Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus Song List
Komm, Jesu, komm!, BWV 229: No. 2, Drum schließ ich mich in deine Hände und sage, Welt, guter Nacht!
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus & Ferenc Sapszon
Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125, "Choral": IV. Finale: Presto - Allegro assai (Excerpt)
Ilona Tokody, Bernadette Wiedemann, András Molnár, István Berczelly, Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Budapest Symphony Orchestra & Tamas Vasary
Le laudi di San Francesco d'Assisi, Op. 25: Laudate et benedite mio signore
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, András Ligeti, Alida Ferrarini, Vesselina Kasarova, Eduardo Villa, Marcel Rosca & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Le laudi di San Francesco d'Assisi, Op. 25: Laudato sia, mio Signore, per sora nostra morte corporale
András Ligeti, Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Marcel Rosca & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Le laudi di San Francesco d'Assisi, Op. 25: Laudato sia, mio Signore, per quelli
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, András Ligeti, Alida Ferrarini, Eduardo Villa & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Le laudi di San Francesco d'Assisi, Op. 25: Laudato sia, mio Signore, per frate foco
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, András Ligeti & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Le laudi di San Francesco d'Assisi, Op. 25: Laudato sia, mio Signore, per frate vento
András Ligeti, Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Alida Ferrarini, Vesselina Kasarova, Eduardo Villa, Marcel Rosca & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Le laudi di San Francesco d'Assisi, Op. 25: Laudato sia, mio Signore, per sora luna e le stelle
András Ligeti, Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Alida Ferrarini & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Le laudi di San Francesco d'Assisi, Op. 25: Altissimo, onnipotente, bon signore
András Ligeti, Eduardo Villa, Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus, Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus & Budapest Symphony Orchestra
Les Contes D'Hoffmann: "Voila yuelle fut l'histoire... et mois?"
Hungarian Radio and Television Orchestra & Miklós Erdélyi
Les Contes D'Hoffmann: Act III - "Helas, mon coeur"
Hungarian Radio and Television Orchestra & Miklós Erdélyi
Les Contes D'Hoffmann: Act III - "Amis l'amour tendre et reveur"
Hungarian Radio and Television Orchestra & Miklós Erdélyi
Les Contes D'Hoffmann: Act III - "Belle nuit, o nuit d'amour"
Hungarian Radio and Television Orchestra & Miklós Erdélyi
Les Contes D'Hoffmann: Act I - "Les oiseaux dans la charmille"
Hungarian Radio and Television Orchestra & Miklós Erdélyi
Les Contes D'Hoffmann: Act I - "Non aucun hote vraiment"
Hungarian Radio and Television Orchestra & Miklós Erdélyi
Les Contes D'Hoffmann: "Il était une fois, a la cour d'Eisenach"
Hungarian Radio and Television Orchestra & Miklós Erdélyi
The Man Outside: Movement V - ,,Az utca sötét..." / "The street is dark..."
Budapest Symphony Orchestra & Gyorgy Lehel
The Man Outside: Movement IV - ,,No lám!" / "Why! There now!"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra & Gyorgy Lehel
The Man Outside: Movement IV - ,,Akinek snapsza van..." / Anyone who has schnapps..."
Budapest Symphony Orchestra & Gyorgy Lehel
The Man Outside: Movement III -,,Mindössze tizenegy..." / "Eleven women..."
Budapest Symphony Orchestra & Gyorgy Lehel
The Man Outside: Movement III - ,,De kedves Beckmann..." / "But my dear Beckmann..."
Budapest Symphony Orchestra & Gyorgy Lehel
The Man Outside: Movement III - ,,Az ördögbe...!" / "How the devil...!"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra & Gyorgy Lehel
The Man Outside: Movement III - ,,Ezredes úr!" / "Colonel!"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra & Gyorgy Lehel
The Man Outside: Movement II - ,,Mit keresel itt?" / "What are you doing here?"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra & Gyorgy Lehel
The Man Outside: Movement II - ,,Olyan szomorúnak látszol..." / "You seem so sad..."
Budapest Symphony Orchestra & Gyorgy Lehel
The Man Outside: Movement II - ,,Halacska, mondd, ki vagy te?" / "Little fish, tell me, who are you?"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra & Gyorgy Lehel
The Man Outside: Movement II - ,,Van ott valaki?" / "Is anyone there?"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra & Gyorgy Lehel
The Man Outside: Movement I - ,,Jajj, gyermekeim..." / "Oh my children..."
