Pete Astudillo Song List
Spoken Liner Notes By the Band and the Family
A.B. Quintanilla III, Suzette Quintanilla, Chris Pérez, Pete Astudillo & Ricky Vela
Spoken Liner Notes By The Family (Ven Conmigo)
A.B. Quintanilla III, Suzette Quintanilla, Ricky Vela & Pete Astudillo
Spoken Liner Notes By The Band And Family (Live From Astrodome)
A.B. Quintanilla III, Suzette Quintanilla, Ricky Vela & Pete Astudillo
Vivirás Selena
Pete Astudillo, Bobby Pulido, Emilio Navaira, Jennifer y Los Jetz, Graciela Beltran & Barrio Boyz
Spoken Liner Notes by the Family (Entre a Mi Mundo)
A.B. Quintanilla III, Suzette Quintanilla, Pete Astudillo & Ricky Vela