Julian Boyce Song List
Act Two, Scene Three - Nothing to Worry About…
Simon Crosby Buttle, Rosie Hay, Julian Boyce & Helen Jarmany
I Suddenly Felt a Draught
Rosie Hay, Simon Crosby Buttle, Julian Boyce, Stella Woodman & Helen Jarmany
Leave It Where It Is
Helen Greenaway, Stella Woodman, Helen Jarmany, Julian Boyce, Rosie Hay & Simon Crosby Buttle
Is There Anyone There?
Helen Greenaway, Stella Woodman, Julian Boyce, Simon Crosby Buttle & Rosie Hay
This Is the Moment I Always Hate
Helen Greenaway, Simon Crosby Buttle, Rosie Hay, Julian Boyce & Stella Woodman
Scene Two - My Control Was Quite Scared the Other Day
Helen Greenaway, Stella Woodman, Rosie Hay, Julian Boyce & Simon Crosby Buttle
Used Elvira to Be a Help to You...
Rosie Hay, Julian Boyce, Emma Mary Llewellyn, Simon Crosby Buttle, Stella Woodman & Helen Greenaway
I Would Not Seek the Burning Domes and Sands
Angharad Morgan, Simon Crosby Buttle, Julian Boyce & Volante Demo Chorus
Shall Mortal Man Step Living Upon the Undying Realm
Julian Boyce, Martin Lloyd, George Newton-Fitzgerald, Simon Crosby Buttle & Sophie Yelland
Scene Four: For I Love You, Gwindor, and I Am Ashamed That I Love You Not More
Emma Mary Llewellyn, Simon Crosby Buttle, Julian Boyce & Volante Demo Chorus
Scene Four: Daughter of the King, Let No Grief Lie Between Us
Emma Mary Llewellyn, Julian Boyce & Volante Demo Orchestra
Scene Four: Gwindor, Dear Friend, You Are Falling Back into Sadness
Julian Boyce, Simon Crosby Buttle, Volante Demo Chorus & Volante Demo Orchestra
Scene Four: Thus Did Túrin Come to Nargothrond
Julian Boyce, Simon Crosby Buttle, Volante Demo Chorus & Volante Demo Orchestra
Scene Three: So Beleg Departed from Doriath
Julian Boyce, Philip Lloyd-Evans, Volante Demo Chorus & Volante Demo Orchestra
Third Triptych: IV. Scene Nine "Ilu Ilúvatar"
Anitra Blaxhall, Volante Demo Chorus, George Newton-Fitzgerald, Julian Boyce, Stephen Wells, Philip Lloyd-Evans & Simon Crosby Buttle
Second Triptych: IX. Scene Six "This Is Strange in You, Voronwë"
Philip Lloyd-Evans, Julian Boyce & Simon Crosby Buttle
Second Triptych: VIII. Scene Five "Fell Is This Frost"
Simon Crosby Buttle, Julian Boyce & Philip Lloyd-Evans