Alexander Lazarev Song List
Царский суд
Pavel Smeyan, Alexander Lazarev, Виктор Проскурин, Александр Каргин, Viktor Rakov & Сергей Чонишвили
The Snow Maiden, Act IV: Concluding Chorus. Hymn "Svet I sila - Bog Yarilo"
Tatyana Erastova, Alexander Fedin, Lyudmila Sergienko, Raisa Kotova, Alexander Arkhipov, Konstantin Baskov, Yury Markelov, NikolaI Nizienko, Stanislav Suleimanov, Boris Morozov, Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act IV: Finale "Kak veshniy sneg, rastayala ona!"
Igor Morozov, Alexander Fedin, Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act IV: Melt Scene of Snow Maiden "Velikiy tsar, sprosi menya"
Irina Zhurina, Lyudmila Sergienko, Raisa Kotova, Tatyana Erastova, Alexander Fedin, Konstantin Baskov, Yury Markelov, NikolaI Nizienko, Stanislav Suleimanov, Alexander Arkhipov, Igor Morozov, Boris Morozov, Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act IV: Scene "Da budet vash soyuz blagosloven"
Alexander Fedin, Igor Morozov, Irina Zhurina, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act IV: Finale "a my proso seyali"
Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act IV: Duet of Snow Maiden and Mizgir "Postoy, postoy. Snegurochka!"
Igor Morozov, Irina Zhurina, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act IV: Scene of Snow Maiden with Spring "Akh, mama, mama, chto so mnoy"
Irina Zhurina, Nina Terentyeva, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act IV: Chorus of Flowers "Zor vesennikh tsvet dushisty"
Nina Terentyeva, Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act IV: Scene of Snow Maiden with Spring "Rodimaya, v slezakh toski I gorya"
Irina Zhurina, Nina Terentyeva, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act III: Scene of Lel, Kupava and Snow Maiden "Kuda ona devalas, zapropala?"
Tatyana Erastova, Lyudmila Sergienko, Irina Zhurina, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act III: Scene "Brodi vsyu noch za prizrakom begushchim"
Oleg Biktimirov, Igor Morozov, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act III: Scene of Snow Maiden with Mizgir "Prigozhiy Lel"
Irina Zhurina, Igor Morozov, Oleg Biktimirov, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act III: Scene in the Forest Reserve "Spasibo, Lel"
Alexander Fedin, Irina Zhurina, Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act III: Lel's Third Song "Tucha so gromom sgovarivalas"
Tatyana Erastova, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act III: Dance of the Skomorokhi
Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act III: Cavatina of the Tsar Berendey "Ukhodit den vesely"
Alexander Fedin, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act III: Recitative of the Tsar Berendey "Veseloe gulyane"
Alexander Fedin, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act III: Scene in the Forest Reserve. Roundelay and Song About Beaver "Ay, vo pole liponka"
Irina Zhurina, Tatyana Erastova, Alexander Arkhipov, Raisa Kotova, Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act II: Finale "Da zdravstvuet premudry, veliky Berendey"
Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act II: Scene "Snegurochka, prishla tvoya pora"
Alexander Fedin, Irina Zhurina, Boris Morozov, Tatyana Erastova, Igor Morozov, Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act II: Cavatina of the Tsar Berendey "Polna, polna chudes moguchaya priroda"
Alexander Fedin, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act II: Scene "Spasibo vam!"
Alexander Fedin, Igor Morozov, Boris Morozov, Lyudmila Sergienko, Irina Zhurina, Raisa Kotova, Alexander Arkhipov, Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
Hymn of the Berendeyans "Privet tebe, premudry, velikiy Berendey!"
Lyudmila Sergienko, Tatyana Erastova, Konstantin Baskov, Yury Markelov, NikolaI Nizienko, Stanislav Suleimanov, Boris Morozov, Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act II: Ceremonial Procession of Tsar Berendey
Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act II: Public Proclamation "Gosudarevy lyudi"
Konstantin Baskov, Yury Markelov, NikolaI Nizienko, Stanislav Suleimanov, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act II: Duet of the Tsar Berendey with Kupava "Batyushka, svetly tsar!"
