Pinchgut Opera Song List
Per ogni sorte di strumento musicale, Op. 22: No. 21, Sonata sopra "Fuggi dolente core"
Pinchgut Opera & Erin Helyard
Canzoni overo sonate concertate per chiesa e camera, Op. 12: No. 19, Ballo detto eccardo
Pinchgut Opera & Erin Helyard
Artaserse, Act I Scene 7: Voi della Persia, voi deità protettrici (Live)
Pinchgut Opera, Erin Helyard, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Emily Edmonds
Dardanus: Dardanus: Act III, Scene III: Que l'on chante, que l'on s'empresse (Choeur des Phrygiens)
Pinchgut Opera, Antony Walker, Paul Agnew, Damian Whiteley, Paul Whelan, Kathryn McCusker, Stephen Bennett & Orchestra of the Antipodes
L'Orfeo, Act V: Moresca (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Act V: Vanne, Orfeo, felice a pieno (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Cantillation
L'Orfeo, Act V: Saliam cantand'al cielo (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker, Paul McMahon & Mark Tucker
L'Orfeo, Act V: Perch'a lo sdegno - Padre cortese (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Paul McMahon, Mark Tucker, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Act V: Ma tu anima mia (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Mark Tucker, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Act V: Ritornello - Questi i campi di Tracia (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker, Mark Tucker & Brett Weymark
L'Orfeo, Act IV: Sinfonia a 7 - E la virtute un raggio (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Cantillation
L'Orfeo, Act IV: Ahi, vista troppo dolce - Torn'a l'ombre di morte (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker, Penelope Mills & Benjamin Loomes
L'Orfeo, Act IV: Ritornello - Qual honor di te fia degno - Rott'hai la legge (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker, Mark Tucker & David Greco
L'Orfeo, Act IV: Pietade oggi et Amore - Ecco il gentil cantore (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Benjamin Loomes, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Cantillation
L'Orfeo, Act IV: Quali grazie ti rendo - Tue soavi parole (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Sara Macliver, Damian Whiteley, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Act IV: O degli habitator de l'ombre eterne (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Benjamin Loomes, David Greco, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Act IV: Benche severo ed immutabil fato (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Damian Whiteley, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Act IV: Signor, quel infelice (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Sara Macliver, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Act III: Sinfonia a 7 - Nulla impresa per huom (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Cantillation
L'Orfeo, Act III: Ei dorme, e la mia cetra (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Mark Tucker
L'Orfeo, Act III: Ben mi lusinga alquanto - Ahi, sventurato amante! - Sinfonia (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Damian Whiteley, Mark Tucker, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Act III: Orfeo son io (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Mark Tucker, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Act III: Possente Spirto (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Mark Tucker, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Act III: Dove, ah dove te'n vai - O tu ch'innanzi mort'a queste rive (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker, Mark Tucker & Damian Whiteley
L'Orfeo, Act III: Ecco l'atra palude (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Anna Fraser
L'Orfeo, Act III: Scorto da te mio Nume (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Mark Tucker, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Act III: Sinfonia (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Act II: Ahi, caso acerbo! - Ma dove, ah dove hor sono (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Paul McMahon, Raff Wilson, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Cantillation
L'Orfeo, Act II: Chi ne consola, ahi lassi? (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker, Paul McMahon & Raff Wilson
L'Orfeo, Act II: Ahi, caso acerbo! - Ma io ch'in questa lingua (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Sara Macliver, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Cantillation
L'Orfeo, Act II: Tu se' morta (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Mark Tucker, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Act II: In un fiorito prato - Ahi, caso acerbo! (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker, Sara Macliver, Paul McMahon & Philip Chu
L'Orfeo, Act II: MIra, deh mira, Orfeo - Ahi, caso acerbo! (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker, Paul McMahon, Sara Macliver, Daniel Walker & Mark Tucker
L'Orfeo, Act II: Vi ricorda ò boschi ombrosi (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Mark Tucker, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Act II: MIra, ch'à se n'alletta - Dunque fà degno Orfeo (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker, Paul McMahon, Philip Chu & Cantillation
L'Orfeo, Act II: Sinfonia - Ecco pur ch'à voi ritorno (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Mark Tucker
L'Orfeo, Act I: E dopo l'aspro gel - Ecco Orfeo (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Belinda Montgomery, Raff Wilson, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Cantillation
L'Orfeo, Act I: Che poi che nembo rio (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Paul McMahon, Craig Everingham, Jenny Duck-Chong, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Act I: Alcun non sia (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Paul McMahon, Philip Chu, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Act I: Ma s'il nostro gioir (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & David Greco
L'Orfeo, Act I: Lasciate i monti - Vieni Imeneo, deh vieni (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Cantillation
