Osborne Peasgood Song List
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Chorus: In tears of grief (Chorus)
Thornton Lofthouse, Gordon Clinton, Bruce Boyce, Kathleen Ferrier, Reginald Jacques, Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, Henry Cummings, William Parsons, Osborne Peasgood & Elsie Suddaby
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative and Chorus: And now the Lord (Chorus, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass)
Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Eric Greene, Reginald Jacques, Henry Cummings, William Parsons, The Bach Choir, Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, Thornton Lofthouse, Osborne Peasgood & Jacques Orchestra, The
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative and Chorus: And when Joseph (Chorus, Pilate, Evangelist)
Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons, Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene, The Bach Choir, Jacques Orchestra, The & Gordon Clinton
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Aria: Make thee clean, my heart (Bass)
Thornton Lofthouse, Gordon Clinton, Bruce Boyce, Elsie Suddaby, Kathleen Ferrier, Reginald Jacques, Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons, Jacques Orchestra, The, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene & The Bach Choir
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative: At evening, hour of calm and peace (Bass)
Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby, Gordon Clinton, Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Kathleen Ferrier, Reginald Jacques, Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene & William Parsons
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative and Chorus: And behold the veil (Chorus, Evangelist)
The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, Jacques Orchestra, The, Thornton Lofthouse, Gordon Clinton, Bruce Boyce, Kathleen Ferrier, Reginald Jacques, William Parsons, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby & Henry Cummings
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Chorus: Be near me Lord (Chorus)
William Parsons, Kathleen Ferrier, Reginald Jacques, Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, Henry Cummings, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse & Gordon Clinton
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative and Chorus: Now from the sixth hour (Chorus, Jesus, Evangelist)
William Parsons, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene, The Bach Choir, Kathleen Ferrier, Reginald Jacques, Jacques Orchestra, The, Thornton Lofthouse & Gordon Clinton
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Aria and Chorus: See ye, see (Chorus, Contralto)
Eric Greene, Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Reginald Jacques, Thornton Lofthouse, William Parsons, Bruce Boyce, Henry Cummings, Gordon Clinton, Osborne Peasgood, Kathleen Ferrier & Elsie Suddaby
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative: Ah Golgotha! (Contralto)
The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, Jacques Orchestra, The, Gordon Clinton, Bruce Boyce, Reginald Jacques, Thornton Lofthouse, Kathleen Ferrier, Elsie Suddaby, Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons & Henry Cummings
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative: The thieves also which (Evangelist)
Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, Thornton Lofthouse, Elsie Suddaby, Osborne Peasgood, Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, Reginald Jacques, Bruce Boyce, Henry Cummings & William Parsons
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative and Chorus: And when they were come (Chorus, Evangelist)
Reginald Jacques, Jacques Orchestra, The, Eric Greene, William Parsons, Henry Cummings, Thornton Lofthouse, Bruce Boyce, Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, The Bach Choir, Osborne Peasgood & Elsie Suddaby
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative: And after that (Evangelist)
Kathleen Ferrier, Eric Greene, The Bach Choir, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, Henry Cummings, William Parsons, Gordon Clinton, Thornton Lofthouse, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby & Bruce Boyce
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Chorus: O Sacred Head (Chorus)
Gordon Clinton, Eric Greene, Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Osborne Peasgood, Henry Cummings, Kathleen Ferrier, Thornton Lofthouse, Reginald Jacques, William Parsons, The Bach Choir & Jacques Orchestra, The
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative and Chorus: Then the soldiers (Chorus, Evangelist)
Reginald Jacques, Bruce Boyce, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby, Thornton Lofthouse, Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, Henry Cummings & William Parsons
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Aria: If my tears be unavailing (Contralto)
Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier, Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene, The Bach Choir, Jacques Orchestra, The, Gordon Clinton, Thornton Lofthouse, Bruce Boyce & Elsie Suddaby
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative: O Gracious God (Contralto)
Henry Cummings, Osborne Peasgood, The Bach Choir, William Parsons, Eric Greene, Bruce Boyce, Elsie Suddaby, Thornton Lofthouse, Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, Reginald Jacques & Jacques Orchestra, The
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative and Chorus: But they cried out (Chorus, Pilate, Evangelist)