Lyudmila Sergienko, Alexander Fedin, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act II: Scene of the Tsar Berendey with Bermyata "Velikiy tsar schastlivykh berendeev"
Boris Morozov, Alexander Fedin, Sasha Karpikov, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act II: Chorus. Song of the Blind Gusli-Players "Veshchie gromkie struny rokochut"
Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act I: Finale "Golubushki-podruzhki, poglyadite"
Lyudmila Sergienko, Igor Morozov, Tatyana Erastova, Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act I: Scene of Kupava with Snow Maiden and Mizgir "Podruzhenki!"
Lyudmila Sergienko, Igor Morozov, Irina Zhurina, Alexander Arkhipov, Raisa Kotova, Tatyana Erastova, Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act I: Wedding Rite "Golubushki, golubushki-devitsy"
Lyudmila Sergienko, Igor Morozov, Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act I: Scene and Arietta of Kupava "Snegurochka, ya schastliva!"
Lyudmila Sergienko, Irina Zhurina, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act I: Arietta of Snow Maiden "Kak bolno zdes!"
Irina Zhurina, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act I: Lel's Second Song "Kak po lesu les shumit"
Tatyana Erastova, Irina Zhurina, Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act I: Lel's First Song "Zemlyanichka-yagodka"
Tatyana Erastova, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Act I: Scene of Snow Maiden with Lel "Za laskovy priem"
Irina Zhurina, Tatyana Erastova, Alexander Arkhipov, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Prologue: Final Scene "Domoy idi!"
Raisa Kotova, Alexander Arkhipov, Irina Zhurina, Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Prologue: Chorus. Farewell Ceremony of Maslenitsa "Ranym-rano petukhi zapeli"
Vladimir Pashinsky, Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Prologue: Scene of Snow Maiden with Frost and Spring "Slyshish? Taesh?"
Irina Zhurina, Nina Terentyeva, George Seleznev, Oleg Biktimirov, Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Prologue: Arietta of Snow Maiden "Slykhala ya, slykhala"
Irina Zhurina, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Prologue: Scene of Snow Maiden with Frost and Spring "Au! Au!"
Irina Zhurina, Nina Terentyeva, George Seleznev, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Prologue: Scene of Frost and Spring "Metel, metel!"
Nina Terentyeva, George Seleznev, Bolshoi Theatre Children's Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Prologue: Song and Dance of the Birds "Sbiralis ptitsy"
Nina Terentyeva, Bolshoi Theatre Children's Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Prologue: Recitative of Spring Beauty "Tovarishchi, soroki-beloboki"
Nina Terentyeva, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Prologue: Recitative and Aria of Spring Beauty "V urochny chas"
Nina Terentyeva, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Prologue: Introduction "Konets zime"
Oleg Biktimirov, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
Demon, Act II Scene 4: Demon's Second Romance "Na vozdushnom okeane"
Alexander Ognivtsev, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Prologue: Snow Maiden's Aria "S podruzhkami po yagodu khodit"
Irina Zhurina, Georgy Seleznev, Nina Terentyeva, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Snow Maiden, Prologue: Birds's Dance "Sobralis ptitsy"
Bolshoi Theatre Choir, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
Робин Гуд: А на утро Робин Гуд
Борис Левинсон, Карп Мукасян, Alexander Lazarev, Радий Афанасьев, Михаил Езепов, Анатолий Михеев, Владимир Самойлов, Александр Ильин, Вокальный ансамбль "Коробейники", Инструментальный ансамбль п/у Николая Левиновского & Melodiya
Лесная избушка: И вдруг
Алексей Борзунов, Екатерина Райкина, Пётр Смидович, Alexander Lazarev & Ensemble of Soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
Лесная избушка: Но когда девушка вышла
Алексей Борзунов, Пётр Смидович, Екатерина Райкина, Alexander Lazarev & Ensemble of Soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
Лесная избушка: Девушка зашла наверх
Алексей Борзунов, Юрий Пузырёв, Lyubov Strizhenova, Пётр Смидович, Alexander Lazarev & Ensemble of Soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
Лесная избушка: Жил бедный дровосек
Алексей Борзунов, Юрий Пузырёв, Бронислава Захарова, Пётр Смидович, Alexander Lazarev & Ensemble of Soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
Фалина, ты искала меня?