Budapest Symphony Orchestra & Gyorgy Lehel
The Man Outside: Movement I - ,,Ah! Mint a legyek..." / "Ah! They are dying..."
Budapest Symphony Orchestra & Gyorgy Lehel
Un ballo in maschera, Act 1: Song of Riccardo
Hungarian State Opera Orchestra, Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Lamberto Gardelli, Margit Lászlo, András Faragó & Sándor Mészáros
Faust: Finale (Faust, Marguerite, Mephisto), 5th Act
Sylvia Sass, György Korondi, Kolos Kováts, Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Hungarian State Opera Orchestra & Ervin Lukács
Faust: Trio (Faust, Marguerite, Mephisto), 5th Act
Sylvia Sass, György Korondi, Kolos Kováts, Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Hungarian State Opera Orchestra & Ervin Lukács
Faust: Mephisto’s Rondo (Mephisto), 3rd Act
Kolos Kováts, Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Hungarian State Opera Orchestra & Ervin Lukács
Pomádé király új ruhája: II. felvonás - "a királyon nincsen semmi"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Géza Oberfrank, József Gregor, Sándor Palcsó, József Dene, László Palócz, Éva Andor & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Pomádé király új ruhája: II. felvonás - "Lent vár a nép"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Géza Oberfrank, József Gregor, Sándor Palcsó, József Dene, László Palócz, Éva Andor, János Michels & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Pomádé király új ruhája: II. felvonás - "Pompás munkát végeztek a fickók!"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Géza Oberfrank, József Gregor, Sándor Palcsó, József Dene, László Palócz, Éva Andor, János Michels & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Pomádé király új ruhája: II. felvonás - "Túl puha a paplan"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Géza Oberfrank, József Gregor & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Pomádé király új ruhája: I. felvonás - "a csodakelmét?"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Géza Oberfrank, József Gregor, Sándor Palcsó, József Dene, László Palócz, Éva Andor & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Pomádé király új ruhája: I. felvonás - "Éljen Pomádé napja!"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Géza Oberfrank, József Gregor, Sándor Palcsó, József Dene, László Palócz & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Pomádé király új ruhája: I. felvonás - "Ezennel megparancsolom"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Géza Oberfrank, József Gregor, Sándor Palcsó, József Dene, László Palócz & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Pomádé király új ruhája: I. felvonás - "Hát honnan jöttetek?"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Géza Oberfrank, József Gregor, Sándor Palcsó, József Dene, László Palócz, Éva Andor & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Pomádé király új ruhája: I. felvonás, 3. jelenet - "Parancsodra úgy siettünk"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Géza Oberfrank, József Gregor, Sándor Palcsó, József Dene, Éva Andor, Tibor Nádas & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Pomádé király új ruhája: I. felvonás - "Az őrség"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Géza Oberfrank, Tibor Nádas, Lajos Katona & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Pomádé király új ruhája: I. felvonás - "Messzi földről jöttünk el hozzátok"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Géza Oberfrank, Sándor Palcsó, József Dene & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Pomádé király új ruhája: I. felvonás, 1. jelenet - "Cifra babát, aranyos szívet, katonák!"
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Géza Oberfrank, LÍvia Katona, Sándor Sólyom-Nagy, Lajos Katona & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Pomádé király új ruhája: I. felvonás - Interludium
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Géza Oberfrank, József Gregor, Sándor Palcsó, József Dene, Zsolt Bende, László Palócz, Éva Andor, Tibor Nádas, LÍvia Katona, Sándor Sólyom-Nagy, Lajos Katona, János Michels & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Cantata Aquilarum: V. Maestoso
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, László KOVÁCS, András Molnár, Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus & Kalman Strausz
Cantata Aquilarum: IV. Adagio
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, László KOVÁCS, András Molnár, Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus & Kalman Strausz
Cantata Aquilarum: III. Allegro
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, László KOVÁCS, András Molnár, Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus & Kalman Strausz
Cantata Aquilarum: II. Allegro assai
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, László KOVÁCS, András Molnár, Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus & Kalman Strausz
Cantata Aquilarum: I. Moderato
Budapest Symphony Orchestra, László KOVÁCS, András Molnár, Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus & Kalman Strausz
Ovidii Metamorphoses
Erika Sziklay, Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Miklós Erdélyi & Ferenc Sapszon
Harmadik felvonás - Gyorsan... szép sorba!
