Fires of London Song List
Three Early Scottish Motets: Our Father Which in Heaven Art
Sir Peter Maxwell Davies & Fires of London
Tenebrae Super Gesualdo, J. 109 No. 1: I. Beats Irregular
Sir Peter Maxwell Davies & Fires of London
Vesalii Icones, Op. 42: XIV. The Resurrection - Antichrist
Sir Peter Maxwell Davies & Fires of London
The Tedious Way to Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show for 17 Performers: XI. Metapenthes
William Pearson, Fires of London, Dieter Schider, Philip Jones Brass Quintet, Gastón Salvatore, Gunter Hampel Free Jazz Ensemble, Hans Werner Henze, Elfriede Irral, Giuseppe Agostini & Stomu Yamash'ta
The Tedious Way to Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show for 17 Performers: X. Speech PrActice
William Pearson, Fires of London, Philip Jones Brass Quintet, Dieter Schider, Gastón Salvatore, Gunter Hampel Free Jazz Ensemble, Hans Werner Henze, Elfriede Irral, Giuseppe Agostini & Stomu Yamash'ta
The Tedious Way to Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show for 17 Performers: IX. Geodesy
William Pearson, Fires of London, Philip Jones Brass Quintet, Dieter Schider, Gastón Salvatore, Gunter Hampel Free Jazz Ensemble, Hans Werner Henze, Elfriede Irral, Giuseppe Agostini & Stomu Yamash'ta
The Tedious Way to Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show for 17 Performers: VIII. Attempted Return No. 3
William Pearson, Fires of London, Philip Jones Brass Quintet, Dieter Schider, Gastón Salvatore, Gunter Hampel Free Jazz Ensemble, Hans Werner Henze, Elfriede Irral, Giuseppe Agostini & Stomu Yamash'ta
The Tedious Way to Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show for 17 Performers: VII. Attempted Return No. 2
William Pearson, Fires of London, Dieter Schider, Philip Jones Brass Quintet, Gastón Salvatore, Gunter Hampel Free Jazz Ensemble, Hans Werner Henze, Elfriede Irral, Giuseppe Agostini & Stomu Yamash'ta
The Tedious Way to Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show for 17 Performers: VI. The Difficult Bourgeoisie: Attempted Return No. 1
William Pearson, Fires of London, Philip Jones Brass Quintet, Dieter Schider, Gastón Salvatore, Gunter Hampel Free Jazz Ensemble, Hans Werner Henze, Elfriede Irral, Giuseppe Agostini & Stomu Yamash'ta
The Tedious Way to Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show for 17 Performers: V. Introduction to the Difficult Bourgeoisie
William Pearson, Fires of London, Philip Jones Brass Quintet, Dieter Schider, Gastón Salvatore, Gunter Hampel Free Jazz Ensemble, Hans Werner Henze, Elfriede Irral, Giuseppe Agostini & Stomu Yamash'ta
The Tedious Way to Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show for 17 Performers: IV. The Listless Spy
William Pearson, Fires of London, Philip Jones Brass Quintet, Dieter Schider, Gastón Salvatore, Gunter Hampel Free Jazz Ensemble, Hans Werner Henze, Elfriede Irral, Giuseppe Agostini & Stomu Yamash'ta
The Tedious Way to Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show for 17 Performers: III. The Veiled Messengers
William Pearson, Fires of London, Dieter Schider, Philip Jones Brass Quintet, Gastón Salvatore, Gunter Hampel Free Jazz Ensemble, Hans Werner Henze, Elfriede Irral, Giuseppe Agostini & Stomu Yamash'ta
The Tedious Way to Natasha Ungeheuer's Apartment Show for 17 Performers: II. Attempts At Molestation
William Pearson, Fires of London, Philip Jones Brass Quintet, Dieter Schider, Gastón Salvatore, Gunter Hampel Free Jazz Ensemble, Hans Werner Henze, Elfriede Irral, Giuseppe Agostini & Stomu Yamash'ta