Александр Вилькин, Valeriy Ivanov, Зоя Пыльнова, Людмила Комаровская, Лев Штейнрайх, Алёна Охлупина, Антон Вилькин, Виталий Ованесов, Alexander Lazarev & Ensemble of Soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
Когда Бемби достиг края рва
Александр Вилькин, Valeriy Ivanov, Лев Штейнрайх, Зоя Пыльнова, Леонид Ярмольник, Ольга Гулынская, Alexander Lazarev & Ensemble of Soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
Между тем незнакомец
Александр Вилькин, Valeriy Ivanov, Зоя Пыльнова, Леонид Ярмольник, Галина Гриценко, Ольга Гулынская, Людмила Комаровская, Лев Штейнрайх, Владимир Пичугин, Alexander Lazarev & Ensemble of Soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
А время неумолимо летит
Александр Вилькин, Людмила Комаровская, Valeriy Ivanov, Зоя Пыльнова, Евгений Шершнёв, Юрий Смирнов, Alexander Lazarev & Ensemble of Soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
О чём бы не говорили олени
Александр Вилькин, Наталья Кочетова, Ольга Широкова, Евгений Шершнёв, Вера Чернявская, Галина Гриценко, Зоя Пыльнова, Леонид Ярмольник, Ольга Гулынская, Юрий Смирнов, Alexander Lazarev & Ensemble of Soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
Время шло
Александр Вилькин, Галина Широкова, Владимир Гинзбург, Вера Чернявская, Ольга Широкова, Юрий Смирнов, Alexander Lazarev & Ensemble of Soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
Бемби, Бемби, иди сюда
Ольга Широкова, Александр Вилькин, Евгений Славутин, Вера Чернявская, Галина Гриценко, Зоя Пыльнова, Леонид Ярмольник, Людмила Комаровская, Alexander Lazarev & Ensemble of Soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
В тот день лес ждал
Александр Вилькин, Зоя Пыльнова, Ольга Широкова, Вера Чернявская, Татьяна Захава, Alexander Lazarev & Ensemble of Soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
Захотел однажды царь Горох
Борис Кумаритов, Роман Ткачук, Нина Архипова, Наталья Защипина, Юрий Васильев, Нина Феклисова, Alexander Lazarev & Ensemble of Soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
Действительно, меня никто не узнаёт
Борис Кумаритов, Роман Ткачук, Нина Архипова, Наталья Защипина, Gennadiy Bogdanov, Нина Феклисова, Alexander Lazarev & Ensemble of Soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
Прекрасная царевна Кутафья
Борис Кумаритов, Роман Ткачук, Нина Архипова, Нина Феклисова, Наталья Защипина, Alexander Lazarev & Ensemble of Soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
Жил-был, поживал славный царь Горох
Борис Кумаритов, Роман Ткачук, Нина Архипова, Наталья Защипина, Gennadiy Bogdanov, Alexander Lazarev & Ensemble of Soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
Хаджи-Мурат: Всю ночь Хаджи-Мурат не спал и думал
Константин Вахтеров, Евгений Фёдоров, Alexander Lazarev & Владимир Горелов
Хаджи-Мурат: Хаджи-Мурат каждый день ходил к Воронцову
Константин Вахтеров, Владимир Горелов & Alexander Lazarev
Хаджи-Мурат: Хаджи, Хаджи-Мурат
Виктор Зозулин, Alexander Lazarev, Владимир Горелов & Дмитрий Бородин
Хаджи-Мурат: Это было в конце 1851-го года
Константин Вахтеров, Alexander Lazarev, Игорь Ключарёв, Виктор Зозулин & Дмитрий Бородин
Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra in E-Flat Minor
Timofei Dokschitzer, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
Swan Lake, Op. 20: No. 5, Pas de deux - I. & II.
Sergei Stadler, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
Swan Lake, Op. 20: No. 13e, Pas d'action
Sergei Stadler, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
Swan Lake, Op. 20: No. 20а, Danses russe
Sergei Stadler, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66: No. 18, Entr'acte
Sergei Stadler, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
Raymonda, Op. 57: Variation III
Sergei Stadler, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
Egyptian Nights, Op. 50: Andante sostenuto
Sergei Stadler, Alexander Lazarev & Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre