Gerhard Pechner Song List
Salome, Op. 54, TrV 215, Szene 4: Salome, bedenk, was du tun willst
Karl Böhm, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Birgit Nilsson, Karl Liebl, Irene Dalis, Charles Anthony, Robert Nagy, Gabor Carelli, Andrea Velis & Gerhard Pechner
Salome, Op. 54, TrV 215, Szene 4: Wahrhaftig, Herr, es wäre besser, ihn in unsere Hände zu geben
Karl Böhm, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Karl Liebl, Charles Anthony, Robert Nagy, Gabor Carelli, Andrea Velis, Gerhard Pechner, Ernst Wiemann, Calvin Marsh & Irene Dalis
Es ist bestimmt in Goties Rat – (The Lord surely has provided) ( [feat. Felix Mendelssohn]
Gerhard Pechner
La forza del destino, Act IV: Giunge qualcuNo. aprite (Live)
Jerome Hines, Leonard Warren, Gerhard Pechner, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Fritz Stiedry
La forza del destino, Act IV: Auf!. Pazienza non v'ha che basti! (Live)
Gerhard Pechner, Jerome Hines, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Fritz Stiedry
La forza del destino, Act IV: Fate la carità (Live)
The Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Gerhard Pechner, Jerome Hines, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Fritz Stiedry
La forza del destino, Act III: Toh, toh!. Poffare il mondo! (Live)
Gerhard Pechner, The Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Jean Madeira, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Fritz Stiedry
La forza del destino, Act II: La vergine degli angeli (Live)
Jerome Hines, Gerhard Pechner, Zinka Milanov, The Metropolitan Opera Chorus, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Fritz Stiedry
La forza del destino, Act II: Il santo nome di Dio Signore (Live)
Jerome Hines, Gerhard Pechner, The Metropolitan Opera Chorus, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Fritz Stiedry
La forza del destino, Act II: Chi mi cerca? (Live)
Jerome Hines, Zinka Milanov, Gerhard Pechner, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Fritz Stiedry
La forza del destino, Act II: Chi siete? (Live)
Gerhard Pechner, Zinka Milanov, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Fritz Stiedry
Tosca (Highlights), Act I: Dammi i colori … Recondita armonia
Carlo Bergonzi, Gerhard Pechner, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Kurt Herbert Adler
Tosca (Highlights), Act I: Che fai?
Carlo Bergonzi, Gerhard Pechner, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Kurt Herbert Adler
Macbeth, Act IV: Una macchia è qui tuttora (Live)
Leonie Rysanek, Gerhard Pechner, Carlotta Ordassy, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Erich Leinsdorf
Der Rosenkavalier, Op. 59 TrV 227, Act III: Leupold, wir gehn! (Live)
Irene Jessner, Emanuel List, Jarmila Novotna, Walter Olitzki, Nadine Conner, Thelma Votipka, Alessio De Paolis, Hertha Glaz, Lorenzo Alvary, Emery Darcy, Anthony Marlowe, Gerhard Pechner, Lodovico Oliviero, Thomas Hayward, Maxine Stellman, Mona Paulee, Thelma Altman, Lillian Raymondi, Edward Caton, Ludwig Burgstaller, The Metropolitan Opera Chorus, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & George Szell
Der Rosenkavalier, Op. 59 TrV 227, Act III: Da und da und da und da! (Live)
Irene Jessner, Emanuel List, Jarmila Novotna, Walter Olitzki, Nadine Conner, Thelma Votipka, Alessio De Paolis, Hertha Glaz, Lorenzo Alvary, Emery Darcy, Anthony Marlowe, Gerhard Pechner, Lodovico Oliviero, Thomas Hayward, Maxine Stellman, Mona Paulee, Thelma Altman, Lillian Raymondi, Edward Caton, Ludwig Burgstaller, The Metropolitan Opera Chorus, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & George Szell
Der Rosenkavalier, Op. 59 TrV 227, Act II: Mord! Mord! Mein Blut! (Live)
Irene Jessner, Emanuel List, Jarmila Novotna, Walter Olitzki, Nadine Conner, Thelma Votipka, Alessio De Paolis, Hertha Glaz, Lorenzo Alvary, Emery Darcy, Anthony Marlowe, Gerhard Pechner, Lodovico Oliviero, Thomas Hayward, Maxine Stellman, Mona Paulee, Thelma Altman, Lillian Raymondi, Edward Caton, Ludwig Burgstaller, The Metropolitan Opera Chorus, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & George Szell
Der Rosenkavalier, Op. 59 TrV 227, Act I: Als Morgengabe (Live)
Emanuel List, Gerhard Pechner, Thomas Hayward, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & George Szell
Der Rosenkavalier, Op. 59 TrV 227, Act I: Drei arme adelige Waisen (Live)
Irene Jessner, Emanuel List, Jarmila Novotna, Walter Olitzki, Nadine Conner, Thelma Votipka, Alessio De Paolis, Hertha Glaz, Lorenzo Alvary, Emery Darcy, Anthony Marlowe, Gerhard Pechner, Lodovico Oliviero, Thomas Hayward, Maxine Stellman, Mona Paulee, Thelma Altman, Lillian Raymondi, Edward Caton, Ludwig Burgstaller, The Metropolitan Opera Chorus, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & George Szell
La forza del destino, Act IV: Siete il portiere?… Invano Alvaro (Live)
Leonard Warren, Gerhard Pechner, New Orleans Opera House Association Orchestra & Walter Herbert
La forza del destino, Act IV: Auf! Pazienza non v'ha che basti!… Del mondo I disinganni (Live)
Gerhard Pechner, William Wildermann, New Orleans Opera House Association Orchestra & Walter Herbert
La forza del destino, Act IV: Fate, la carita (Live)
Gerhard Pechner, New Orleans Opera House Association Chorus, New Orleans Opera House Association Orchestra & Walter Herbert
La forza del destino, Act III: Toh! Poffare il mondo! (Live)
Gerhard Pechner, New Orleans Opera House Association Orchestra & Walter Herbert
La forza del destino, Act II: Chi siete (Live)
Zinka Milanov, Gerhard Pechner, New Orleans Opera House Association Orchestra & Walter Herbert
Macbeth, Act IV: Una macchia è qui tuttora
Leonie Rysanek, Gerhard Pechner, Carlotta Ordassy, Erich Leinsdorf & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Macbeth, Act IV: Vegliammo invan due notti
Carlotta Ordassy, Gerhard Pechner, Erich Leinsdorf & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
La Forza del Destino: Act IV: Giunge qualcun...aprite
Jerome Hines, Leonard Warren, Gerhard Pechner, Fritz Stiedry & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
La Forza del Destino: Act IV: Auf! Pazienza non v'ha che basti!
Gerhard Pechner, Jerome Hines, Fritz Stiedry & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
La Forza del Destino: Act IV: Fate la carità
Jerome Hines, Gerhard Pechner, Fritz Stiedry, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & The Metropolitan Opera Chorus
La Forza del Destino: Act III: Toh, toh! - Poffare il mondo!
Gerhard Pechner, Fritz Stiedry, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & The Metropolitan Opera Chorus
La Forza del Destino: Act II: La Vergine degli angeli
Gerhard Pechner, Jerome Hines, Zinka Milanov, Fritz Stiedry, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & The Metropolitan Opera Chorus
La Forza del Destino: Act II: Il santo nome di Dio Signore sia benedetto
Jerome Hines, Gerhard Pechner, Fritz Stiedry, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & The Metropolitan Opera Chorus
La Forza del Destino: Act II: Chi mi cerca? ... Più tranquilla l'alma sento dacchè premo questa terra
Jerome Hines, Zinka Milanov, Gerhard Pechner, Fritz Stiedry & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
La Forza del Destino: Act II: Chi siete?
Gerhard Pechner, Zinka Milanov, Fritz Stiedry & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 8: "Una macchia è qui tuttora…" (Lady, Medico, Dama)
Leonie Rysanek, Gerhard Pechner, Carlotta Ordassy, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Erich Leinsdorf
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 7: "Vegliammo invan due notti." (Medico, Dama)
Gerhard Pechner, Carlotta Ordassy, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Erich Leinsdorf
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 18: "Schiudi, inferno, la bocca ed inghiotti" (Tutti)
Leonard Warren, Jerome Hines, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, Leonie Rysanek, Carlotta Ordassy, Carlo Bergonzi, William Olvis, Gerhard Pechner, Harold Sternberg, Osie Hawkins & Calvin Marsh
Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 3: Vittoria!
The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Calvin Marsh, Carlo Bergonzi, Carlotta Ordassy, Emila Cundari, Gerhard Pechner, Harold Sternberg, Jerome Hines, Leonard Warren, Leonie Rysanek, Mildred Allen, Osie Hawkins & William Olvis
Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 2: Una macchia è qui tuttora
The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Carlotta Ordassy, Gerhard Pechner & Leonie Rysanek
Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 2: Vegliammo invan due notti
The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Carlotta Ordassy & Gerhard Pechner
Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 1: Dove siam? Che bosco è quello?
The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Carlo Bergonzi, Gerhard Pechner & William Olvis
Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 1: Giorno non vidi mai fiero e bello!
The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Calvin Marsh, Carlo Bergonzi, Carlotta Ordassy, Emila Cundari, Gerhard Pechner, Harold Sternberg, Jerome Hines, Leonard Warren, Leonie Rysanek, Mildred Allen, Osie Hawkins & William Olvis
Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 1: Che faceste? dite su!
The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, The Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Calvin Marsh, Carlo Bergonzi, Carlotta Ordassy, Emila Cundari, Gerhard Pechner, Harold Sternberg, Jerome Hines, Leonard Warren, Leonie Rysanek, Mildred Allen, Osie Hawkins & William Olvis
Die Meistersinger, Act III: Heimlich mir graut
Fritz Reiner, Gerhard Pechner, Mack Harrell, Algerd Brazis, Thomas Hayward, Osie Hawkins, Lorenzo Alvary, Paul Schöffler, Alessio De Paolis, Emery Darcy, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & The Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Die Meistersinger, Act III: Morgen ich leuchte im rosigen Schein
Gerhard Pechner, Lorenzo Alvary, Osie Hawkins, Mack Harrell, Algerd Brazis, Joseph Folmer, Emery Darcy, Thomas Hayward, Alessio De Paolis, Lawrence Davidson, Fritz Reiner, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & The Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Die Meistersinger, Act III: O Sachs, mein Freund!
Josef Greindl, Paul Schöffler, Gerhard Pechner, Mack Harrell, Fritz Reiner, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & The Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Die Meistersinger, Act III: Das Gedicht? Hier ließ ich's
Fritz Reiner, Paul Schöffler, Gerhard Pechner & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Die Meistersinger, Act III: Ein Werbelied! Von Sachs!
Gerhard Pechner, Paul Schöffler, Fritz Reiner & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Die Meistersinger, Act II: Seid ihr nun fertig?
Fritz Reiner, Paul Schöffler, Gerhard Pechner, Richard Holm, Mack Harrell, Algerd Brazis, Thomas Hayward, Osie Hawkins, Lorenzo Alvary, Alessio De Paolis, Hertha Glaz, Joseph Folmer, Emery Darcy, Lawrence Davidson, Josef Greindl, Hans Hopf, Clifford Harvuot, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & The Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Die Meistersinger, Act II: Den Tag seh' ich erscheinen
Gerhard Pechner, Paul Schöffler, Fritz Reiner & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Die Meistersinger, Act II: War das eu'r Lied?
Fritz Reiner, Paul Schöffler, Gerhard Pechner, Hans Hopf, Victoria de los Ángeles & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Die Meistersinger, Act II: Mich schmerzt das Lied, ich weiß nicht wie!
Fritz Reiner, Victoria de los Ángeles, Hans Hopf, Gerhard Pechner, Paul Schöffler & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Die Meistersinger, Act II: Jerum! Jerum! Hallahallohe!
Fritz Reiner, Paul Schöffler, Gerhard Pechner, Hans Hopf, Victoria de los Ángeles & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Die Meistersinger, Act II: Geliebter, spare den Zorn
Fritz Reiner, Victoria de los Ángeles, Hertha Glaz, Hans Hopf, Clifford Harvuot, Paul Schöffler, Gerhard Pechner & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Die Meistersinger, Act I: Ihr mahnt mich da gar recht
Paul Schöffler, Gerhard Pechner, Osie Hawkins, Joseph Folmer, Thomas Hayward, Algerd Brazis, Alessio De Paolis, Emery Darcy, Mack Harrell, Hans Hopf, Lawrence Davidson, Lorenzo Alvary, Fritz Reiner, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & The Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Die Meistersinger, Act I: Halt, Meister! Nicht so geeilt!
Paul Schöffler, Gerhard Pechner, Algerd Brazis, Mack Harrell, Josef Greindl, Fritz Reiner & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Die Meistersinger, Act I: Seid ihr nun fertig?
Gerhard Pechner, Hans Hopf, Josef Greindl, Lorenzo Alvary, Lawrence Davidson, Osie Hawkins, Algerd Brazis, Joseph Folmer, Thomas Hayward, Alessio De Paolis, Emery Darcy, Mack Harrell, Fritz Reiner & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Die Meistersinger, Act I: Was euch zum Liede Richt' und Schnur
Fritz Reiner, Mack Harrell, Hans Hopf, Gerhard Pechner & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Die Meistersinger, Act I: Nun, Meister! Wenn's gefällt
Fritz Reiner, Mack Harrell, Hans Hopf, Gerhard Pechner & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Die Meistersinger, Act I: Am stillen Herd in Winterszeit
Fritz Reiner, Hans Hopf, Paul Schöffler, Gerhard Pechner, Mack Harrell, Thomas Hayward & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Die Meistersinger, Act I: Wohl, Meister, zur Tagesordnung kehrt
Fritz Reiner, Josef Greindl, Gerhard Pechner, Lorenzo Alvary, Lawrence Davidson, Joseph Folmer, Emery Darcy, Mack Harrell, Osie Hawkins, Thomas Hayward, Algerd Brazis, Alessio De Paolis, Paul Schöffler & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Die Meistersinger, Act I: Verzeiht, vielleicht schon ginget ihr zu weit
Fritz Reiner, Paul Schöffler, Thomas Hayward, Algerd Brazis, Joseph Folmer, Emery Darcy, Mack Harrell, Lorenzo Alvary, Lawrence Davidson, Alessio De Paolis, Gerhard Pechner, Osie Hawkins, Josef Greindl & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Die Meistersinger, Act I: Das heißt ein Wort
Fritz Reiner, Paul Schöffler, Osie Hawkins, Lorenzo Alvary, Lawrence Davidson, Thomas Hayward, Alessio De Paolis, Joseph Folmer, Emery Darcy, Mack Harrell, Algerd Brazis, Gerhard Pechner, Josef Greindl, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & The Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Die Meistersinger, Act I: Beliebt's, wir schreiten zur Merkerwahl?
Fritz Reiner, Mack Harrell, Thomas Hayward, Gerhard Pechner, Josef Greindl & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Die Meistersinger, Act I: Gott grüß euch, Meister!
Fritz Reiner, Paul Schöffler, Thomas Hayward, Gerhard Pechner, Algerd Brazis, Mack Harrell, Josef Greindl, Osie Hawkins, Alessio De Paolis, Joseph Folmer, Richard Holm, Emery Darcy, Lorenzo Alvary, Lawrence Davidson & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Die Meistersinger, Act I: Seid meiner Treue wohl versehen
Fritz Reiner, Josef Greindl, Gerhard Pechner, Hans Hopf & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Der Lindberghflug (1929)
Hermann Scherchen, Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra Chorus, Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, Betty Mergler, Fritz Düttbernd, Erik Wirl, Gerhard Pechner & Ernst Ginsberg
Louise, IGC 13, Act II: "Ah! la musique!" (Toutes)
George Cehanovsky, Walter Cassel, Wilfred Engelman, Ezio Pinza, Gerhard Pechner, John Gurney, Lorenzo Alvary, Louis D'Angelo, Sir Thomas Beecham, Anna Kaskas, Doris Doe, Helen Olheim, Irra Petina, Lucielle Browning, Mary Van Kirk, Maxine Stellman, Thelma Votipka, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Annamary Dickey, Grace Moore, Lillian Raymondi, Mara Savage, Alessio De Paolis, Emery Darcy, John Dudley, John Garris, Lodovico Oliviero, Raoul Jobin & Tony D'Addozio
Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville): Act II: Finaletto Il: Di si felice innesto serbiam memoria eterna? (Figaro, Rosina, Chorus)
Giuseppe di Stefano, Cesare Siepi, Renato Cellini, Palacio de Bellas Artes Chorus, Palacio de Bellas Artes Orchestra, Enzo Mascherini, Giulietta Simionato, Francesco Tortolero, Concha de los Santos & Gerhard Pechner
Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville): Act II: Recitativo: Ah disgraziati noi! (Figaro, Conte d'Almaviva, Rosina, Basilio, Official)
Giuseppe di Stefano, Giulietta Simionato, Cesare Siepi, Renato Cellini, Palacio de Bellas Artes Chorus, Palacio de Bellas Artes Orchestra, Gerhard Pechner, Concha de los Santos, Francesco Tortolero & Enzo Mascherini
Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville): Act I: Terzetto: Ah! qual colpo inaspettato! (Rosina, Figaro, Conte d'Almaviva)
Giulietta Simionato, Francesco Tortolero, Enzo Mascherini, Cesare Siepi, Palacio de Bellas Artes Orchestra, Giuseppe di Stefano, Renato Cellini, Palacio de Bellas Artes Chorus, Gerhard Pechner & Concha de los Santos
Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville): Act II: Recitativo: Alfine, eccoci qua (Figaro, Conte d'Almaviva, Rosina)
Giuseppe di Stefano, Giulietta Simionato, Cesare Siepi, Palacio de Bellas Artes Orchestra, Francesco Tortolero, Gerhard Pechner, Concha de los Santos, Renato Cellini, Palacio de Bellas Artes Chorus & Enzo Mascherini
Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville): Act II: Temporale
Cesare Siepi, Palacio de Bellas Artes Orchestra, Francesco Tortolero, Gerhard Pechner, Giuseppe di Stefano, Giulietta Simionato, Renato Cellini, Palacio de Bellas Artes Chorus, Concha de los Santos & Enzo Mascherini
Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville): Act II: Seguito del Quintetto: Stringi, bravissimo (Bartolo, Conte d'Almaviva, Rosina)
Renato Cellini, Palacio de Bellas Artes Chorus, Francesco Tortolero, Concha de los Santos, Giuseppe di Stefano, Cesare Siepi, Palacio de Bellas Artes Orchestra, Gerhard Pechner, Enzo Mascherini & Giulietta Simionato
Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville): Act II: Seguito del Quintetto: Buona sera, mio signore (Basilio, Figaro)
Giulietta Simionato, Cesare Siepi, Palacio de Bellas Artes Orchestra, Francesco Tortolero, Gerhard Pechner, Renato Cellini, Giuseppe di Stefano, Enzo Mascherini, Palacio de Bellas Artes Chorus & Concha de los Santos
Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville): Act II: Quintetto: Don Basilio! (Rosina, Conte d'Almaviva, Figaro, Basilio, Bartolo)
Giulietta Simionato, Renato Cellini, Palacio de Bellas Artes Chorus, Francesco Tortolero, Concha de los Santos, Giuseppe di Stefano, Cesare Siepi, Palacio de Bellas Artes Orchestra, Gerhard Pechner & Enzo Mascherini
Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville): Act II: Recitativo: Bravo, signor barbiere (Bartolo, Figaro, Rosina, Conte d'Almaviva)
Cesare Siepi, Renato Cellini, Palacio de Bellas Artes Chorus, Palacio de Bellas Artes Orchestra, Gerhard Pechner, Concha de los Santos, Giuseppe di Stefano, Francesco Tortolero, Enzo Mascherini & Giulietta Simionato
Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville): Act II: Aria: Contro un cor che accende amore (Rosina, Conte d'Almaviva)
Giuseppe di Stefano, Enzo Mascherini, Giulietta Simionato, Cesare Siepi, Palacio de Bellas Artes Orchestra, Renato Cellini, Francesco Tortolero, Gerhard Pechner, Palacio de Bellas Artes Chorus & Concha de los Santos
Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville): Act II: Recitativo: Insomma, mio signore (Bartolo, Conte d'Almaviva)
Giuseppe di Stefano, Renato Cellini, Palacio de Bellas Artes Chorus, Cesare Siepi, Palacio de Bellas Artes Orchestra, Gerhard Pechner, Enzo Mascherini, Concha de los Santos, Giulietta Simionato & Francesco Tortolero
Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville): Act II: Recitativo: Ma vedi mio destino! (Bartolo)
Giulietta Simionato, Francesco Tortolero, Gerhard Pechner, Enzo Mascherini, Cesare Siepi, Renato Cellini, Palacio de Bellas Artes Chorus, Palacio de Bellas Artes Orchestra, Concha de los Santos & Giuseppe di Stefano
Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville): Act I: Stretta del Finale I: Ma, signor … (Bartolo, Chorus)
Giuseppe di Stefano, Giulietta Simionato, Francesco Tortolero, Cesare Siepi, Palacio de Bellas Artes Orchestra, Renato Cellini, Gerhard Pechner, Enzo Mascherini, Palacio de Bellas Artes Chorus & Concha de los Santos
Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville): Act I: Seguito del Finale I: Alto la (Figaro)
Giuseppe di Stefano, Giulietta Simionato, Cesare Siepi, Palacio de Bellas Artes Orchestra, Francesco Tortolero, Gerhard Pechner, Enzo Mascherini, Concha de los Santos, Renato Cellini & Palacio de Bellas Artes Chorus
Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville): Act I: Finale I: Ehi, di casa! … buona gente! (Conte d'Almaviva, Bartolo, Rosina, Berta)
Cesare Siepi, Palacio de Bellas Artes Orchestra, Gerhard Pechner, Giuseppe di Stefano, Giulietta Simionato, Renato Cellini, Palacio de Bellas Artes Chorus, Enzo Mascherini, Concha de los Santos & Francesco Tortolero
Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville): Act I: Aria: A un dottor della mia sorte (Bartolo)
Giulietta Simionato, Enzo Mascherini, Concha de los Santos, Renato Cellini, Palacio de Bellas Artes Chorus, Giuseppe di Stefano, Cesare Siepi, Palacio de Bellas Artes Orchestra, Francesco Tortolero & Gerhard Pechner