Bowman
Tosca, S. 69, IGP 17, Act II: "Ed or fra noi parliam da buoni amici" (Scarpia, Tosca, Sciarrone, Cavaradossi, Spoletta)
Tito Gobbi, Dennis Wicks, Robert Bowman, Carlo Felice Cillario, Orchestra della Royal Opera House di Londra, Maria Callas & Renato Cioni
Tosca, S.69, IGP 17, Act II: "Tale violenza!..." (Cavaradossi, Scarpia, Spoletta, Tosca)
Tito Gobbi, Robert Bowman, Carlo Felice Cillario, Orchestra della Royal Opera House di Londra, Maria Callas & Renato Cioni
Tosca, S. 69, IGP 17, Act I: "Un tal baccano in chiesa!" (Scarpia, Il Sagrestano, Spoletta)
Tito Gobbi, Eric Garrett, Carlo Felice Cillario, Orchestra della Royal Opera House di Londra & Robert Bowman
Billy Budd - Opera In 2 Acts, Op.50: I Heard, Your Honour!
London Symphony Orchestra, Benjamin Britten, Michael Langdon, Robert Bowman & Henry Bush
Billy Budd, Op. 50, Act 1: Hi! You a.a.a.
Peter Glossop, Owen Brannigan, Gregory Dempsey, David Bowman, Robert Bowman, Michael Langdon, James Newby, Ambrosian Opera Chorus & London Symphony Orchestra
Billy Budd, Op. 50, Act 1: Pull, My Bantams!
Eric Garrett, Norman Lumsden, Bryan Drake, David Bowman, Nigel Rogers, Delme Bryn-Jones, Robert Tear, Robert Bowman, Ambrosian Opera Chorus, Wandsworth School Boys Choir & London Symphony Orchestra
Glorious: Sing unto the Lord a New Song
Robert Bowman, Camerata Singers, Camerata Symphony Orchestra & Abraham Kaplan
Glorious: To Everything There Is a Season
Maryetta Midgley, Robert Bowman, Jean Temperly, Camerata Singers, Camerata Symphony Orchestra & Abraham Kaplan
Salome: Salome, bedenk, was du tun willst
Erich Leinsdorf, London Symphony Orchestra, Montserrat Caballé, Richard Lewis, Robert Bowman, John Brecknock, David Lennox, George MacPherson & Kenneth MacDonald
Salome: Wahrhaftig, Herr, es wäre besser, ihn in unsere Hände zu geben
Erich Leinsdorf, London Symphony Orchestra, Richard Lewis, Regina Resnik, Robert Bowman, John Brecknock, David Lennox, George MacPherson, Kenneth MacDonald & Michael Rippon
Salome: Ah! Ich Habe Deinen Mund Geküsst, Jokanaan
Erich Leinsdorf, Montserrat Caballé, Sherrill Milnes, London Symphony Orchestra, Richard Lewis, Regina Resnik, Robert Bowman, John Brecknock, David Lennox, George MacPherson, Kenneth MacDonald, James King, Elizabeth Bainbridge, Gwyn Griffiths, Julia Hamari, Neil Howlett, David Kelly, Michael Rippon & Dennis Wicks
Salome: Sie Ist Ein Ungeheuer, Deine Tochter
Erich Leinsdorf, Montserrat Caballé, Sherrill Milnes, London Symphony Orchestra, Richard Lewis, Regina Resnik, Robert Bowman, John Brecknock, David Lennox, George MacPherson, Kenneth MacDonald, James King, Elizabeth Bainbridge, Gwyn Griffiths, Julia Hamari, Neil Howlett, David Kelly, Michael Rippon & Dennis Wicks
Salome: Ah! Du Wolltest Mich Nicht Deinen Mund
Erich Leinsdorf, Montserrat Caballé, Sherrill Milnes, London Symphony Orchestra, Richard Lewis, Regina Resnik, Robert Bowman, John Brecknock, David Lennox, George MacPherson, Kenneth MacDonald, James King, Elizabeth Bainbridge, Gwyn Griffiths, Julia Hamari, Neil Howlett, David Kelly, Michael Rippon & Dennis Wicks