L'Orfeo, Act I: Rosa del ciel - Io non dirò qual sia (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Mark Tucker, Penelope Mills, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Act I: Lasciate i monti - Ma tu, gentil cantor (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Jenny Duck-Chong, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Cantillation
L'Orfeo, Act I: Vieni Imeneo, deh vieni - Muse honor di Parnasso (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Josie Ryan, Antony Walker & Cantillation
L'Orfeo, Act I: In questo lieto e fortunato giorno (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Paul McMahon, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo, Prologue: Ritornello - Dal mio Permesso amato (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Sara Macliver, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
L'Orfeo: Toccata (Recorded live in City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney in December 2004)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Trio and Chorus. They Shall Be as Happy
Stephen Bennett, Sally-Anne Russell, Sara Macliver, Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Cantillation
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Chaconne. Dance for the Chinese Man and Woman
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Solo. See, See, I Obey - Duet. Turn Then Thine Eyes - Solo. My Torch Indeed
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker, Stephen Bennett, Sally-Anne Russell & Sara Macliver
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Duet and Chorus. Sure the Dull God of Marriage
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker, Sally-Anne Russell, Sara Macliver & Cantillation
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Song and Chorus. Hark! The Echoing Air
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker, Sara Macliver & Cantillation
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Song. Hark! How All Things
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Sally-Anne Russell
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Monkeys' Dance
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Song. Yes, Daphne, in Your Looks I Find
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Jamie Allen
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Solo and Chorus. Thus Happy and Free
Belinda Montgomery, Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Cantillation
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Song. Thus the Gloomy World
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Jamie Allen
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Epithalamium. Thrice Happy Lovers
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Sara Macliver
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Fourth Act Tune. Aire
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Chorus. Haill! Great Parent of Us All (II)
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Cantillation
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Song. Next Winter Comes Slowly
Stephen Bennett, Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Song. See My Many Colour'd Fields
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Paul McMahon
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Song. Thus the Ever Grateful Spring
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Miriam Allan
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Entry of Phoebus - Song. When a Cruel Long Winter
Jamie Allen, Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Duet. Let the Fifes and the Clarions
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker, Brett Weymark & Paul McMahon
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Solo and Chorus. Now the Night Is Chas'd Away
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker, Belinda Montgomery & Cantillation
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Symphony. Adagio - Allegro
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Symphony. Allegro
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Symphony. [Allegro] - Canzona
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III: Third Act Tune. Hornpipe
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III: Song and Chorus. A Thousand Thousand Ways We'll Find
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker, Stephen Bennett, Jamie Allen & Cantillation
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III: Song. When I Have Often Heard
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Miriam Allan
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III: A Dance for the Haymakers
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III: Dialogue between Corydon and Mopsa. Now the Maids and the Men
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker, Stephen Bennett & Jamie Allen
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III: Song. Ye Gentle Spirits of the Air, Appear
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Sara Macliver
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III: Dance for the Green Men
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III: Dance for the Faierys
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III: Symphony while the Swans Come Forward
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II: Second Act Tune. Aire
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II: Dance for the Followers of Night
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Antony Walker
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II: Song. One Charming Night
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Paul McMahon
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II: Song. I Am Come to Lock All Fast
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Sally-Anne Russell
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II: Song. See, Even Night Herself Is Here
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker & Alison Morgan
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II: Chorus. Now Joyn Your Warbling Voices All - Song and Chorus. Sing While We Trip It upon the Green - Dance for Faierys
Pinchgut Opera, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Antony Walker, Belinda Montgomery & Cantillation