Donald George Song List
Hoogmis 'Messer Solennelle': III. Credo
BRTN Philharmonic Choir, BRTN Philharmonic Orchestra, Donald George & Alexander Rahbari
Alzire, Act I: Finale
Jan-Hendrick Rootering, Renato Bruson, Donald George, Francisco Araiza, Daniel Bonilla, Ileana Cotrubas, Sofia Lis, Alexandru Ionita, Bavarian Radio Chorus, Munich Radio Orchestra & Lamberto Gardelli
Leaving "A Famine Victim's Cry of Desolation" (Song of Remembrance)
Donald George, Lee Blair, Cynthia Babin Anderson, Mikylah Myers McTeer, Timothy Tan, Andrea Priester Houde, William Skidmore, Sora Lee, West Virginia Studio Choir & Jeffry Blake Johnson
The Night of the Star, Op. 52: No. 4, When Christ Was Born
Heather Eyerly, Donald George, The Crane Chorus & Laura Toland
The Night of the Star, Op. 52: No. 3, St. Joseph's Vigil
Donald George, The Crane Chorus, Laura Toland & Heather Eyerly
The Night of the Star, Op. 52: No. 2, The Vision of Mary
Donald George, The Crane Chorus, Laura Toland & Heather Eyerly
The Night of the Star, Op. 52: No. 1, The Star of Bethlehem
Donald George, The Crane Chorus, Laura Toland & Heather Eyerly
La principessa d'Amalfi: In qual barbaro cimento (In dieser harten prufung) [arr. for voice and fortepiano]
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
La principessa d'Amalfi: Forse Abbastanza (Der leiden fulle) [arr. for voice and fortepiano]
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
Nina, o sia La pazza per amore: Ah, di Nina il core (Ach, Ninas herz) [arr. for voice and fortepiano]
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
La clemenza di Tito, K. 621: Schweigt, genug, O Quiriten! (Enough, Silence, O Quirites!) [arr. for voice and fortepiano]
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
La vestale: Schwort mir rache und verderben (Swear Revenge and Ruin) [arr. for voice and fortepiano]
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
Die Jugend Peter des Grossen: Heil mir! Ich werde liebe finden (Oh, Joy! I will Find Love) [arr. for voice and fortepiano]
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
Die Schweizerfamilie: Vom weit entfernten Schweizerland (From the Distant Swiss Homeland) [arr. for voice and fortepiano]
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
Die Schweizerfamilie: Wenn Sie mich nur von weitem sieht (Even if She Sees Me from afar) [arr. for voice and fortepiano]
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
Das Waisenhaus: Was kummert mich des fremden gold? (What Care I for Strangers' Gold?) [arr. for voice and fortepiano]
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
Das Waisenhaus: Die nacht entflieht (The Night Flees) [arr. for voice and fortepiano]
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
Daniel in der Lowengrube, oder Baals Sturz: Ach, auch konige sind menschen (Ah, Kings Are People, too) [arr. for voice and fortepiano]
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
Ostade oder Adrian von Ostad: Nach dem Glanze, nach dem Scheine (It's the Glitter, the Appearance) [arr. for voice and fortepiano]
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
L'amor marinaro ossia Il corsaro: Pria ch'io l'impegno magistral prenda (arr. for voice and fortepiano)
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
Blume und Weissblume (Flower and White Flower): Arie des Rekared [Aria of Rekared]
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
More Nonsense Rhymes and Pictures, Op. 43: There was an old man of Dumbree
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
More Nonsense Rhymes and Pictures, Op. 43: No. 6. There was a young lady whose eyes
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
More Nonsense Rhymes and Pictures, Op. 43: No. 8. There was a young lady in white
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
More Nonsense Rhymes and Pictures, Op. 43: No. 3. There was a young lady in blue
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
More Nonsense Rhymes and Pictures, Op. 43: There was an old lady of France
Donald George & Lucy Mauro
More Nonsense Rhymes and Pictures, Op. 43: There was an old person of Cassel
Donald George & Lucy Mauro