Henry Cummings, William Parsons, Eric Greene, The Bach Choir, Reginald Jacques, Jacques Orchestra, The, Kathleen Ferrier, Gordon Clinton, Thornton Lofthouse, Bruce Boyce, Elsie Suddaby & Osborne Peasgood
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Aria: For love my Saviour (Soprano)
Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Reginald Jacques, Eric Greene, William Parsons, Henry Cummings, Osborne Peasgood, Kathleen Ferrier, Gordon Clinton, Thornton Lofthouse, Bruce Boyce & Elsie Suddaby
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative: To all men Jesus (Soprano)
The Bach Choir, Henry Cummings, William Parsons, Eric Greene, Reginald Jacques, Jacques Orchestra, The, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Kathleen Ferrier & Gordon Clinton
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative: And the Governor said (Pilate, Evangelist)
Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby, William Parsons, Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, Reginald Jacques, Henry Cummings & Jacques Orchestra, The
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Chorus: O wondrous love (Chorus)
Thornton Lofthouse, Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier, Gordon Clinton, Eric Greene, Bruce Boyce, Elsie Suddaby, Osborne Peasgood, Jacques Orchestra, The, Henry Cummings, The Bach Choir & William Parsons
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative and Chorus: Now at that feast (Chorus, Pilate, Evangelist, Pilate's Wife)
Bruce Boyce, Kathleen Ferrier, Gordon Clinton, Elsie Suddaby, Osborne Peasgood, Henry Cummings, The Bach Choir, William Parsons, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, Eric Greene & Thornton Lofthouse
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Chorus: Commit thy way to Jesus (Chorus)
Kathleen Ferrier, Gordon Clinton, The Bach Choir, Reginald Jacques, Eric Greene, Jacques Orchestra, The, Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Osborne Peasgood, Henry Cummings, Thornton Lofthouse & William Parsons
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative: And they took counsel (Pilate, Jesus, Evangelist)
Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons, Thornton Lofthouse, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene, Reginald Jacques, Gordon Clinton, The Bach Choir, Jacques Orchestra, The & Kathleen Ferrier
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Aria: Give, O give me back my Lord (Bass)
Elsie Suddaby, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, Henry Cummings, William Parsons, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier, Osborne Peasgood, Gordon Clinton, Bruce Boyce & Thornton Lofthouse
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative: And he cast down (Judas, Evangelist)
Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier, Gordon Clinton, Thornton Lofthouse, Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene, Bruce Boyce & Elsie Suddaby
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative and Chorus: When the morning was come (Chorus, Judas, Evangelist)
Osborne Peasgood, Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Eric Greene, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, The Bach Choir, Elsie Suddaby, Henry Cummings & William Parsons
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Chorus: Lamb of God (Chorus)
Eric Greene, Henry Cummings, William Parsons, Kathleen Ferrier, Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Gordon Clinton, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby, Reginald Jacques, Jacques Orchestra, The & The Bach Choir
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Aria: Have mercy, Lord, on me (Contralto)
Thornton Lofthouse, The Bach Choir, Jacques Orchestra, The, Gordon Clinton, Eric Greene, Kathleen Ferrier, Henry Cummings, Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons, Reginald Jacques, Elsie Suddaby & Bruce Boyce
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative: Then began he to curse (Peter, Evangelist)
Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, William Parsons, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby, Reginald Jacques, Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene & Henry Cummings
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative and Chorus: Now Peter sat without in the Palace (Chorus, Peter, Evangelist, First Maid, Second Maid)
Osborne Peasgood, Henry Cummings, Reginald Jacques, William Parsons, Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, Gordon Clinton & Kathleen Ferrier
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Chorus: O Lord, who dares to smite Thee (Chorus)
The Bach Choir, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, William Parsons, Henry Cummings, Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Gordon Clinton, Eric Greene, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby & Kathleen Ferrier
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative and Chorus: Then they did spit in His face (Chorus, Evangelist)
Henry Cummings, William Parsons, Eric Greene, Osborne Peasgood, Bruce Boyce, Elsie Suddaby, Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, Thornton Lofthouse, Reginald Jacques, Jacques Orchestra, The & The Bach Choir
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative and Chorus: And the High Priest answered (Chorus, High Priest, Jesus, Evangelist)
Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Kathleen Ferrier, Osborne Peasgood, Gordon Clinton, Thornton Lofthouse, Reginald Jacques, Jacques Orchestra, The, William Parsons, Eric Greene, Henry Cummings & The Bach Choir
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Aria: Endure, endure (Tenor)
