David Stout Song List
Das Rheingold, WWV 86A, Scene 4: "Schwüles Gedünst schwebt in der Luft"
Hallé, Sir Mark Elder, David Stout & David Butt Philip
Das Rheingold, WWV 86A, Scene 4: "Hört, ihr Riesen! Zurück, und harret!"
Hallé, Sir Mark Elder, Iain Paterson, Emma Bell & David Stout
Das Rheingold, WWV 86A, Scene 4: "So sind wir den fertig!"
Hallé, Sir Mark Elder, Iain Paterson, Susan Bickley, Emma Bell, Reinhard Hagen, Clive Bayley, David Stout, David Butt Philip & Will Hartmann
Das Rheingold, WWV 86A, Scene 4: "Lieblichste Schwester süsseste Lust!"
Hallé, Sir Mark Elder, Iain Paterson, Susan Bickley, Reinhard Hagen, Clive Bayley, David Stout, David Butt Philip & Will Hartmann
Das Rheingold, WWV 86A, Scene 4: "Lauschtest du seinem Liebesgruss?"
Hallé, Sir Mark Elder, Iain Paterson, Susan Bickley, David Stout, David Butt Philip & Will Hartmann
Das Rheingold, WWV 86A, Scene 2: "Wotan, Gemahl, unsel’ ger Mann!"
Hallé, Sir Mark Elder, Iain Paterson, Susan Bickley, David Stout, David Butt Philip & Will Hartmann
Das Rheingold, WWV 86A, Scene 2: "Über Stock und Stein zu Thal stapfen sie hin"
Hallé, Sir Mark Elder, Susan Bickley, David Stout, David Butt Philip & Will Hartmann
Das Rheingold, WWV 86A, Scene 2: "Hör’ Wotan, der Harrenden Wort!"
Hallé, Sir Mark Elder, Iain Paterson, Emma Bell, Reinhard Hagen, Clive Bayley, David Stout & David Butt Philip
Das Rheingold, WWV 86A, Scene 2: "Dir’s zu melden gelobt’ ich den Mädchen"
Hallé, Sir Mark Elder, Iain Paterson, Susan Bickley, Reinhard Hagen, Clive Bayley, David Stout, David Butt Philip & Will Hartmann
Das Rheingold, WWV 86A, Scene 2: "Endlich Loge!"
Hallé, Sir Mark Elder, Iain Paterson, Susan Bickley, Reinhard Hagen, Clive Bayley, David Stout, David Butt Philip & Will Hartmann
Das Rheingold, WWV 86A, Scene 2: "Sanft schloss Schlaf dein Aug’"
Hallé, Sir Mark Elder, Iain Paterson, Susan Bickley, Emma Bell, Clive Bayley, David Stout, David Butt Philip & Reinhard Hagen
Requiem: VII. Benedictus
Ilona Domnich, Jennifer Johnston, Nicky Spence, David Stout, Cantoribus, Rosenau Sinfonia, Ian Tindale & Timothy Hamilton
Jane Eyre, Op. 134, Act II: To Put My Arms About the One (Live)
April Fredrick, David Stout, English Symphony Orchestra & Kenneth Woods
Jane Eyre, Op. 134, Act II: They Said I'd Find Him Here (Live)
April Fredrick, David Stout, English Symphony Orchestra & Kenneth Woods
Jane Eyre, Op. 134, Act II: Leave Me John (Live)
David Stout, Alan Fairs, English Symphony Orchestra & Kenneth Woods
Jane Eyre, Op. 134, Act II: Jane, Can You Spare Me a Moment? (Live)
Mark Milhofer, April Fredrick, David Stout, English Symphony Orchestra & Kenneth Woods
Jane Eyre, Op. 134, Act II: Bigamy! Bigamy! (Live)
David Stout, Mark Milhofer, April Fredrick, English Symphony Orchestra, Kenneth Woods, Clare McCaldin, Lorraine Payne, Alan Fairs, Joseph Bolger, Andrew Randall & Andrew Mayor
Jane Eyre, Op. 134, Act II: That She Yet Lives (Live)
David Stout, Andrew Mayor, Mark Milhofer, April Fredrick, Alan Fairs, English Symphony Orchestra & Kenneth Woods
Jane Eyre, Op. 134, Act II: Dearly Beloved, We Are Gathered (Live)
Alan Fairs, Andrew Mayor, David Stout, Lorraine Payne, Clare McCaldin, Joseph Bolger, Andrew Randall, English Symphony Orchestra & Kenneth Woods
Jane Eyre, Op. 134, Act I: My Love, Lay Your Head (Live)
April Fredrick, David Stout, English Symphony Orchestra & Kenneth Woods
Jane Eyre, Op. 134, Act I: Listen! The Nightingale (Live)
David Stout, April Fredrick, English Symphony Orchestra & Kenneth Woods
Jane Eyre, Op. 134, Act I: Now the Shadows Close About Me (Live)
David Stout, English Symphony Orchestra & Kenneth Woods
Jane Eyre, Op. 134, Act I: He's Gone! Be Still He Said (Live)
April Fredrick, David Stout, English Symphony Orchestra & Kenneth Woods
Jane Eyre, Op. 134, Act I: What's That? Who's There? (Live)
April Fredrick, David Stout, English Symphony Orchestra & Kenneth Woods
Le duc d'Albe, Act 2: "O ciel, O surprise" (Hélène d'Egmont, Henri de Bruges, Sandoval, Chorus)
David Stout, Opera Rara Chorus, Sir Mark Elder, Hallé, Angela Meade & Michael Spyres
Le duc d'Albe, Act 2: "Oui, bravons le tyran" (Henri de Bruges, Sandoval)
David Stout, Sir Mark Elder, Hallé & Michael Spyres
Le duc d'Albe, Act 2: "Maître Daniel est seul" (Sandoval, Daniel Brauer)
David Stout, Gianluca Buratto, Sir Mark Elder & Hallé
Le duc d'Albe, Act 2: "Ciel!" (Henri de Bruges, Daniel Brauer, Sandoval, Chorus)
David Stout, Gianluca Buratto, Opera Rara Chorus, Sir Mark Elder, Hallé & Michael Spyres
Le duc d'Albe, Act 1: "Non, non, point de grâce" (Henri de Bruges, Le duc d'Albe, Sandoval)
David Stout, Laurent Naouri, Sir Mark Elder, Hallé & Michael Spyres
Le duc d'Albe, Act 1: "C'est donc ici! Daniel" (Hélène d'Egmont, Sandoval, Daniel Brauer, Chorus)
David Stout, Gianluca Buratto, Opera Rara Chorus, Sir Mark Elder, Hallé & Angela Meade
Le duc d'Albe, Act 1: "Voyez donc cette belle" (Sandoval, Daniel Brauer)
David Stout, Gianluca Buratto, Sir Mark Elder & Hallé
Le duc d'Albe, Act 1: "Par Saint-Jacques, messieurs" (Sandoval, Carlos, Un Tavernier, Il cancelliere del castello)
David Stout, Dawid Kimberg, Opera Rara Chorus, Sir Mark Elder, Hallé & Trystan Llŷr Griffiths
Zazà, Act 1: "Su Zazà!" (Zaza, Cascart, Bussy)
David Stout, Stephen Gaertner, Maurizio Benini, BBC Symphony Orchestra & Ermonela Jaho
Zazà, Act 1: "Ma bravi! Che delizia!" (Zaza, Cascart, Bussy, Courtois)
David Stout, Stephen Gaertner, Maurizio Benini, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Ermonela Jaho & Nicky Spence
Zazà, Act 1: "Allor tutto va bene!" (Milio, Bussy, Courtois)
David Stout, Maurizio Benini, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Nicky Spence & Riccardo Massi
Zazà, Act 1: "Dufresne, contarvene voglio una bella" (Milio, Bussy)
David Stout, Maurizio Benini, BBC Symphony Orchestra & Riccardo Massi
Zazà, Act 1: "Un uomo sol restavaci" (Zaza, Cascart, Bussy, Floriana)
David Stout, Stephen Gaertner, Maurizio Benini, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Ermonela Jaho & Fflur Wyn
Zazà, Act 1: "Ebben, Zazà?" (Zaza, Milio, Cascart, Bussy, Courtois, Duclou)
David Stout, Simon Thorpe, Stephen Gaertner, Maurizio Benini, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Ermonela Jaho, Nicky Spence & Riccardo Massi
Zazà, Act 1: "Ah! Ah! Ahi, la, la!" (Zaza, Milio, Cascart, Bussy, Courtois, Duclou)
David Stout, Simon Thorpe, Stephen Gaertner, Maurizio Benini, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Ermonela Jaho, Nicky Spence & Riccardo Massi
Zazà, Act 1: "Salute, ragazzi" (Zaza, Cascart, Bussy, Duclou)
David Stout, Simon Thorpe, Stephen Gaertner, Maurizio Benini, BBC Symphony Orchestra & Ermonela Jaho
Zazà, Act 1: "Brava! Brava!" (Bussy, Courtois, Floriana, Duclou)
David Stout, Simon Thorpe, Maurizio Benini, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Fflur Wyn & Nicky Spence
Le duc d'Albe, Act 1: "Espagne! Espagne! Espagne!" (Sandoval, Carlos, Il cancelliere del castello)
David Stout, Opera Rara Chorus, Sir Mark Elder, Hallé & Trystan Llŷr Griffiths
The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. II: Achieved Is the Glorious Work - On Thee Each Living Soul (Chorus, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael)
Philipp von Steinaecker, Ida Falk Winland, Andrew Staples, David Stout, Robert Davies & Musica Saeculorum
The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. II: And God Saw Ev'rything That he Had Made (Raphael)
Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout & Musica Saeculorum
The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. II: Now Heav'n in Fullest Glory Shone (Raphael)
Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout & Musica Saeculorum
The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. II: Straight Opening her Fertile Womb (Raphael)
Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout & Musica Saeculorum
The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. II: And God Said, Let the Earth Bring Forth the Living Creature (Raphael)
Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout & Musica Saeculorum
The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. II: Most Beautiful Appear - The Lord Is Great (Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Chorus)
Philipp von Steinaecker, Ida Falk Winland, Andrew Staples, David Stout & Musica Saeculorum
The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. II: And the Angels Struck Their Immortal Harps (Raphael)
Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout & Musica Saeculorum
The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. II: And God Created Great Whales (Raphael)
Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout & Musica Saeculorum
The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. I: The Heavens Are Telling the Glory of God (Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Chorus)
Ida Falk Winland, Andrew Staples, David Stout, Musica Saeculorum & Philipp von Steinaecker
The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. I: Rolling in Foaming Billows (Raphael)
Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout & Musica Saeculorum
The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. I: And God Said, Let the Waters Under the Heaven (Raphael)
Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout & Musica Saeculorum
The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. I: And God Made the Firmament (Raphael)
Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout & Musica Saeculorum
The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. I: in the Beginning God Created Heaven and Earth (Raphael, Uriel, Chorus)
Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout, Andrew Staples & Musica Saeculorum
The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. I: The Representation of Chaos (Raphael, Uriel, Chorus)
Philipp von Steinaecker, David Stout, Andrew Staples & Musica Saeculorum
The Beauty Stone, Act III, Scene 2: Finale. Hail to the lord of our land! (Guntran, Joan, Laine, Simon, Jacqueline, Philip, Devil, Chorus)
Rory Macdonald, BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Toby Spence, David Stout, Stephen Gadd, Catherine Wyn-Rogers, Elin Manahan Thomas & Alan Opie
The Beauty Stone, Act II, Scene 3: Finale. There he stands, that lord ye knew (Guntran, Philip, Chorus)
Rory Macdonald, BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Toby Spence, David Stout, BBC National Chorus of Wales & Adrian Partington
The Beauty Stone, Act II, Scene 1: Lords of Sirault, Velaines, and St Sauveur (Guntran, Three Lords, Philip, Chorus)
Rory Macdonald, BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Toby Spence, David Stout, BBC National Chorus of Wales & Adrian Partington
The Beauty Stone, Act II, Scene 1: I'll tell them what thou wast when first I knew thee (Guntran)
Rory Macdonald, BBC National Orchestra of Wales & David Stout
The Beauty Stone, Act I, Scene 2: Finale. in vain ye plead, some magic spell enthralls him! (Saida, Guntran, Devil, Joan, Simon, Philip, Chorus)
Rory Macdonald, BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Toby Spence, Rebecca Evans, Alan Opie, David Stout, Stephen Gadd & Catherine Wyn-Rogers
My beloved spake, Z. 28
Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, Cambridge, Andrew Nethsingha, James Gilchrist, Neal Davies, Iestyn Davies, David Stout & John Challenger
Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen: No. 4, Die zwei blauen Augen (Songs of a Wayfarer) [Arr. A. Schoenberg]
David Stout, Orchestra of the Swan & Kenneth Woods
Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen: No. 3, Ich hab' ein glühend Messer (Songs of a Wayfarer) [Arr. A. Schoenberg]
David Stout, Orchestra of the Swan & Kenneth Woods
Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen: No. 2, Ging heut' morgen übers Feld (Songs of a Wayfarer) [Arr. A. Schoenberg]
David Stout, Orchestra of the Swan & Kenneth Woods
Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen: No. 1, Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht (Songs of a Wayfarer) [Arr. A. Schoenberg]
David Stout, Orchestra of the Swan & Kenneth Woods
The Sixth Day: Chorus (II)
Oxford Philomusica, Choir of New College Oxford, Edward Higginbottom, Mhari Lawson, Rufus Müller & David Stout
The Sixth Day: Recitative (Uriel)
Oxford Philomusica, Choir of New College Oxford, Edward Higginbottom, Mhari Lawson, Rufus Müller & David Stout
The Sixth Day: Duet (Adam, Eve)
Oxford Philomusica, Choir of New College Oxford, Edward Higginbottom, Mhari Lawson, Rufus Müller & David Stout
The Sixth Day: Recitative (Adam, Eve)
Oxford Philomusica, Choir of New College Oxford, Edward Higginbottom, Mhari Lawson, Rufus Müller & David Stout
The Sixth Day: Duet and Chorus (Eve, Adam)
Oxford Philomusica, Choir of New College Oxford, Edward Higginbottom, Mhari Lawson, Rufus Müller & David Stout
The Sixth Day: Accompanied Recitative (Uriel)
Oxford Philomusica, Choir of New College Oxford, Edward Higginbottom, Mhari Lawson, Rufus Müller & David Stout
The Sixth Day: Chorus; Part Three
Oxford Philomusica, Choir of New College Oxford, Edward Higginbottom, Mhari Lawson, Rufus Müller & David Stout
The Sixth Day: Trio (Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael)
Oxford Philomusica, Choir of New College Oxford, Edward Higginbottom, Mhari Lawson, Rufus Müller & David Stout
The Sixth Day: Chorus (I)
Oxford Philomusica, Choir of New College Oxford, Edward Higginbottom, Mhari Lawson, Rufus Müller & David Stout
The Sixth Day: Recitative (Uriel)
Oxford Philomusica, Choir of New College Oxford, Edward Higginbottom, Mhari Lawson, Rufus Müller & David Stout
The Sixth Day: Air (Raphael)
Oxford Philomusica, Choir of New College Oxford, Edward Higginbottom, Mhari Lawson, Rufus Müller & David Stout