Lamberto Gardelli, Róbert Ilosfalvy & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Harmadik felvonás - Rosette!... Lám, de büszke...
Lamberto Gardelli, Erzsébet Házy, Róbert Ilosfalvy, György Melis & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Harmadik felvonás - Utánuk a partra!
Lamberto Gardelli, Erzsébet Házy, Róbert Ilosfalvy, György Melis & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Második felvonás - Hát e sok csodabogár?
Lamberto Gardelli, Erzsébet Házy, György Melis & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Elsõ felvonás - Kapunk-e másik kocsit?
Lamberto Gardelli, Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Sándor Palcsó (Edmond), György Melis (Lescaut) & Oszkár Maleczky (Geronte de Ravoir)
Elsõ felvonás - Leszállt a múzsa
Lamberto Gardelli, György Melis, Oszkár Maleczky, Sándor Palcsó (Edmond) & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Elsõ felvonás - Kiszállnak... Ó nézd!
Lamberto Gardelli, Róbert Ilosfalvy, György Melis, Oszkár Maleczky, Sándor Palcsó (Edmond) & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Elsõ felvonás - No nézd csak
Lamberto Gardelli, Sándor Palcsó (Edmond) & Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus
Elsõ felvonás - Mitõl sír búsan furulyád
Lamberto Gardelli, Róbert Ilosfalvy, Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus & Sándor Palcsó (Edmond)
"Ludas Matyi" Suite No 1 VII A legyõzhetetlen
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus & Zoltán Vásárhelyi
"Ludas Matyi" Suite No 1 III A külországi pallér
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus & Zoltán Vásárhelyi
"Ludas Matyi" Suite No 1 II Jobbágysors: a deres
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus & Zoltán Vásárhelyi
"Ludas Matyi" Suite No 1 I Útban Döbrög felé
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus & Zoltán Vásárhelyi
Daphnis et Chloé Suite No. 2 III. Danse générale
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Budapest Symphony Orchestra & György Lehel
Daphnis et Chloé Suite No. 2 II. Pantomime
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Budapest Symphony Orchestra & György Lehel
Daphnis et Chloé Suite No. 2 I. Lever du jou
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Budapest Symphony Orchestra & György Lehel
Daphnis et Cholé Suite No. 1 III. Danse guerriére
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Budapest Symphony Orchestra & György Lehel
Daphnis et Cholé Suite No. 1 II. Interlude
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Budapest Symphony Orchestra & György Lehel
Daphnis et Cholé Suite No. 1 I. Nocturne
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Budapest Symphony Orchestra & György Lehel
Rapsodie espagnole IV. Feria
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Budapest Symphony Orchestra & György Lehel
Rapsodie espagnole III. Habanera
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Budapest Symphony Orchestra & György Lehel
Rapsodie espagnole II. Malagueña
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Budapest Symphony Orchestra & György Lehel
Rapsodie espagnole I. Prélude a la nuit
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Budapest Symphony Orchestra & György Lehel
La Valse - poéme chorégraphique
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Budapest Symphony Orchestra & György Lehel
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Weiner Chamber Orchestra of Szeged, Richard Weninger & András Ligeti
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Weiner Chamber Orchestra of Szeged, Richard Weninger & András Ligeti
THE GOLDEN COFFIN - excerpts - Act 2, 4th Scene. Scene in the Catacomb
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Weiner Chamber Orchestra of Szeged, Richard Weninger & András Ligeti
THE GOLDEN COFFIN - excerpts - Act 1, 2nd Scene
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Weiner Chamber Orchestra of Szeged, Richard Weninger & András Ligeti
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Weiner Chamber Orchestra of Szeged, Richard Weninger & András Ligeti
SOUND GROUPS - Streaming, radiating sounds
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Weiner Chamber Orchestra of Szeged, Richard Weninger & András Ligeti
SOUND GROUPS - Quick, sparkling, cheerful sounds
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Weiner Chamber Orchestra of Szeged, Richard Weninger & András Ligeti
SOUND GROUPS - Soft, hot sounds
Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus, Weiner Chamber Orchestra of Szeged, Richard Weninger & András Ligeti