Thornton Lofthouse, Eric Greene, Henry Cummings, The Bach Choir, William Parsons, Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, Bruce Boyce, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby, Reginald Jacques & Jacques Orchestra, The
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative: He holds His peace (Tenor)
William Parsons, Elsie Suddaby, Thornton Lofthouse, Bruce Boyce, Osborne Peasgood, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene, The Bach Choir, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, Gordon Clinton & Kathleen Ferrier
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative: Yea though many (Witnesses, Evangelist)
Kathleen Ferrier, The Bach Choir, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, William Parsons, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene, Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Osborne Peasgood, Gordon Clinton & Thornton Lofthouse
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Chorus: How falsely doth the world (Chorus)
Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Osborne Peasgood, Gordon Clinton, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier, William Parsons & Henry Cummings
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Recitative: And they that had laid hold (Evangelist)
Henry Cummings, The Bach Choir, Gordon Clinton, Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier, Jacques Orchestra, The, Eric Greene, Thornton Lofthouse, Bruce Boyce, William Parsons, Osborne Peasgood & Elsie Suddaby
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part II: Aria and Chorus: Ah! now is my Saviour gone (Chorus, Contralto)
Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier, Gordon Clinton, Bruce Boyce, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby, William Parsons, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene, The Bach Choir, Jacques Orchestra, The & Thornton Lofthouse
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Chorus: O man, thy grievous sin (Chorus)
Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, William Parsons, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, Henry Cummings, Reginald Jacques & Jacques Orchestra, The
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Recitative: And behold one of them (Jesus, Evangelist)
Reginald Jacques, Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Osborne Peasgood, Thornton Lofthouse, Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, Jacques Orchestra, The, William Parsons, Henry Cummings, The Bach Choir & Eric Greene
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Duet and Chorus: Behold my Saviour (Chorus, Contralto, Soprano)
Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Osborne Peasgood, Reginald Jacques, Eric Greene, Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Thornton Lofthouse, Henry Cummings, William Parsons, Kathleen Ferrier & Gordon Clinton
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Recitative: Then cometh He (Judas, Jesus, Evangelist)
Bruce Boyce, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene, The Bach Choir, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, Elsie Suddaby, William Parsons, Osborne Peasgood, Kathleen Ferrier, Gordon Clinton & Thornton Lofthouse
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Chorus: O Father let Thy will be done (Chorus)
Bruce Boyce, Kathleen Ferrier, Gordon Clinton, William Parsons, Elsie Suddaby, Reginald Jacques, Osborne Peasgood, Thornton Lofthouse, Henry Cummings, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene & Jacques Orchestra, The
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Recitative: And He cometh (Jesus, Evangelist)
Kathleen Ferrier, Gordon Clinton, Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Osborne Peasgood, Henry Cummings, William Parsons, Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, Elsie Suddaby & Reginald Jacques
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Aria: Gladly would I take (Bass)
Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier, Gordon Clinton, Thornton Lofthouse, Bruce Boyce, Elsie Suddaby, The Bach Choir, Jacques Orchestra, The, Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons, Henry Cummings & Eric Greene
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Recitative: The Saviour, low before His Father (Bass)
Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier, Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, Elsie Suddaby, Henry Cummings, William Parsons, Osborne Peasgood, Thornton Lofthouse, Bruce Boyce & Gordon Clinton
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Recitative: And He went a little farther (Jesus, Evangelist)
Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons, Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene, Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier, Thornton Lofthouse & Gordon Clinton
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Aria: I would beside my Lord (Tenor, Chorus)
William Parsons, Osborne Peasgood, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene, Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, Reginald Jacques, The Bach Choir & Jacques Orchestra, The
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Chorus: O grief (Chorus, Tenor)
Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Reginald Jacques, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby, Thornton Lofthouse, William Parsons, Bruce Boyce, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene, Kathleen Ferrier & Gordon Clinton
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Recitative: Then cometh Jesus (Evangelist, Jesus)
