Scott Henderson Song List
Now and Then (feat. Jay Beckenstein, Scott Henderson, Mitch Forman & Melvin Lee Davis)
Sandeep Chowta
27. (Scott Henderson's Version) [feat. Simon Phillips, Jimmy Johnson & Carl Verheyen]
Ramin Partovi & Scott Henderson
New Word (feat. Adam Rogers, Nate Smith, Scott Henderson, Ademir Junior, Chris Potter, Seamus Blake, John Patitucci & John Escreet)
Geraldo Henrique Bulhões
Radioactive (feat. John Patitucci, Chris Potter, Seamus Blake, Adam Rogers, John Escreet, Nate Smith, Scott Henderson & Ademir Junior)
Geraldo Henrique Bulhões
Metamorfosis (feat. Adam Rogers, John Patitucci, John Escreet, Nate Smith, Chris Potter, Seamus Blake, Scott Henderson & Ademir Junior)
Geraldo Henrique Bulhões
Pensando em Você (Thinking of You) [feat. Chris Potter, Seamus Blake, Adam Rogers, John Patitucci, John Escreet, Nate Smith, Scott Henderson & Ademir Junior]
Geraldo Henrique Bulhões
Ufo (feat. Seamus Blake, Adam Rogers, John Patitucci, John Escreet, Nate Smith, Scott Henderson, Ademir Junior & Chris Potter)
Geraldo Henrique Bulhões
Tempo Bom Céu Aberto (feat. Chris Potter, Seamus Blake, John Escreet, Ademir Junior, Adam Rogers, Nate Smith, Scott Henderson & John Patitucci)
Geraldo Henrique Bulhões
Melhor de 8 (feat. John Escreet, Scott Henderson, Ademir Junior, Nate Smith, Chris Potter, Seamus Blake, Adam Rogers & John Patitucci)
Geraldo Henrique Bulhões