The Lovers Original Cast Song List
Start over Reprise
The Lovers Original Cast, Laura Murphy, Blake Appelqvist, Brittanie Shipway, Natalie Abbott & Jerrod Smith
How to Love
The Lovers Original Cast, Laura Murphy, Jerrod Smith, Brittanie Shipway, Blake Appelqvist, Natalie Abbott, Monique Salle & Stellar Perry
King of Shadows
The Lovers Original Cast, Stellar Perry, Monique Salle, Brittanie Shipway, Blake Appelqvist, Jerrod Smith, Natalie Abbott & Laura Murphy
Diss Diss Bitch
The Lovers Original Cast, Laura Murphy, Brittanie Shipway, Natalie Abbott, Jerrod Smith, Blake Appelqvist & Monique Salle
Injurious Hermia!
The Lovers Original Cast, Laura Murphy, Monique Salle, Brittanie Shipway & Jerrod Smith
Gimme Gimme a Boy Fight
The Lovers Original Cast, Laura Murphy, Blake Appelqvist, Jerrod Smith, Natalie Abbott & Brittanie Shipway
Gimme Gimme Reprise
The Lovers Original Cast, Stellar Perry, Monique Salle, Jerrod Smith, Natalie Abbott & Laura Murphy
Gimme Gimme
The Lovers Original Cast, Laura Murphy, Blake Appelqvist, Jerrod Smith, Natalie Abbott & Brittanie Shipway
Down to Love Reprise
The Lovers Original Cast, Stellar Perry, Monique Salle, Brittanie Shipway & Laura Murphy
To Die For
The Lovers Original Cast, Brittanie Shipway, Natalie Abbott, Jerrod Smith, Blake Appelqvist & Laura Murphy
Hiss Hiss Bitch
The Lovers Original Cast, Laura Murphy, Monique Salle, Blake Appelqvist & Stellar Perry
What I Cannot Have
The Lovers Original Cast, Laura Murphy, Blake Appelqvist, Natalie Abbott & Stellar Perry
Perfect Little Princess
The Lovers Original Cast, Laura Murphy, Brittanie Shipway, Monique Salle, Jerrod Smith, Stellar Perry, Natalie Abbott & Blake Appelqvist