Thornton Lofthouse, Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene, The Bach Choir, Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier, Gordon Clinton & Jacques Orchestra, The
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Chorus: Here would I stand beside Thee (Chorus)
Osborne Peasgood, Kathleen Ferrier, William Parsons, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene, Elsie Suddaby, Jacques Orchestra, The, Thornton Lofthouse, Reginald Jacques, Bruce Boyce, Gordon Clinton & The Bach Choir
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Recitative: Peter answered and said (Peter, Jesus, Evangelist)
Reginald Jacques, Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Elsie Suddaby, Osborne Peasgood, The Bach Choir, William Parsons, Jacques Orchestra, The, Eric Greene, Henry Cummings, Kathleen Ferrier & Gordon Clinton
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Recitative: And after they had sung (Jesus, Evangelist)
Eric Greene, Jacques Orchestra, The, Elsie Suddaby, Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons, Henry Cummings, Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier, Gordon Clinton, Thornton Lofthouse, Bruce Boyce & The Bach Choir
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Aria: Jesus, Saviour (Soprano)
Reginald Jacques, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, Jacques Orchestra, The, Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, William Parsons, Henry Cummings, Thornton Lofthouse, Bruce Boyce, Elsie Suddaby & Osborne Peasgood
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Recitative: Although our eyes with tears (Soprano)
Eric Greene, The Bach Choir, Henry Cummings, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, William Parsons, Thornton Lofthouse, Gordon Clinton & Kathleen Ferrier
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Recitative: And He answered (Judas, Jesus, Evangelist)
Elsie Suddaby, Osborne Peasgood, Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier, William Parsons, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene, The Bach Choir, Jacques Orchestra, The, Gordon Clinton, Thornton Lofthouse & Bruce Boyce
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Chorus: 'Tis I whose sin doth bind Thee (Chorus)
Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Elsie Suddaby, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons, Kathleen Ferrier, Gordon Clinton & The Bach Choir
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Recitative: And He said, go (Chorus, Jesus, Evangelist)
Henry Cummings, Elsie Suddaby, Jacques Orchestra, The, Gordon Clinton, William Parsons, Osborne Peasgood, Thornton Lofthouse, Bruce Boyce, Kathleen Ferrier, Eric Greene, The Bach Choir & Reginald Jacques
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Chorus: Where, where (Chorus)
Bruce Boyce, Gordon Clinton, Thornton Lofthouse, Kathleen Ferrier, Reginald Jacques, Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, William Parsons, Henry Cummings, Elsie Suddaby & Osborne Peasgood
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Recitative: Now the first day (Chorus, Evangelist)
Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Gordon Clinton, William Parsons, Osborne Peasgood, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, Henry Cummings, Reginald Jacques, Jacques Orchestra, The & Kathleen Ferrier
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Aria: Break in grief (Soprano)
Eric Greene, The Bach Choir, Reginald Jacques, Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, Jacques Orchestra, The, Thornton Lofthouse, Bruce Boyce, Elsie Suddaby, Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons & Henry Cummings
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Aria: Grief for sin (Contralto)
Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons, Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier, Gordon Clinton, Thornton Lofthouse, Bruce Boyce, Eric Greene, Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Elsie Suddaby & Henry Cummings
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Recitative: My Master and my Lord (Contralto)
Henry Cummings, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, Bruce Boyce, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby, William Parsons, Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier & Thornton Lofthouse
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Recitative: When Jesus understood it (Jesus, Evangelist)
Thornton Lofthouse, Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene, The Bach Choir, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier & Gordon Clinton
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Chorus: To what purpose is this waste (Chorus)
Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Eric Greene, Henry Cummings, Reginald Jacques, William Parsons, Osborne Peasgood, Gordon Clinton & Kathleen Ferrier
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Recitative: Now when Jesus was in Bethany (Evangelist)
Eric Greene, Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Henry Cummings, The Bach Choir, Reginald Jacques, Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons, Gordon Clinton, Thornton Lofthouse, Kathleen Ferrier & Jacques Orchestra, The
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Chorus: Not upon the feast (Chorus)
William Parsons, Henry Cummings, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, Reginald Jacques, Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir & Eric Greene
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Recitative: Then assembled together (Evangelist)
The Bach Choir, Eric Greene, Henry Cummings, William Parsons, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby, Thornton Lofthouse, Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, Reginald Jacques, Jacques Orchestra, The & Bruce Boyce
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Chorus: O blessed Jesu (Chorus)
Elsie Suddaby, Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, Kathleen Ferrier, Gordon Clinton, Thornton Lofthouse, Bruce Boyce, Henry Cummings, Eric Greene & The Bach Choir
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Recitative: When Jesus had finished (Jesus, Evangelist)
Gordon Clinton, Kathleen Ferrier, William Parsons, Osborne Peasgood, Elsie Suddaby, Bruce Boyce, Thornton Lofthouse, Reginald Jacques, Jacques Orchestra, The, The Bach Choir, Eric Greene & Henry Cummings
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (Sung in English): Part I: Chorus: Come ye daughters (Chorus)
The Bach Choir, Kathleen Ferrier, Thornton Lofthouse, Gordon Clinton, Bruce Boyce, Elsie Suddaby, Eric Greene, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, Osborne Peasgood, William Parsons & Henry Cummings
Halt im Gedachtnis Jesum Christ, BWV 67 (Sung in English): Chorale: Lord Christ (Chorus)
Kathleen Ferrier, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, The Cantata Singers, Thornton Lofthouse, Osborne Peasgood, William Herbert & William Parsons
Halt im Gedachtnis Jesum Christ, BWV 67 (Sung in English): Aria: Peace be unto you (Bass, Chorus)
Kathleen Ferrier, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, The Cantata Singers, Thornton Lofthouse, Osborne Peasgood, William Herbert & William Parsons
Halt im Gedachtnis Jesum Christ, BWV 67 (Sung in English): Recitative: And still, O Lord (Alto)
Kathleen Ferrier, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, The Cantata Singers, Thornton Lofthouse, Osborne Peasgood, William Herbert & William Parsons
Halt im Gedachtnis Jesum Christ, BWV 67 (Sung in English): Chorale: Come all (Chorus)
Kathleen Ferrier, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, The Cantata Singers, Thornton Lofthouse, Osborne Peasgood, William Herbert & William Parsons
Halt im Gedachtnis Jesum Christ, BWV 67 (Sung in English): Recitative: Now, Jesus (Alto)
Kathleen Ferrier, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, The Cantata Singers, Thornton Lofthouse, Osborne Peasgood, William Herbert & William Parsons
Halt im Gedachtnis Jesum Christ, BWV 67 (Sung in English): Aria: Christ Jesus now is risen (Tenor)
Kathleen Ferrier, Jacques Orchestra, The, Reginald Jacques, The Cantata Singers, Thornton Lofthouse, Osborne Peasgood, William Herbert & William Parsons
Anointing - Hymn: "Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire" (Live)
Coronation Choir, Dr. William McKie & Osborne Peasgood
Communion Service: Creed (Mass in G Minor) [Live]
Coronation Choir, Dr. William McKie & Osborne Peasgood
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version), XVII. The Recess: Fanfare (Gordon Jacob [not Ernest Bullock]) - National Anthem (arr. Gordon Jacob)
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version), XVII. The Recess: Fanfare (Ernest Bullock) - organ improvisation [behind commentary]
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version): XVI. [Coronation] Te Deum (William Walton)
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version), XV. The Communion: Threefold Amen (Orlando Gibbons)
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version), XV. The Communion: Gloria (C. V. Stanford: Festal Communion Service in B flat) - Blessing
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version), XV. The Communion: The Lord's Prayer - Prayer
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version), XV. The Communion: Communion motet: O taste and see (Ralph Vaughan Williams)
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version), XV. The Communion: Prayers of Humble Access and of Consecration
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version), XV. The Communion: Sanctus (Ralph Vaughan Williams: Mass in G minor) [sung in English, adapted Maurice Jacobson]
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version), XV. The Communion: Prayers - Invitation - General Confession - Absolution - Sursum corda (John Merbecke)
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version), XV. The Communion: Offertory hymn: All people that on earth do dwell (Louis Bourgeois, arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams; v. 3 harm. John Dowland)
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version), XIV. The Homage: Fanfare (Ernest Bullock) - 'God save Queen Elizabeth'
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version), XIV. The Homage, Anthems: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace (S. S. Wesley)
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version), XIV. The Homage, Anthems: O Lord, our Governour (Healey Willan) [partly behind speech]
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version), XIV. The Homage, Anthems: Rejoice in the Lord alway (anon.) [entirely behind speech]
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version): XIII. The Enthroning
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version): XII. The Benediction
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris
The Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1997 Remastered Version), XI. The Putting on of the Crown: Confortare (George Dyson)
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, Howard Marshall, Dr. William McKie, Lieut.-Col. Meredith Roberts MBE MVO, Osborne Peasgood, Dr John Dykes Bower, Dr. Osborne H. Peasgood, John Snagge & William Henry Harris